Animals. Season 3 Soundtrack
Animals. Season 3 Soundtrack
Featured artists
S3:EP1 Episode 1
Opening to "rats".
Phil and Mike are catapulted to the Democratic Republic of Kitty City. [0:10] Phil and Mike escape the cats.
Phil and Mike smoke weed with the geckos.
Phil and Mike leave Grabbagville.
Bob Balaban sings during the credits.
S3:EP2 Episode Twenty-Two: Dogs.
When Phil is being punished by the ducks.
Phil imagines being with his owner.
Scene transition; a hamster is washing their vehicle, a snake in clown makeup handing out free “It” bootleg dvd’s out of a storm drain, a horse transporting another horse on a carriage.
Phil and Mike are married. Plays into the credits.
S3:EP3 Episode Twenty-Three: Pigeons.
Intro to wallet (0:22) End credits.
Tom Bergeron narrates how Phil came into power.
S3:EP4 Episode Twenty-Four: Horses.
Intro to Horses.
Philip reads his book as he waits outside the Budmeisner's residence to pick up Julia.
Philip and Julia run around Poor Horseville.
Philip gets drunk and wanders into Rat Town.
End credits.
S3:EP5 Episode Twenty-Five: Stuff.
Johnny Rat Town narrates about the orb.
Transition shots of Grabbagville and The Democratic People's Republic of Kitty City before back to the hospital.
Receipt Mike builds a grand communicator for the animals and places it near the orb.
Yumi and Chompy interact with the grand communicator and realize that they can finally understand each other. Plays into the end credits.
S3:EP6 Episode Twenty-Six: At A Loss For Words When We Needed Them Most Or The Rise and Fall of GrabBagVille.
Transition to Yumi's house.
Mike blares the horn of the car to get the reptiles attention.
The Grabbag animals get into a brawl.
Yumi's father sings about his love for guns. (0:27) Second end credits song.
Gecko Mike and Phil are being tried by Yumi.
The reptiles help the Grabbags in rebuilding the city. Plays into the end credits.
S3:EP7 Episode Twenty-Seven: The Trial.
Opening scene; animal reporters gather outside the courthouse.
Animals wait in line for the Grand Communicator 3.0; animals gather to watch the fall of The Democratic People's Republic of Kitty City's wall; a group of animals play dice in the streets.
Scene transition; a horse is talking to a group of rats, ducks placing bets, a dog and a porcupine making out.
S3:EP8 Episode Twenty-Eight: The Democratic People's Republic of Kitty City.
Transition to Phil's law firm.
Phil, Mike and Wallet are catapulted to the Democratic People's Republic of Kitty Land.
End credits.
S3:EP9 Episode Twenty-Nine: So You Think You Won't Treason?!
Sapphire sings at the stage.
S3:EP10 Animals
Opening to Rochella.
Tim notices the laser pointer and calls for backup.
Dinosaur Jr. performs at Rochella.
Donna Lewis makes a surprise performance at the Rochella. Human Phil and Mike try to stop the general from nuking New York.
Nuke Mike catapults himself to the military base and blows up. Plays into the end credits.
Julian Wass