Black Lightning Season 3 Soundtrack
Black Lightning Season 3 Soundtrack
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S3:EP1 The Book of Occupation: Chapter One: Birth of Blackbird
Anissa asks for Shonda to play Chaka Khan, then makes her way up to the computers and makes a call to Gambi.
Anissa as Blackbird takes on Carson's crew as they transport metas.
Using Gambi's cloaking device, Jennifer trains with her abilities; Lynn sleeps as Jefferson sets awake.
Jamillah approaches Anissa at a club, then Anissa asks about finding someone who doesn't want to be found.
Anissa and Jamillah makeout.
Tobias tells Issa that he's dying; Odell has Issa interrogate Tobias with his powers on the whereabouts of the brief case; Odell comes to talk with Issa, who is sure that he's going to die.
As they stare over Issa's body, Odell tells Lynn that the best place for her and family is with him.
S3:EP2 The Book of Occupation: Chapter Two: Maryam's Tasbih
Lala tells two of his gang members that the briefcase belongs Tobias and if he wants it he'll find him.
Lala comes to Rayvone to tell him their starting up business again but Rayvon tells him about Sinzell but he tells him not to worry about it.
S3:EP3 The Book of Occupation: Chapter Three: Agent Odell's Pipe-Dream
Khalil talks with the A.S.A.'s AI system about his fight skills.
Blackbird, Anissa, is chase by the ASA, Jamillah reports on Blackbird and manages to catch her on camera; Anissa texts Jennifer for help.
Khalil works out when Odell comes to him to tell him that he's being sent on another mission.
Black Lightning attacks the Markovian base, taking out several guards before making contact with several A.S.A. agents.
Grace meets with Anissa to tell her the truth about herself, Anissa assures her that still wants to be with her; Anissa meets with Jamillah at a bar to tell that she found Grace, Jamillah tells her that she's fine them being friends; Anissa comes home to Grace, she lays in bed with her.
With Lighning taking out the data farm, Odell reports the Markovian base inside Freeland to Painkiller to takes out the base.
The Pierce's embrace after being together again; (continues) Tobias hallucinates Black Lightning taunting him, he swears revenge.
End song.
S3:EP4 The Book of Occupation: Chapter Four: Lynn's Ouroboros
Jefferson drives himself and Jennifer when comes across a check point then across armed gang members who attack the check point.
Jefferson arrives at Anissa's place to talk to her and finds Grface there; Anissa arrives home as Blackbird to find Jefferson there who is surpised that Grace knows about Anissa as meta human and hero.
Anissa comes to Grace to talk with her, she assures her that its her that she's in love with and her past they can both live with.
Jennifer meets with Odell who gives her a new suit and ear piece then tells her fly high beyond the perimeter; Jennifer rejoyous as flies high above the planet.
S3:EP5 The Book of Occupation: Chapter Five: Requiem for Tavon
Khalil uses Blackbelt Theory as spars with two humans until Odell tells him to stop.
Anissa listens to a Truthteller Johnson's video casts about the city; Jefferson calls Jennifer down to breakfast who isn't feeling well.
Jefferson is attacked by the ASA soldiers at the school; Jennifer attempts to help her father but Brandon pulls her back inside the school and absorbs her powers as she lets it out, revealing himself as a meta human.
Odell takes Jennifer to a Markovian base; Henderon reveals himself as the leader of the Insurgents to the Reverend and Two-Bits and that he's working with Blackbird, then tells them its time that they run the ASA out of the city.
S3:EP6 The Book Of Resistance: Chapter One: Knocking on Heaven's Door
Anissa records a Last Will And Testament for her family members.
Jefferson, Anissa and Lynn attend Tavon Singley's funeral; Lynn attempts to make Jefferson feel better which causes a fight with Anissa; Jamila interviews Jefferson as he leaves the funeral.
Grace awakens Anissa from her unconciousness then tell her that she can smell death on her but Anissa assures her that she isn't dying.
A teleporting meta kills a ASA transport than uses their identity to get over the ASA guard lines.
Grace cares for Anissa; Gambi scans for Khalil body at his grave; Lynn packs her bags when Jefferson arrives which causes an arguement between the two of them where Lynn tells him she's done with their relationship.
S3:EP7 The Book of Resistance: Chapter Two: Henderson's Opus
Annisa reassures Grace they'll keep her hidden until they figure out what to do; Jennifer receives a text message; Gambi analyzes some video footage, then asks Lynn to help him get access to the ASA main frame; Annisa, Henderson and Reverend Holt discuss what to do about the ASA searches.
Henderson and Reverend Holt put their plan into action, which is thwarted by Black Lightning.
Jennifer approaches Brandon at his locker and tries to talk to him about his powers, then an 'enemy attack drill' is announced for the school.
Jennifer receives info on Dr. Jace; Khalil is ordered to go after Black Lightning.
S3:EP8 The Book of Resistance: Chapter Three: The Battle of Franklin Terrace
Opening title; Tobias tells his captors he's not a Meta; Jefferson awakens and remembers his argument with Lynn, then tries to call her; Gambi tests Anissa's powers.
Jennifer blasts Brandon with her powers when he opens his door, then they apologize to each other.
Jennifer lies to Brandon about how she got her powers, then asks him about his.
Mrs. Shepherd explains to Jefferson why she's not leaving her apartment, then he tries to convince her to change her mind.
Jefferson tells Henderson to rally his troops because they're making their stand against the ASA, then takes down the soldiers that enter the apartment building.
Anissa vs Khalil.
Citizens gather to cheer on Black Lightning's actions; Mrs. Shepherd thanks Black Lightning, then Henderson welcomes him to the Resistance.
S3:EP9 The Book of Resistance: Chapter Four: Earth Crisis
Jennifer makes a video her truth and tells the secerts she been keeping for Anissa but then decides not send it instead to go to Anissa and talk to her in person.
Jennifer asks for Shonda to play music as waits for Anissa when the sky turns red in storm then she disppears.
Jefferson finishes placing the Christmas dinner on the table; Jennifer and Anissa discuss Jefferson new job and him not supporting her after her decision then they discuss Anissa coming out, her dating then Jennifer and Khalil; the ASA storm into the Pierce house.
Jinn: Earth-2 - Jennifer walks down the school hallway to where Jefferson is teaching a class.
The Jennifer's begin to see a white wave of light then disappear one by one; the Anti-matter wave hits Earth-23.
Jinn: Earth-2 - Jennifer walks away from Jefferson; Jennifer watches the "Odell Solider" version of herself as phases in and out.
Jinn: Earth-2 - Jennifer surveys the dead meta-humans; Odell tells Jenniffer that she didn't have kill her fellow meta-humans and that her family will come after her.
S3:EP10 The Book of Markovia: Chapter One: Blessings and Curses Reborn
Opening title; Jefferson tries to contact Gambi as he heads home; Jennifer yells for help while stuck in her Safe Space.
Blackbird is surrounded by a group of ASA soldiers, then Black Lightning arrives to help her.
TC uses his powers to break into Gambi's store.
TC finds Gambi's armory and the suits for the Pierce family.
S3:EP11 The Book of Markovia: Chapter Two
Lala warns Devonte against mixing personal and business.
Gambi guides Black Lightning and Thunder to the location of Odell's ASA convoy.
Lala reviews the video that Devonte made at The Ultimate O and identifies Lady Eve.
S3:EP12 The Book of Markovia: Chapter Three
Dr. Jace records a video log about Lynn's arrive and how she'll make friends; Lynn attacks Dr. Jace which causes a fight between them.
TC and Jen trap Painkiller behind the firewall using their combined powers.
Annisa and Grace fight to see if they're both going on the Markovian mission.
Jennifer attempts to move Khalil out of his own mind construct; (continues) Khalil becomes lost in his mind construct as tries to listen to both the voices of Jennifer and Painkiller; Khalil awakens, Jennifer, Gambi and TC attempt to explain his new life circumstances; Khalil tells Jennifer that they can't be together,
S3:EP13 The Book of Markovia: Chapter Four
Jefferson drinks as he speaks with Gambi, he discusses his past a Black Lightning, his life, Lynn and their family, addiction and his powers.
TC offers Erica a new pair of boots.
Attack on the Markovian base.
Black Lightning goes after Tobias; Brandon attacks Dr. Jace; Khalil spars with Gravedigger.
Gravedigger shoots Black Lightning; Jennifer is reunited with her mom; Black Lightning zaps Gravedigger; the Pierce family is reunited again.
S3:EP14 The Book of War: Chapter One: Homecoming
Lady Eve convinces Devonte to check out her girls; Shalon leads Devonte to a room.
Lynn and Jefferson begin to cook dinner when Lynn faints and stumbles for a moment due to her Glimmer withdraw.
Lynn contemplates taking a Glimmer pill; Jefferson tells his daughters he plans to lead the defense against the Markovians; the Pierce family comes clean about their secrets.
Anissa rants to Grace about Jennifer constant faith in Khalil not being Painkiller anymore.
Khalil shows up outside Jennifer's window and apologizes for attacking her, then she says she can't risk her family around him.
S3:EP15 The Book of War: Chapter Two: Freedom Ain't Free
Opening title; Montage of Gravedigger slaughtering soldiers as he records a video about the experiment that gave him powers and working for the GRS; [0:10] repeats as Gravedigger shows off his telekinetic powers.
Grace complains to Anissa about how sore she is, then says her powers have been getting stronger.
Lynn expresses concerns to Anissa about how fast things are progressing between her and Grace; Jennifer congratulates Grace on the engagement.
Jefferson recieves news that Gravedigger is at the perimeter.
S3:EP16 The Book of War: Chapter Three: Liberation
Opening title; Gravedigger figures out Black Lightning's relationship to Lightning, while the two of them are fighting.
Gambi tells Grayle to move the Meta kids to The Pit, so Gravedigger can't get to them.
Khalil takes out a group of soldiers and acquires a large gun; Lady Eve meets with Major Grey.
Lala and his guys help Henderson take down a group of Markovians; Black Lightning and Brandon rescue Jennifer.
In his mind, Khalil fights Painkiller for control of his body.
Henderson intervenes when Gravedigger's men fire on Lightning and Black Lightning; Jefferson thanks Henderson for saving his life.
Odell puts the safehouse on a self-destruct; Black Lightning fights Gravedigger as Lynn rushes to give Gravedigger the antibooster.
Markovia - Tobias watches a news story about the attack on Freeland; Lynn gets approval to create a boarding school for Metas; Black Lightning hands over a briefcase that contains the mastercontrol for the ASA.