Jake Etheridge Songs
has 8 songs in the following movies and TV shows.
The Only Way To Know

Station 19 • s2e6 • Last Day on Earth2018
Ben runs through a park while recalling moments from his relationship with Miranda.

Charmed • s2e9 • Guess Who's Coming to SafeSpace Seattle2018
Ray returns to the house; Maggie realizes her powers can be triggered with personal objects; Macy asks Harry if he thinks it's a good thing Ray is back in their lives; Jordan notices that Maggie catches up with Swan, then thanks Jordan for 'being a good man'.
Just Let Go

Pretty Little Liars: The Perfectionists • s1e8 • Hook, Line And Booker2019
Gabriel and Alison's kiss is interrupted by a text from Mona.
Through the Fire
End of Beginning
Just Let Go

Station 19 • s2e4 • Lost and Found2018
Andy tells Maya she thought she did great leading the team; Victoria and Travis go to a support group where Ripley talks about the skyscraper incident and why they need the group; Victoria apologizes to Ripley for how she spoke to him at the fire; Jack admits to Dean that he was in the system as a child and spent some time on the streets; Andy stops by her dad's place as Ryan is telling Pruitt about his father.
All I Know

Charmed • s1e10 • Keep Calm And Harry On2018
Mel allows Charity to take Harry his tea; Charity tells Harry that his son is still alive, then confesses her feelings to him.
Hollow (Everything)

Roswell, New Mexico • s1e7 • I Saw the Sign2019
Isobel tells Max and Michael she wants to make her own decisions about her life; Max checks Isobel into a psychiatric institution.
Hard Times Come Again No More