Titans Season 1 Soundtrack
Titans Season 1 Soundtrack
Featured artists
S1:EP1 Titans
Main Title/Theme Song
Dick Grayson puts on a records and cleans up his Robin costume after a night out as a vigilante.
Rachel buys a bus ticket to Detroit, then visits a soup kitchen after arriving in the city.
Kory wakes up next to a dead driver and stumbles away from the crashed car, before noticing the bullet holes in the side.
Kory arrives at the Das Schaman club; Konstantin shoots Kory, activating her fire powers.
Covington, OH - A tiger runs out of an electronics store after being shot at by a guard, then transforms into a guy.
S1:EP2 Hawk and Dove
Flashback to 4 years ago as Robin helps Hawk and Dove fight criminals in an alley.
St Louis, MO - The Nuclear family hangout in their kitchen on a Saturday morning, as their doorbell rings and a guy drops off an activation package; Nuclear Mom hands out injections.
Dick and Rachel arrive at Hank & Dawn's apartment; Rachel sees visions of the past when she shakes Dawn's hand.
S1:EP3 Origins
The Nuclear siblings argue over their game of 'I Spy' bingo as Rachel sits between them.
Flashback to a young Dick taking one of Bruce Wayne's cars for a joyride and ending up being chased by police.
Symphony No. 1 in C Major, Op. 21: II. Andante Cantabile con Moto
Barry Wordsworth & Royal Philharmonic Orchestra
The remaining Nuclear Family go to Dr. Adamson and admit their failure in retrieving Rachel.
Dr. Adamson tells the Nuclear Family they'll need a new dad; Kory goes to Scooters Roller Skating Rink and retrieves the contents of her locker.
Dick arrives at the Scooters Roller Skating Rink and confronts Kory about Rachel.
S1:EP4 Doom Patrol
Gar shows Rachel his 'Nirvana' den.
Gar makes Rachel hide as Cliff comes down to talk with him.
Rachel wanders off and finds Larry cooking in the kitchen; Gar and Larry vote against Cliff to let Rachel stay for dinner.
Gar heads upstairs to invite Rita to join them for dinner.
Rachel, Gar, Larry and Cliff sit down to dinner; Rita heads downstairs; Cliff asks Rachel to describe what she's eating.
Rita joins the group for dinner.
Dick and the others drive off; The Chief sits in a wheelchair staring out the window; end credits.
S1:EP5 Together
The new Nuclear Dad introduces himself to his Nuclear Family.
After doing shots of tequila, Dick and Kory start kissing, then end up in bed together.
S1:EP6 Jason Todd
Dick warns Clay his life is in danger; Jason sneaks into the club, then steals a girl's drink and ends up in a confrontation with her boyfriend.
S1:EP7 Asylum
Rachel and Gar discuss using Kory's Uber account while they are being driven to the asylum.
S1:EP8 Donna Troy
Angela picks up Kory down the road from where the train stopped.
S1:EP9 Hank and Dawn
Flashback to Donny walking up to a frat party where Hank is greeting partygoers, then expressing concern about Hank possibly having a concussion from a hit during the football game.
Flashback to Dawn starring in a ballet performance as her mom watches from the audience.
Flashback to Dawn and her mother having tea and discussing her mother returning to her abusive husband.
Hank and Dawn have another drink and grieving session; Dawn tries to teach Hank how to eat scones; Hank takes Dawn to Donny's favorite pizza place; Hank attempts to make Dawn dinner.
S1:EP10 Koriand'r
As the follow Kory's truck, Dick and Donna discuss Kory and his relationship with her.
S1:EP11 Dick Grayson
Dick hangs out in a Californian pool, then heads inside to join a pregnant Dawn and their young son, Johnny.
Clint Mansell, Kevin Kiner
DC Universe