Iron Fist Season 2 Soundtrack
Iron Fist Season 2 Soundtrack
Featured artists
S2:EP1 The Fury of Iron Fist
Mary hums while entering her apartment.
S2:EP2 The City's Not for Burning
Flashback to Danny and Davos undertaking the ceremony of the iron fist.
After he and Colleen return home, Danny puts on a record and relaxes.
Flashback to the leaders of K'un-Lun declaring that Danny will face the Dragon.
End credits.
S2:EP3 This Deadly Secret
S2:EP4 Target: Iron Fist
Davos arises after being tattooed with the dragon symbol; end credits.
S2:EP5 Heart of the Dragon
No songs available for this episode.
S2:EP6 The Dragon Dies at Dawn
Chen Wu turns up the car stereo as Davos heads inside to take out the guys at a Hatchet chop shop.
Colleen and Misty arrive at a bar looking for The Crane Sisters; continues as Colleen takes on two of the Sisters as Misty stops the third from leaving.
As they arrive at the site where the ritual took place, Danny asks Walker what she's planning to do.
Walker turns into Mary as the ambulance arrives to help Danny; Danny pleads with Mary to get Davos.
S2:EP7 Morning of the Mindstorm
Danny is rushed through the hospital corridors and into surgery; montage of the surgery as Misty, Colleen and Ward wait for news.
A drunk Ward orders another drink as Bethany enters the bar and tries to convince him to go to an NA meeting; Ward gets into a fight with the bartender.
Flashback of Mary while in the army, locked in a Sokovian cell with water pouring in from above.
Colleen helps Danny train for his fight with Davos.
S2:EP8 Citadel on the Edge of Vengeance
Danny tells Colleen he thinks she should take the Iron Fist; end credits.
S2:EP9 War Without End
Ward and Walker meet with a weapons dealer.
The group starts the ritual to remove the Iron Fist from Davos.
S2:EP10 A Duel of Iron
Flashback to a young Davos caring for Danny when he first arrived in K'un-Lun; montage of Danny and Davos as brothers.
Walker sings as she drags away Chen's body and finds a sniper perch.
Colleen fights Davos, as Danny keeps Walker from killing Davos.
Davos attempts to take the Iron Fist back from Colleen; Danny helps Colleen fight Davos, so she can finish the ritual.
Danny and Colleen walk down the street and discuss their relationship; Danny begins to clean up the dojo.
Colleen returns to the dojo and finds a goodbye letter from Danny.
Danny tells Ward he's coming on his trip to Asia; Months later - Colleen takes on a trio of thieves.
End credits.