2023 91 Songs
Tyrone watches from a rooftop as a transaction between some gang members takes place below; Tandy struggles with her ballet lessons.
Tyrone sits in a tree and watches him mom arrive home; montage of Tyrone and Tandy spying on various people.
Tandy and Tyrone walk hand-in-hand into the club and enact their plan.
A dying man draws a Voudon design in cocaine as Tandy and Tyrone bursts into the room; [0:37] repeats as women gather around a pole covered in in missing posters; Andre and Tandy discuss the differences between police action in black and white neighborhoods.
Tyrone and Tandy listen to a recording of the massacre; O'Reilly arrives at the crime scene.
O'Reilly orders Tandy and Tyrone to leave; Tandy tries to convince Tyrone that the deaths are not his fault; Tyrone visits Chantelle's store to ask her about the Voudon symbol.
Evita walks off in anger after Tyrone reveals his powers; Tyrone draws the Voudon symbol in the church and offers to help; Tyrone ends up back in the church after failing to help the woman in the ambulance.
Tandy tells Mikayla she should just walk out on her husband; montage of Tandy dancing at the empty studio, arguing with her mother over what happened in group therapy and confronting Mikaylas husband.
O'Reilly hangs out at a bar getting drunk, then needs to stop several time to throw up in the street; O'Reilly heads back to the club and joins the officers working the scene.
Tandy and O'Reilly enter the salvage yard containing the private ambulances; Tandy uses her powers to stop the guy who dropped off Mikayla.
O'Reilly, Tandy and Tyrone head to a strip club; Tandy and Tyrone confront evil O'Reilly; the O'Reillys come face-to-face.
Evil O'Reilly assembles and studies her evidence board; 48 hours earlier, Evil O'Reilly slaughters the drug dealers in the club.
Tandy uses her powers to disract the guys inside; Tyrone rescues the girls inside and passes them over to O'Reilly; Tandy is rescued by a semi-driving Evil O'Reilly.
Adina hides some papers as Tyrone tells her they need to leave, then fails to teleport them; Tandy heads into 'The Exchange' and comes across Evil O'Reilly; [0:54] repeats as Evil O'Reilly fights Connors and Tandy breaks a rule; end credits.
Evil O'Reilly puts on one of the shrink-wrapped records, which produces a vision of Tandy's parents arguing when she was a baby.
Tandy puts on the second record, which produces a vision of a young Brigid O'Reilly.
Tyrone phones O'Reilly for help, then convinces his mom to leave; Tandy plays the third record; Tyrone fails to bring forth his powers again.
Tyrone texts Tandy, then prepares to go after Connors; Connors digs up his stash and waits for Tyrone to come to him.
O'Reilly looks through her doppelganger's belongings.
O'Reilly uses a bomb threat as a distraction at the Promenade Society; Tandy enters the grow house.
Tandy fights a group of guys at the grow house; Tyrone and O'Reilly go after the file.
Lia tazes Tandy; as Tandy is being taken away in the ambulance, she dreams of a perfect future.
In Tandy's vision, Adina plays the piano and sings as Tandy calls out when her father reaches towards her mother; [0:38] repeats as buskers play as Tandy asks a passerby if he dropped something, then tries to convince him to sign her petition to save shore birds; Tandy sees Tyrone stealing a car.
Melissa tells Tandy she's packed air sickness pills for her work trip; an police siren breaks through Tandy's vision.
Tandy cries over Tyrone's body, then hands over her dagger so no one else will get hurt; a complacent Tandy is wheeled out of the ambulance.
Andre tells Tyrone he would be better off thinking about life without Tandy, rather than searching for her.
Tandy makes a run for a bus, but is caught and brought back to Lia.
Tyrone tells Brigid he thinks Tandy was taken by one of the amublances; Chantelle informs Andre he's nearing an ascension, then follows him to his record store.
Tyrone draws a huge version of the voodoo symbol on a rooftop, then teleports in front of an ambulance.
Adina finishes the crab cakes after Connor reveals where he buried Billy's body; Del steals a phone from one of Lia's guys, then confronts Lia about lying to her; Tandy's dagger returns as Tyrone dives the ambulance into the motel; Evil O'Reilly smashes records.
Baron Samedi notices a figurine of Tyrone on his pinball machine; Tandy yells at Tyrone to wake up.
Lia flirts with a potential John, then Andre tazes the guy so they can steal his vehicle.
Tandy and Brigid jump into a passage to the Crossroads, as Evita watches over Tyrone's body.
Andre plays on of Lia's records; Brigid explores the Crossroads outside the record store.
Tandy and Tyrone fight bad guys in a live-action version of the video game he was playing.
Evita moulds a wax candle into a figurine representing Tyrone; Tandy and Tyrone continue fighting bad guys in the motel.
Brigid tells her bad self that she needs her helping getting Andre and will cede control to her.
Evita completes a Vodun ritual; Tandy pleads with Tyrone to go back with her.
Tandy returns home to find the house a mess and her mom gone; Brigid burns her paperwork; Tyrone assures Tandy they'll get Andre.
92 Months ago - Andre leaves his trumpet on the street; Now - Tyrone phones his mom while following Solomon, then Adina lies about how Connors is doing; Tandy uses her powers to enter Lia's mind.
92 Months ago - Andre listens to one of Lia's records; Lia tends to Andre in the hospital; [0:32] repeats as Tandy and Tyrone watch a young Lia playing the cello.
Tyrone and Tandy search for Andre at a Club Delight.
Tandy and Tyrone find a group of enthralled people listening to Andre play the trumpet at the old Club Delight location and try to get them to leave.
A group of bank robbers enter their getaway car, then their driver disappears; the getaway driver follows the sound of Andrew's trumpet playing to a music club and joins the others that disappeared; [0:57] repeats as Tyrone joins Tandy on the bus.
Tandy and Tyrone head for the record store; Brigid fights a group of bad guys.
Tandy and Tyrone are forced to confront people representing their fears.
Tandy and Tyrone explain to their opponents why they'll win.
Adina and Otis watch a news story about Tyrone being framed; Lia picks up garbage; Tyrone watches Evita from afar in the cemetery; Brigid makes a display at the precinct; Tandy hugs her mom goodbye; Tyrone watches a couple guys outside his window.
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