Manifest Season 2 Soundtrack
Manifest Season 2 Soundtrack
Featured artists
S2:EP1 Fasten Your Seatbelts
No songs available for this episode.
S2:EP2 Grounded
No songs available for this episode.
S2:EP3 False Horizon
Michaela hugs Zeke after he is released from prison.
Jared hangs out at a bar after the trial and buys a drink for a guy spouting anti-828er sentiments.
S2:EP4 Black Box
Michaela kisses Zeke, then they end up in bed; Ben adds the compass to his 828 collection; Olive takes TJ to a Believers meeting.
Michaela cleans up Zeke’s wound and they kiss
S2:EP5 Coordinated Flight
Ben finds the Believers pamphlet in Olive's room and crumples it up; TJ takes Olive's hand during Isiah's sermon; Ben warns Isiah to stay away from Olive.
S2:EP6 Return Trip
Zeke and Michaela meet with Lucas to try to come to a compromise about Courtney.
TJ leads Olivia to a romantic picnic by the river, then they kiss.
S2:EP7 Emergency Exit
Via video chat, Olive asks TJ if he wants to come to a club with her.
Grace and Zeke have a shared vision of a club and Cal yelling that they need to save the passengers now; [0:27] repeats as Olive texts a friend to get her and TJ into the club; Michaela meets up with Isaiah at the Schimanski club; Olive and TJ exchange bracelets; Adrian tells Ben he didn't text him to meet.
Ben and Michaela recall their vision of the crashed plane; [0:37] repeats as Adrian informs Ben that he saw Olive at the club.
TJ heads off to get drinks as Olive and Max dance; Isaiah locks the door to the room where Olive and her friends are.
S2:EP8 Carry On
Drea heads into the bar, strikes up a conversation with Tamara, then challenges Billy to a game of pool.
S2:EP9 Airplane Bottles
No songs available for this episode.
S2:EP10 Course Deviation
Michaela goes to meet Jared and reminisces about him proposing to her in the park; [0:36] repeats as Jared turns on the bar jukebox as a signal to Michaela.
Ben assures Grace that they baby daughter is okay; Zeke kisses Michaela; Jared finds a Lieutenant Exam book on his precinct desk; the Stone family look in on baby Eden.
S2:EP11 Unaccompanied Minors
Michaela heads into the basement of the meth house.
S2:EP12 Call Sign
After they arrive at the wedding, TJ informs Olive that he received a grant to study in Egypt; Zeke and Jared shake hands; Drea offers Jared a drink.
The audience claps as Michaela and Zeke kiss and cut their cake; Michaela tells Ben about her vision of their mother.
Drea tells Michaela that Jared had to leave; Zeke asks Michaela to dance, then questions whether she still has doubts.
TJ explains to Olive why he's going to Egypt; Michaela assures Saanvi that she didn't fail them; Saanvi receives a message from Vance; Zeke and his mom hug; Ben vows to Michaela that he hasn't given up on saving Zeke.
S2:EP13 Icing Conditions
Zeke revives; Cal is reunited with his mom and Olive; montage of everyone hugging.
Guajira en Descarga (feat. César López, Juan Artomarchi Padilla (Coto), Nene & Papi Oviedo)
Jóvenes Clásicos del Son
A Cuban fishing boat pulls a piece of the 828 plane out of the ocean.