Dark Season 1 Soundtrack
Dark Season 1 Soundtrack
Featured artists
S1:EP1 Secrets
Opening theme song.
A music video plays on the tv in the room where Erik is being kept.
Music plays on the walkman next to the body found in the woods; a music video plays as Erik is strapped into a mysterious device.
S1:EP2 Lies
Charlotte Doppler plays the tape found in walkman as part of an evidence presentation regarding the body.
Anthracite Fields: IV. Flowers
Choir of Trinity Wall Street, Bang on a Can All-Stars & Julian Wachner
The lights start flickering around town; Charlotte walks out of the precinct to find dead birds littering the ground; The Stranger hangs up a news article asking 'Where Is Mikkel', then scratches out 'Where' and writes 'When'.
S1:EP3 Past And Present
1986 - At the hospital, Ines Kahnwald is asked to cover the night shift; Charlotte picks up a dead bird and places it in her bag.
1986 - While driving, Claudia practices a speech then complains to her daughter, Regina, about her lack of hygiene; Mikkel wanders into the school.
1986 - Chief Inspector Tiedemann enters the Nielsen house and finds Ulrich playing video games in his room, with his stereo blasting; continues as Ulrich turns the music back on after dismissing Tiedemann.
1986 - Tiedemann checks in with the medical examiner, who is preforming a necropsy on a sheep.
1986 - Ines finds Mikkel gone from his hopsital room; montage of characters in 1986 and 2019.
S1:EP4 Double Lives
Police start searching the woods for Elisabeth; Ulrich arrives home; Franziska enters her house and sees her dad consoling her mom on the couch; Helge walks down a path towards a police car.
S1:EP5 Truths
1986 - Ulrich is arrested for raping Katharina; then and now montage; 2019 - The Stranger carries a suitcase into the Winden caves; Jonas finds a package on his bed.
S1:EP6 Sic Mundus Creatus Est
S1:EP7 Crossroads
1986 - Jonas goes to the high school and finds Regina listening to music in the hallway.
1986 - Chief Inspector Tiedemann finds Jonas walking along the road and insists on giving him a ride.
1986 - Helge gets in his car, grabs a Raider bar out of his glove compartment and drives off; Chief Inspector Tiedemann questions Katharina about the alleged rape.
S1:EP8 As You Sow, So You Shall Reap
1953 - Helge rides his bike home, his mother admonishes him about the state of his clothing and makes him strip them off; Helge tells his father about the kids' bodies found at the construction site.
1953 - Ulrich runs towards an intersection, then a car stops, Agnes gets out, asks him for directions and introduces her son, Tronte.
1953 - Egon goes to the Doppler household to asks if Helge's mother if his dog, Gretchen, is at their house.
1953 - Doris helps Agnes put fresh sheets on the bed; Claudia waits for Gretchen to come home; montage of photos connecting everyone.
S1:EP9 Everything Is Now
1986 - Claudia has 'Aleksander' install a door in the caves; 2019 - The Stranger opens one of the barrels of toxic waste in the truck; Claudia drops by H.G. Tannhaus' clock shop.
S1:EP10 Alpha And Omega
2019 - Charlotte searches through microfiche of old newspapers to find an article about Helge's abduction in 1953, then finds a picture of Ulrich in the same paper; 1953 - When Ulrich refuses to answer their questions, three police officers beat him with batons as Egon looks on; 1986 - Jonas finds Noah at Mikkel's bedside in the hospital.
1986 - Helge pulls up to a stoplight and starts to head off as the light turns green, only to be t-boned by another car.
2019 - The Stranger activates his device and the wormhole starts to form; 1986 - Ines takes Mikkel home with her; montage of characters in 1953, 1986 and 2019 as lights start to flicker.