Charmed Season 2 Soundtrack
Charmed Season 2 Soundtrack
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S2:EP1 Safe Space
Mel freezes the party, then Maggie and Macy convince her to take a break and have a drink.
Maggie goes to the Safe Space gym to looking for a first aid kit.
Maggie and Macy refuse Mel's suggest they walk away from being witches; Harry shows the sisters their cloaked home.
Ep 202 'Things to Do in Seattle When You're Dead' promo.
S2:EP2 Things to Do in Seattle When You're Dead
Macy turns on the car stereo in an attempt to fill the awkwardness between herself and Harry.
Macy vows to save Layla after the assassin's latest victim dies; Mel argues against Maggie wanting to go to their father's funeral; Jordan finds Maggie taking out her frustration on a punching bag.
Macy enters the demon club looking for Layla.
Maggie returns Jordan's first aid kit; Macy writes down the names of the witches they've lost to the assassin.
S2:EP3 Careful What You Witch For
Maggie passes out cupcakes at SafeSpace when Swan informs that someone has been stealing office supplies and key badges; Mel search through the tome for answers when the computer notifies her of danger with Macy and Harry.
Mel and Harry manage to reach to Astral Plane where they find a Sentinel.
Maggie has her interview for Assistant Manger; (continues) After spelling Zack, Maggie's interview begins to have an upswing.
S2:EP4 Deconstructing Harry
(Flashback) Abigael surveys a subdued couple when she's attacked by the Assassin.
Maggie suggests to Jordan that they pitch his gym as a 'wellness program' for Safe Seattle.
Maggie and Jordan discuss their pasts as Maggie continues to attempt try to get another vision from Jordan.
Jordan leaves Maggie a message asking why she's late for their meeting with the board.
Jordan tells Maggie that he made the pitch without her and that the board loved it, she then offers to buy him a drink but he turns her down; Mel asks Maggie if she feels something for Jordan; Mel and Maggie ask Harry where Macy is only to discover that she's been taken by his Darklighter self.
S2:EP5 The Truth About Kat And Dogs
In Harry's subconscious he sees a vision (memory) of himself and his grandmother.
Still in his subconscious, Harry, sees his father smoking a pipe.
S2:EP6 When Sparks Fly
Macy awakens and goes downstairs to find Harry washing the dishes.
Dark Harry goes to get dinner for Macy as she discovers the door is locked.
Darklighter Harry and Macy dance together until Macy manages to break away but suggesting she change her outfit.
Maggie, Mel and Harry arrive at SafeSpace's Karaoke Night to find Jordan.
Maggie and Jordan sing a duet as Maggie attempts to try to summon a vision using Jordan.
Mel and Harry enter Schmitty's Bar.
The poker game starts as Mel takes the rest of her cloaking potion.
Maggie runs away from Jordan; Harry continues with the poker game: (continues) Harry wins the game but Mel is reveal to be helping him which causes a fight between him and the demons.
Macy continues to dance with Dark Harry while getting close enough to get the talisman blocking her powers.
Harry checks in on Macy and apologizes to her for the ordeal with Darker Harry; Darklighter Harry reawakens.
S2:EP7 Past Is Present
The day begins at SafeSpace; Mel finds Katrina's shop closed; Maggie and Jordan train together when Jordan asks her about her freak out over his ring; (continues) Jordan finds his dry off rag gone.
Maggie asks Swan about Cat's absence.
Abigael makes out with two women when Harry and the sisters orb in.
Jordan gives Macy some boxing tips, then she asks if they can spar.
Maggie thanks Parker for saving Abegail, he thanks her for saving him; the two kiss before heading back to his room.
S2:EP8 The Rules of Engagement
Harry and Macy discuss their blindspots for people they care about; Abigail joins them and announces there will be an assassination attempt on the bride and groom.
The wedding ceremony begins; Macy tells Harry that she can sense Maggie has changed her mind; Harry gives Abegail a warning.
Mel and Macy console Maggie over what happened with Parker; Harry thanks Abegail for her help, then she kisses him; Macy sees the kiss.
Parker tells Abegail he'll make her pay for her actions; Abegail announces to the Demons that she's their new Overlord.
S2:EP9 Guess Who's Coming to SafeSpace Seattle
Jordan tests Maggie's defensive skills on the street, while she works on using her predictive powers.
Jordan asks Lola about restraining orders, then she complains about how Maggie has brought danger into his life; Macy discovers that Julian Shea, the company's new investor, was the guy asking questions on the tour.
Over dinner, Macy and Julian discuss Ada Lovelace and his plan for an underground garden.
Maggie stares at the stars outside as she reminisces about her father; Julian asks Macy why she gave up her career in genetics.
Ray returns to the house; Maggie realizes her powers can be triggered with personal objects; Macy asks Harry if he thinks it's a good thing Ray is back in their lives; Jordan notices that Maggie catches up with Swan, then thanks Jordan for 'being a good man'.
S2:EP10 Curse Words
Jordan's birthday party begins at SafeSpace; Jordan thanks Swan for his birthday cake; Maggie comments on how Jordan has been staring at her all night as she worries she hasn't done enough to break the curse; Macy sneaks away; Mel heads off to handle Ray once she appears at the party.
SafeSpace Seattle celebrates Jordan's 26th birthday; Mel confronts her father over showing up uninvited and not contacting his buyers.
Maggie has a vision of Jordan dying as everyone is singing 'Happy Birthday' to him.
Reno, NV - While waiting for the buyers at a diner, Ray asks Mel about her relationship with Nico.
Macy becomes frustrated with Abegail's lack of cooperation, then sneaks upstairs as Harry is serving Abegail tea.
Maggie tells Jordan what the witch said he would need to do to break the curse, then he asks her about being a witch; Swan awakens.
Ray asks Mel to promise she and her sisters will be careful, then leaves; Nadia has the Black Amber tested on a dead mouse.
Mel and Ray say goodbye; the Black Amber is tested.
S2:EP11 Dance Like No One is Witching
Julian tells Macy about his parents' deaths.
New Orleans - Maggie and Jordan attend a MESS meeting.
Macy makes breakfast for Julian and is surprised by his Aunt Vivian's arrival.
Maggie and Jordan arrive at the dance club, then meet up with Bruce, who leads them to a back room to talk with Nadia.
Nadia insists that Jordan and Maggie consume a drink to 'open their minds'.
The club music changes as a Shaman enthralls the club patrons.
As the walk through the club, Maggie questions Jordan's willness that ingest Nadia's candy.
Maggie brings herself and Jordan a hot drink; Maggie congratulates Jordan on surviving his first mission, he then apologizes for not following her orders because he wanted to impress her; Julian attempts hold a meeting but finds himself distracted by Macy and leaves to speak to her; Julian confronts Macy over breaking up with him over voicemail then finds out his aunt put Macy up to breaking up with him.
S2:EP12 Needs to Know
Macy explains that Abigael only helped her to impress Harry; Maggie reveals that she thinks she's ready to move on; Mel chats with Ruby; Macy hides Parker's letter, then tests her powers.
S2:EP13 Breaking the Cycle
Mel wakes up in bed with Ruby, then they're interrupted by her roommates knocking on the door.
Maggie and Macy send Mel to have a night off; Macy thinks over her choice; Mel arrives at Ruby's place and tells her she doesn't know how to do cascual which Ruby offers to show her; Mel gets a text and leaves for home from Ruby's; Macy, Maggie and Mel meet up at santucary where Macy takes the potion and recovers her powers; Harry takes some of the green potion.
S2:EP14 Sudden Death
Maggie attempts to get another vision from Jordan.
Macy tells Harry there's a chance she could merge him with his Darklighter.
S2:EP15 Third Time's The Charm
The sisters grab coffee before heading to work.
Macy goes to the house to find Harry and finds him with Abigael.
The twins listen to music as Maggie enthusiastically greet Macy.
Macy enters her bedroom and finds that Abigael and Harry are using it as their room.
Mel gives her sisters rings to celebrate getting the Power of Three back.
S2:EP16 The Enemy of My Frenemy
Harry urges Macy to keep her date with Julian; Maggie and Mel spar as Jordan coaches them.
Julian tells Macy he wants to take their relationship to the next level.
Godric informs Abigael that the Charmed Ones vanquished a demon cabal leader's son.
Harry goes to Jordan for helping getting into The Faction's medical facility.
Abigael takes the Charmed Ones to an Instagramer's party.
Florence sings upon seeing Jordan in the Inbetween.
The sisters grab a drink as Abigael and Parker arrive.
Parker walks away after Maggie tells him she can't give their relationship another try; Mel suggests that Abigael use her witch powers to protect herself from the other demons; the sisters discuss their relationships, then comment on Harry's absence.
S2:EP17 Search Party
Macy goes to the Shea Group offices to talk with Julian.
Macy runs through the plan to rescue Harry from the Shea Group.
Jordan and Maggie chat with Julian's aunt, Vivenne.
Shea Group video presentation.
Maggie and Jordan grab and drink and talk about their adventurous lives; Mel informs Maggie that Abigail left their house.
S2:EP18 Don't Look Back in Anger
(Flashback) Macy experiences a forgetten memory of a night at a bar singing karaoke after the memory retrieval spell for Harry's memory negatively effects her.
A guy hits on Macy at the bar, then she accidentally sets his shirt on fire in anger.
Macy tells her sisters of how she meet their mother before her death as well as Harry then they discuss the 'Julian Situation' and need to save the world again.
Ray tells Maggie he always thought of her as his daughter; Macy asks Harry to dance with her.