American Playboy: The Hugh Hefner Story Season 1 Soundtrack
American Playboy: The Hugh Hefner Story Season 1 Soundtrack
Featured artists
S1:EP1 Before the Bunny: Marilyn Monroe
Opening scene at the Playboy Mansion; introduction to Hugh Hefner.
Opening credits and end credits.
Hefner narrates about his childhood life in Chicago.
Hefner narrates about his new transformation as the leading man he is today.
Hefner narrates about the time he first met Millie.
Carrie Pitzulo talks about sexologist Alfred Kingsly book that talks about male sexuality
Hefner narrates how he became an editer for the college humor newspaper "The Shaft".
Hefner talks about his relationship with Millie.
Hefner and Millie get married. Hefner gets a job at Esquire.
Hefner and Millie have their first newborn child named Christie
Hefner meets Patty Farmer at a bar and later have sex inside a car.
Hefner narrates how he got investors to finance his Playboy Magazines.
Hefner negotiates with investers at Chicago.
Hefner tries to reach out to several calender companies to use the nude pinups for his magazines.
Hefner talks about Marilyin Monroe.
Hefner receives a nude photograph of Marilyn Monroe.
S1:EP2 Birth of the Centerfold: The Girl Next Door
Opening scene; Hefner narrates about life in America during the early 1950's.
Eldon narrates how Hefner came up with the name "Playboy".
Hefner narrrates how he came up with the famous bunny mascot for his magazines.
Hefner narrates how Playboy magazine has become one of the most popular magazines in America, with it's first issue being sold out.
Hefner narrates how he came up with "Playmate of the Month" for his Playboy magazines.
Hefner narrates how he first met with writer Ray Russel.
Hefner's son, Cooper, narrates how his father was sucessful with his business.
Hefner is introduced ro Victor Lowns.
Hefner talks about Victor Lowns.
Christine Hefner talks about Victor Lown's interests.
Hefner talks about the ecentric lifestyle he led.
Hefner talks about the magazine's how-to guides section,
Art Paul sketches the famous "Playboy" logo.
Hefner throws a Christmas party.
Charlaine poses for the Miss July cover.
Hefner talks about the "Girl Next Door" segment.
S1:EP3 Becoming Mr. Playboy
Opening scene; Hefner talks about America during the Winter of 1955.
Hefner talks about his advertising policy.
Hefner talks about the economy after World War II.
Song at the Diner's club where the advertsiers stare at Janet.
Hefner talks about how major ad companies such as Marboro started to feature their ads in his magazines
Hefner talks about his first center fold magazine.
Hefner arrives at the new builing.
Hefner talks about how he started to dress sharper in order to change public opinion.
Hefner talks about the creation of Playboy Penthouse.
Hefner talks about how he got Nat Cole King and Ella Fitzgerald as their first guests on the Playboy Penthouse program.
Hefner's Playboy Penthouse program gets picked up for a second season.
Hefner buys the now famous "Playboy Mansion".
Party at Hefner's mansion; Hefner talks a young woman in the bedroom as they prepare to have sex.
S1:EP4 Members Only: The Playboy Club
Opening scene; Hefner talks about the Cold War and Planned Parenthood.
Hefner talks about the various parties he's thrown at his mansion.
Hefner has sex with Cynthia Maddox.
After the divorce, Hefner vowed to never marry again.
Party at Hefner's mansion.
Hefner talks about the Gaslight club.
Hefner and Victor meet Arnie Morton at his nightclub and dicuss how they should run a nightclub.
A model in a bunny costume enters the room.
Interview with Pat Lacey
Various women are posing.
Hefner explaining the guidelines in the Bunny Manual.
Richard talks about the opening at the Chicago Club.
Hefner arrives at the opening at his club.
Hefner talks about the various musicians he featured in his club including Ray Charles, Sam Cooke and Bette Midler.
Dick Greggory talks about his stand-up routine at Hefner's nightclub.
Dick Greggory talks about the bunnies.
Hefner talks about the success with the Bunnies.
Christine Hefner talks about the Bunny Mothers.
S1:EP5 The Playboy Interview ("I Read the Magazine for the Articles")
First song as Hefner talks about the success with the magazines and the club.
Opening venue at the Playboy Club at New York.
Hefner wins the court case.
Hefner talks about the articles he wrote aboutthe changing times.
Cynthia seduces Hefner into having sex with her but Hefner refuses.
Hefner meets cynthia at his nightclub.
Hefner is having sex with a woman in bed when Bobbie enters the room, telling him about the officers at the front door.
S1:EP6 Rebel with a Cause: Civil Liberties and Government Crackdowns
Opening scene, Hefner talks about James Bond, Coca Cola, and the Beatles.
Hefner wins the court case against him.
Hefner talks about the Vietnam War.
Hefner hires Arthur Kretchmer as an assistant editor for his Playboy Magazines.
Hefner and Kretchmer publish an article, calling for the abolition of the Death Penalty
Hefner talks about the Playboy Forum.
Hefner talks about the civil rights movement and how he was able to get an interview with Martin Luther King.
Jennifer Jackson becomes the first African American woman to to appear on the Playboy Magazine's centerfold.
Hefner plays this record as he consumes drugs.
Hefner talks about the 15 clubs he owned throughout the US.
Hefner purchases the 37-floor Palmolive building on Michigan Avenue and later places a 9 foot letters of his company's name.
Americans mourn the death of John F. Kennedy.
Hefner teams up with the USO, sending a copies of their 1965 Playmate of the Year Jo Collins to the soldiers at Vietnam.
Hefner drives to Los Angeles to get big name celebrities to be a part of his show.
Bret Ratner talks about the Playboy After Dark program.
Clips of various celebrties guests at the Playboy After Dark program.
S1:EP7 Below The Belt: Playboy and the Pubic Wars
Opening scene, Hefner talks abou the state of America during 1968.
Hefner buys a commerical airliner and gives it the "Playboy makeover" which he names the Big Bunny.
Barbi talks about her relationship with Hefner.
Barbi and Hefner walk around the streets of Beverly Hills as Barbi tries to convince Hefner to travel abroad with her.
Victor enters backstage and starts to have an intimate conversation with Marilyn Cole.
Barbi talks about all the places they traveled.
Barbi talks about her romantic experiences with Hefner.
Hefner talks about English culture.
Hefner sends Victor to London to set up a Playboy Club there.
Hefner and Victor open up the London Playboy Club and introduce the Playboy lifestyle to the people of London.
Hefner narrates how the London Playboy Club became the most successful club in London.
Hefner talks about a new rival called Penthouse magazine.
Hefner becomes worried after Penthouse starts getting more and more popular.
Hefner talks about how Playboy magazines started to become "more revealing", starting with the 1971 Miss Janurary issue.
Hafner narrates how the feminist movement started to attack his company.
Hefner talks about the second-wave feminist movement.
Hefner watches the Dick Cavett show and finds feminists criticizing him.
S1:EP8 Sex, Drugs and DEA Investigations
Opening scene; Hefner talks about the latest trends of 1971.
Opening scene; Hefner talks about the aftermath of the vietnam war and the death of his assistant, Bobbie.
Hefner talks about the competition with Penthouse Magazine.
Hefner talks about Marilyn Cole
Marilyn Cole talks about her reaction of becoming one of the first full frontal nude model to be featured in the centerfold.
Hefner talks about heis longtime assistant and friend, Bobbie Arnstein.
Hefner talks about how close he was with Bobbie Arnstein.
Plays in Ron's Scharf and Bobbie's Arnstein's room at Miami Beach. Scharf's drug dealer, George Matthews, enters the room and sells cocaine to Scharf.
Hefner talks about the drug culture of the 70's.
Hefner arrives at Los Angeles with his girlfriend.
Hefner and Babbi spend time at the Playboy Mansion West.
At a motel, Bobbie is awaiting her trial.
Hefner gets a call that Bobbie has committed suicide by overdose.
S1:EP9 Down the Rabbit Hole: The Dorothy Stratten Murder
Opening scene; Hefner talks about the aftermath of the Vietnam War and the death of his assistant, Bobbie.
Hefner moves to the West Coast with his girlfriend.
Various hollywood celebrities visit the Playboy Mansion at Beverly Hills.
Hefner talks about Barbi's Hollywood roles.
Barbi performs this song live on stage.
After Barbi leaves the mansion to persue her music career, Hefner throws a late night party.
Hefner talks about how Penthouse magazine was getting increasingly ranchy with it's content,
Hefner publishes the controversal "Sex in the Cinema" cover in order to beat Penthouse's sales.
Barbi breaks up with Hefner.
Hefner starts focusing on publishing more sohisticated content.
Hefner uses his private jet to fly Vietnese oprhans to their foster parents.
Hefner holds a funrasier to rebuild the Hollywood sign.
Victor Lown's casino starts bringing in $26 million annually to Hefner's company.
Hefner builds a casino in Alantic City to bring in more money and fame to his company.
Hefner sends photographers to 28 American citites to find the most beautiful women across the country.
Hefner throws a party to celebrate the 25th anniversity of Playboy,
Arthur Kretchmer talks about Dorothy Stratten.
Hefner gets featured in the Hollywood's Walk of Fame.
Dorothy's husband, Paul Snider is listening tot his record at his house.
Dorothy returns home to tell Paul she wants a divorce.
Song playing on the stereo as Dorothy confronts Paul about the divorce. Paul turns the volume up as he picks up a gun and shoots her.
S1:EP10 My Way
No songs available for this episode.