12 Monkeys Season 4 Soundtrack
12 Monkeys Season 4 Soundtrack
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S4:EP1 The End
Voiceover about the legend of the Serpent and Demon; 1491 - England - Knights ride through a forest until they reach a gathering of Primaries and demand to know the location of the weapon.
2047 - Jones manually closes the core to enact Project Splinter, then joins an injured Whitley in the hallway; Cassie rushes to find Deacon as Jones talks Hannah through initiating Project Charon.
2043 - Cole and Cassie wander the streets of New York; the Splinter team works to get the time machine working again.
July 2018 - Prague, Czech Republic - As he does his rounds, a museum security guard activates an audio recording in The Ouroboros section.
S4:EP2 Ouroboros
2043 - Jones and Cole watch their younger selves complete the first successful backwards splinter; 1971 - Cassie hangs up a copy of Olivia's arrest record in Emerson Hotel room 607; Cole promises Jones he will see their mission through to the end.
S4:EP3 45 RPM
1971 - A young Olivia is processed at a police station; Cassie cleans and assembles her sniper rifle.
1971 - Olivia and Sharon dance around their place, until Olivia rushes off to throw up; [0:39] repeats as a very pregnant Olivia tells her brother they have work to finish; Olivia leaves her baby in the forest; montage of Olivia bringing about her destiny as The Witness.
1971 - Mantis makes Olivia undergo a ritual where the Mark of Titan is branded onto her back and then given the red tea.
S4:EP4 Legacy
2043 - Jones contemplates her life; flashback to one of Eliot's experiments going awry.
May 1852 - Cassie, Cole, Jennifer and Hannah arrive in Montana and take out a group of guys that confront them.
May 1852 - Played on the piano, as the quartet enter a saloon; Jennifer points out a bunch of anachronisms in the bar, including the Oingo Boingo tune being played.
May 1852 - Played on the piano, as Cassie asks Hannah what her father is doing in the past.
May 1852 - Eliot plays the piano as Cole bursts in to rob the saloon.
S4:EP5 After
Zalmon Shaw shows Olivia the story of his first love.
2043 - Jennifer searches for information about 'Climb the steps, ring the bell', while Adler works on the splinter vest.
July 21, 1966 - Cassie and Cole walk into the lobby the Emerson Hotel, then head to the Rise-N-Shine Motel.
July 21, 1966 - The Soviets kill time waiting for the seller to show up; continues as Jennifer bursts into their room, resulting in Gale having to shoot them.
July 21, 1966 - Deacon sings after winking at Jennifer.
July 1966 - Agent Gale leave the Emerson Hotel after the team returns to the future.
S4:EP6 Die Glocke
1940 - France - People arrive for Sturmbannfuhrer Friedrich Waesch's gala; the team make a plan on how to get into the gala.
1940 - France - As Jennifer goes to pass Cassie's message on to Cole, she recognizes one of her songs playing on a gramophone.
1940 - France - Deacon sings while changing the carving in his chest from a swastika to a West VII symbol.
1940 - France - Jennifer performs a song in order to delay the Nazis from going to see Die Glocke.
2043 - Jones has the group make a toast to family, then reads them a passage from John Donne's 'Devotions Upon Emergent Occasions'.
S4:EP7 Daughters
Emma and Hannah's voice over about being daughters and what their futures hold.
Mozart: Ave verum corpus, K. 618
Berlin Philharmonic, Riccardo Muti, Stockholm Chamber Choir & Swedish Radio Choir
A pair of guards take Jones to see Olivia as Titan powers up to splinter; [0:34] March 8, 2009 - Hannah rushes back to her hotel room and picks up her mom's letter; Emma contemplates jumping to her death.
2008 - The Emerson Hotel bartender, Bryan, gives Hannah a scotch and introduces himself.
March 8, 2009 - Hannah sits at the Emerson Hotel bar as Bryan suggests they do something together; Jones sees a vision of Olivia with Hannah.
1491 - Hertfordshire, England - Olivia sends Deacon and two of her men after Cole, Cassie and Jennifer; Olivia thanks Jones for confirming Deacon's disloyalty.
S4:EP8 Demons
1491 - Hertfordshire, England - Jennifer wanders through the village she woke up in, greeting everyone she comes across.
1491 - Hertfordshire, England - Cole, Cassie and Jennifer are reunited with Deacon; Nicodemus embraces his daughter, Chorus.
1491 - Hertfordshire, England - Jennifer leads the way up the steps to the weapon; Cole takes the bell from his bag.
March 8, 2009 - Emma informs Hannah of Olivia's plan to bring about the Red Forest; 2043 - Jones tells Cole that Olivia will always win; Olivia finishes preparing Titan for the destruction of time; 2043 - Jennifer draws the Primary code on a wall.
S4:EP9 One Minute More
2015 - Matthew Cole reads the Serpent/Demon poem to young James; 2043 - Jennifer continues to write the Primary Code on a wall, then collapses in Cassie's arms.
2018 - Hannah tells Cole and Cassie Olivia's plan to bring about the Red Forest, 2043 - An alarm goes off at Raritan showing a mass of temporal energy coming from Titan.
Mozart: Ave verum corpus, K. 618
Berlin Philharmonic, Riccardo Muti, Stockholm Chamber Choir & Swedish Radio Choir
Olivia searches through time in an attempt to find out why James Cole is so important.
2043 - Alder, Jones and Jennifer figure out how to use the Primary Code; April 3rd, 2018 - Cole and Cassie prepare to release the M5-10 in JFK airport.
Hannah writes a letter to Cole; 2043 - Cole and Cassie return to the Emerson; Cole finds Hannah's letter; April 3rd, 2018 - Matthew rushes Emma to the hospital as Hannah looks around Matthew's trailer; montage of Matthew and Hannah together.
S4:EP10 The Beginning, Part 1
Olivia addresses her followers at Titan, as the Red Storms start to take over throughout all time periods.
2043 - Cole puts on Hannah's scarf, then splinters to 2163 and stops his younger self from reaching Cassie in Titan; 2018 - Cole saves Jennifer at the train station in Budapest.
2043 - Cole explains his plan to Cassie, then she suggests they need Ramse to help execute the plan.
2043 - Ramse and Cole take off in Matthew Cole's camaro.
2043 - Cole flips through the music on his dad's car stereo, song 1.
2043 - Cole flips through the music on his dad's car stereo, song 2.
2043 - Cole flips through the music on his dad's car stereo, song 3.
2043 - Ramse finally agrees to the song on the car stereo, then he and Cole drive into Titan; Olivia speech is interrupted by the camaro's arrival.
2043 - Jones and Adler splinter the Raritan lab into Titan; Olivia orders her advisor to splinter Titan, but Jones blocks her.
S4:EP11 The Beginning, Part 2
2043 - Cassie and Jennifer head for the control center; the Daughters defend Jones and the machine; Cole and Ramse take on the Titan guards.
2043 - Jennifer takes of the intercom system at Titan and broadcasts a song.
2043 - Cassie stands at the controls of Titan and tells Cole she's sorry, as she watches the red storms overtake everything; Cole rushes to reach Cassie; Cassie turns off Titan in the nick of time.
Mozart: Ave verum corpus, K. 618
Berlin Philharmonic, Riccardo Muti, Stockholm Chamber Choir & Swedish Radio Choir
894 - The top half of Olivia's torso splinters to a mountaintop and is frozen over.
2043 - Cole says goodbye to Ramse; 2007 - Ramse dies in Cole's arms; 2043 - Jones, Cole and Cassie say goodbye to Jennifer.
2043 - Cassie and Cole say goodbye, then she splinters back to her timeline.
2043 - Cole heads to the splinter room alone and initiates the machine to enact the Primary Code.
2013 - Cassie starts having flashes of her life in the cycle with Cole; montage of characters in their new lives.
Cole wakes up on a beach in the Florida Keys and is greeted by Jennifer.
Jennifer explains to Cole how he still exists.
Cole goes to the house of cedar and pine and is reunited with Cassie.