The Donkeys Songs
has 6 songs in the following movies and TV shows.
Dolphin Center
Sons Of Anarchy • s1e10 • Better Half2008
Tara checks Cameron's wound; Cherry & Cameron leave as Gemma & Tara look on.
Revenge • s1e6 • Intrigue2011
Declan talks to Jack about Emily.
Don't Know Who We Are
Excelsior Lady
Dear John2010
John and Savannah are at the diner on their first date
Iron Fist • s2e7 • Morning of the Mindstorm2017
A drunk Ward orders another drink as Bethany enters the bar and tries to convince him to go to an NA meeting; Ward gets into a fight with the bartender.
Sons Of Anarchy • s1e5 • Giving Back2008
Unser stops by Gemma's booth; Gemma sees Tara hesitate after spotting Kohn frying sausages at the CPD booth; Jax asks Gemma to keep an eye on Kohn.
East Coast Raga
Gone Gone Gone
Parenthood • s2e7 • Seven Names2010
Joel talks to Sydney about the remodel.