2024 59 Songs
Song is heard in Jimmy's trailer.
Heard in Jimmy's truck at the start.
The funeral is held at the ranch.
Song during the final montage, plays into end credits.
Kayce hesitates outside the Ranch, before going in.
Song as the tribal police drive past Kayce's house.
Background music at the new west restaurant.
Music at the bunkhouse
First song at the rodeo.
Final song as John scatters his sons ashes. Plays into end credits.
Song plays at the ranch arena.
Last song as the trucks come in.
First song at the Yellowstone Ranch.
Final song band performs on stage. Plays into end credits.
Music at the sporting lounge.
The live band plays this song at the bar.
Kayce is pulled over then arrested.
First song at the yellowstone ranch as Travis shows the horses he has for sale.
Final song as Walker gets branded. Plays into end credits.
Kayce and Monica are lying on the floor of the cabin together talking.
Walker performs this song in the cowboy bunkhouse.
Plays at the Yellowstone Club lounge as Beth and Bob talk.
Second song at the Yellowstone club lounge.
Kayce rides off from the Yellowstone ranch and encounters a bear.
Last song, plays into end credits.
Final song as Walker plays it in the bunkhouse. Plays into end credits.
Rip is riding to the barn at sunset as he tries calling Jamie and John.
Beth has sex in the bathroom of the dive bar. Continues during the flashback at Christmas.
Song at the ranch as they play cards.
Beth is yelling at Dan from outside the house before Dan leaves after threatening her.
Song as they arrive at the hospital to visit Monica.
The wolves feast on a bear carcass. Song continues into end credits.
Final song as John and Beth stare out at the mountains, discussing what's next.
Song at the deerfield restaurant as John confronts the politicians.
Yellowstone Bunkhouse as Avery beats them at poker.
The Wranglers are playing cards in the bunkhouse.
Rip offers Avery a job at the gentleman's club.
Song comes from Christina's car outside the liquor store.
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