Riverdale Season 2 Soundtrack
Riverdale Season 2 Soundtrack
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S2:EP1 Chapter Fourteen: A Kiss Before Dying
Veronica, Betty and Jughead recieve calls about Fred's shooting, then join Archie at the hospital.
Veronica checks on Archie as he showers, then joins him and they kiss.
The Serpents ask Jughead to tell his father about their loyalty; Veronica arrives home to find her father in residence; Archie waits near his front door with
In Greendale, Miss Grundy finishes a piano lesson with Ben and kisses him goodbye, then has her throat sliced open by the Angel Of Death.
'Pop's Diner' promo.
S2:EP2 Chapter Fifteen: Nighthawks
Midge talks to Reggie about acquiring come Jingle-Jangle; Reggie questions why Archie is hanging around the school counselor's office.
Jughead stops by a tattoo parlor to speak with Penny Peabody about his dad.
Betty and Jughead talk to Pop about who is trying to buy the diner.
Betty expresses concern to Jughead that no one's coming to Pop's; Betty's mom arrives to say she plans to write an article about Pop's.
Veronica helps serve at Pop's; Josie confronts Betty about advertising that they'd be performing at Pop's.
Josie and the Pussycats perform on the roof of Pop's.
Veronica insits Archie sit down while she gets him a drink, then sees her parents walking into the diner; Hiriam proposes Lodge Industries make a charitable donation to Pop's.
Archie purchases a gun; Midge and Moose partake of Jingle-Jangle and a make-out session in his car as the Angle Of Death arrives and shoots them.
S2:EP3 Chapter Sixteen: The Watcher in the Woods
Hiram invites Archie over for dinner; Archie goes into the garage where checks on he gun then picks up '(The) Red Circle' comic and finds inspiration.
At Pop's, Veronica tells Archie how important it is that he comes to dinner with her father.
Reggie picks up Archie for a Red Circle patrol and they compare they 'old school' weapons.
Cheryl watches as Kevin leaves for a run from Pop's; continues as Cheryl insults Kevin.
Kevin starts his run from Pop's Diner.
Archie gets a call for help from Ethel, then tells Reggie to head back to Hastings Street.
Hiriam agrees to let Veronica learn about the family business; Jughead joins the Serpents table for lunch; Kevin walks away from Betty; Archie and The Red Circle record a video message for the Black Hood.
S2:EP4 Chapter Seventeen: The Town That Dreaded Sundown
Montage of Riverdale residents reacting to the Black Hood's letter; Archie practices with his gun.
Bulldogs vs Serpents; Alice and Fred face off at the town meeting.
S2:EP5 Chapter Eighteen: When a Stranger Calls
Betty's phone rings and she informs Archie it's an unknown number; [0:18, 0:33, 0:51, 0:52 & 0:58] repeats as Betty receives more calls from the Black Hood.
Toni reassures Jughead that he's done well on the Serpent's tests.
Jughead is tested on the Serpent's laws, then led to his next trial involving snakes.
Pop shows Alice the article that the Black Hood told Betty to publish.
Jughead joins Betty at Pop's, where she greets him with a kiss; Jughead expresses concern over the fallout from her article, then lies to Betty about the snake bite on his hand.
At the open house for their project, Hermione and Hiram asks Veronica how things went with Nick; Hermoine tells Fred he should mingle.
Alice makes an notable appearance at the open house, in a snake print outfit and snake necklace.
The Pussycat's perform at open house; Jughead is jumped into the Serpants; Veronica and the Pussycat's go to Cheryl rescue then bet up Nick; Jughead is hanged his full members Serpents jacket.
Betty arrives at the abandoned house and receives another call from the Black Hood.
Toni kisses Jughead.
Ep 206 'Chapter 19: Death Proof' promo.
S2:EP6 Chapter Nineteen: Death Proof
Archie warns Jughead the police are about to raid the Southside High just as the sheriff and mayor walk in.
Jughead is taken to Malachai's house to meet with Tall Boy and is told to get in line with Tall Boy being the new Serpents leader.
Veronica tells Archie to come back to her in one piece; Betty tells Jughead she never stopped loving him, then gives him some last minute driving advice.
The drag race; Archie pulls the parking brake when Jughead refuses to back off.
The students at Southside High watch as Mr. Phillips is arrested for dealing drugs; Hermione informs Veronica and Hiriam that the St. Clairs were in a car accident; Jughead sits with Betty as he updates his blog about Mr. Phillips arrest; the Black Hood pays Mr. Phillips a visit in his jail cell.
S2:EP7 Chapter Twenty: Tales From The Darkside
Jughead meets with Penny at Pop's.
Jughead and Archie arrive at the shipment yard, they find hte container in the steel container load it up then head out to Greendale.
The truckdriver tells Jughead the rumors about the Riverdale Reaper.
Archie and Jughead leave Greendale; At Pop's, Jughead thanks Archie for his help with moving the crate.
Josie works on a new song when Svenson comes check in on her; Josie leaves school; (repeats) Josie works on her song again when Chuck stops by; (repeats) Josie awakens from a horrible dream of being attacked by the Black Hood and finds herself unable to speak; (continues) Cheryl listens to Josie's recording as draws a picture of herself and Josie.
Josie and Chuck eat fries together at Pop's; Chuck tells Josie how he's changed which Pop take vouches for him.
Chuck asks Josie to dance; As they dance and enjoy themsleves, Josie and Chuck are stopped by her mothers arrive.
Betty watches as Sheriff Keller leaves his home then sneaks into the Keller house.
S2:EP8 House Of The Devil
Montage of Archie and Veronica making out.
Jughead informs the Serpents that FP is being released from jail.
Betty asks Toni if they can have FP's retirement party at The Whyte Worm, then expresses concern for Jughead's wellbeing; the Serpent Dance is mentioned to Betty.
Jughead checks in with Archie at The Whyte Worm; Toni comments on Jughead's nervousness.
Betty and Alice walk into The Whyte Worm; Betty tells Jughead she has a surprise for him later.
Archie and Veronia perform a karaoke duet at FP's party, then Veronica walks off stage halfway through, followed by Archie; Betty continues the song and does a Serpent Dance.
Jughead asks FP why he changed his mind about retiring.
Jughead walks away from Betty; Veronica cries as she's driven home; Archie and Betty look at each other from their bedroom windows.
S2:EP9 Chapter Twenty-Two: Silent Night, Deadly Night
As Archie asks Jughead discuss their holiday plans, Fred asks Jughead if he wants a Christmas tree.
Jughead works on his laptop at Pop's as Archie and his dad drop off a Christmas tree.
Betty has a nighmare about heading downstairs to open presents with Polly and finding a scary Santa delivering presents.
Cheryl's mother reminds her they have no money to celebrate Christmas.
The group does a Secret Santa gift exchange.
Toni tells Jughead about the Serpents' charity works; FP refuses to let Jughead come with him on a job for Snakecharmer.
While working at the tree lot, Archie receives a call from Betty suggesting they should check up on Svenson; Cheryl shows up at the tree lot asking for their 'finest tree'.
Cheryl sings while decorating the Christmas tree she purchased.
When her mom confronts her about her purchases, Cheryl suggests she go to Hiram for a job.
Veronica sneaks into her father's office and searches his desk.
At Pop's, Betty, Archie, Veronica and Jughead discuss Svenson and the Black Hood.
Josie and Kevin sing outside Pop's; Cheryl rushes downstairs on Christmas morning to find her mom on the couch with a guy; Veronica finds a present from Archie under the tree; montage of characters opening presents; Archie talks to his mom on the phone, then heads out to meet with Veronica.
Ep 210 'The Blackboard Jungle' promo.
Betty burns the evidence from her Black Hood investigation.
S2:EP10 Chapter Twenty-Three: The Blackboard Jungle
Jughead and Toni are informed that Southside High has been closed.
At Pop's, Jughead tells FP that he thinks it fishy the way South Side High was closed down.
Veronica and Archie welcome the Southside students as they arrive Riverdale High.
Betty meets with case worker Ms. Weiss at Pop's to get information on her brother.
Veronica introduces herself to Tori, then Josie and Joaquin join in the introductions.
Jughead complains about Mr. Weatherbee's racial profiling, but Toni states they are in a much better situation at Riverdale High than at Southside.
Jughead boldy walks into Riverdale High with his Serpents jacket on; Reggie tells Jughead to remove his jack and when refuses to a fight between the Serpents and Bulldogs ensues.
Jughead takes out his frustrations on a Mortal Kombat arcade game, then explains to FP why he was suspended from school.
S2:EP11 Chapter Twenty-Four: The Wrestler
Veronica and Archie practice a song until they're interrupted by Hiram.
Veronica rehearses a song as Josie arrives to tell her she won't be performing at the Pickens Day celebration.
Hiram and Archie go for a run, then get breakfast at Pop's, where Hiram informs Archie that he will never win Veronica.
Archie starts listening to music at the wrestling try-outs as Veronica arrives to tell him that her father suggested she come watch the final try-outs.
Pickens Day celebration.
Veronica and The Pussycats perform at Pickens Day; Jughead and Toni lead a group of protesters to the town gazebo.
S2:EP12 Chapter Twenty-Five: The Wicked And The Divine
Montage as Archie works ternship with Hiram.
Josie and Veronica sing at Veronica's confirmation; Montage of the confirmation.
Veronica's confermation afterparty; Ciara gives Hermoine and Hiram the deed to the land which South Side High seat on; Veronica introduces Archie to her abuela; Betty checks in on Jughead.
Veronica and Archie dance together.
Hiram and the other heads of the family play poker at Pop's, Archie works assistanting Pop Tate when Hiram introduces him to the heads.
Jughead, F.P., and Betty arrive at the White Snake with statues head.
Veronica questions Archie about his coversation with Hiram.
Betty and Jughead begin to have sex for the first time.
Archie asks Hiram to speak in private.
S2:EP13 Chapter Twenty Six: The Tell-Tale Heart
Veronica tries to convince Jughead to get his dad to sit down for a chat with Hiram.
At Pop's diner, Alice waits with Betty and Jughead when F.P. arrives at the diner, he assures them that the body is taken care of and that the order ends their; Chic cuts out Hal from a picture then burns it.
Ep 214 'The Hills Have Eyes' promo.
S2:EP14 Chapter Twenty-Seven: The Hills Have Eyes
Veronica tells the others about the Lodge summer house.
The couples head into the jacuzzi, they continue to discuss Archie and Betty's kiss which Veronica suggest that she and Jughead share a kiss to smooth things over.
Betty returns to Jughead with her black wig on and warns Jughead about his naughtiness.
At Pop's, Josie informs Kevin about their parents affair.
Veronica and Betty stop by the local general store; Betty admonishes Veronica when she flirts with the store clerk, Cassidy.
At Pop's, Midge and Moose invite Kevin to join them.
Midge asks Kevin who he's going to the movie with, then asks how he and Moose became friends.
Cheryl spies on her mother.
At Pop's, the couples contemplate what happened with the robbery.
S2:EP15 Chapter Twenty-Eight: There Will Be Blood
Veronica tells Archie that her parents want his father to run for mayor.
Jughead asks Pop if Hiram bought the diner.
At Pop's, Archie asks Josie to get her mom to attempt to deter Fred from running for mayor.
Jughead arrives at the bus station to meet with the whistle-blower.
At Pop's, Jughead tells FP about Hiram's connection to Shankshaw Prison.
S2:EP16 Chapter Twenty-Nine: Primary Colors
Betty confronts Chic about the results of the blood test she had run.
Toni shows her moves to the Cheryl and the Riverdale VIxens.
At Pop's, Archie tries to convince Jughead that the prison will be good for Riverdale, then admits that Fred doesn't like what the Lodges are doing to the town.
The inner circle of Vixen's braid each others hair; Cheryl confesses to the inner circle that she's afraid to be alone with her family at the house.
Cheryl confesses to Toni that invited all the girls because she also wanted to be near Toni; Cheryl and Toni begin to kiss when they hear a crash.
Betty passes out kisses and cupcakes for campaign to win class president.
Archie and his mother have dinner at Pop's, Mary expresses her concern about Archie being so invovled with the Logdes and that Veronica is leading him astray.
Veronica asks Josie for an campaign endorsement, then bribes her with a guest spot on 'Watch What Happens Live'.
Archie races to South Side High where he finds Jughead and the Serpents chained to the school.
Josie and Veronica sing at the campign rally; Ethel passes out a flier on Veronica.
Archie and his buddies use bolt cutters to remove the chains from Jughead and the Serpents as a group of onlookers watch.
S2:EP17 Chapter Thirty: The Noose Tightens
Archie asks Reggie to stand with him; Veronica joins Toni for their mission to rescue Cheryl from the Sisters of Quiet Mercy.
Veronica and Archie drive to school; Toni asks Cheryl what she plans to do about her mother and uncle.
S2:EP18 Chapter Thirty-One: A Night To Remember
Betty and Veronica get ready for school; Cheryl and Toni practice a cheerleader routine; Archie turns down Fred's offer of a ride to school; the musical cast meets up on the auditorium stage.
Cheryl shows off her singing skills to prove she's worthy of the role.
Betty and Veronica perform a song together.
At Pop's, Alice asks FP if he'll drop by to check out the musical, then when he refuses, suggests they are making the same mistakes they made before.
Cheryl stops Josie's song rehearsal to ask for her forgiveness.
Veronica leads a musical dance number, as Betty watches from backstage.
Archie and Betty perform Tommy and Sue's love ballad; Betty disagrees with Veronica's assertion she's been a bad friend.
Alice and Midge rehearse a song, which ends with Alice singing directly to Betty and pleading with her not to leave.
Backstage the cast get ready for their performance; Cheryl carries a bucket of blood up the Thistlehouse driveway.
Audience members take their seats; FP sees Alice greeting Hal, then turns around and leaves; Kevin finds Fangs in Midge's dressing room; Jughead finds incriminating evidence in Ethel's dressing room.
Veronica, Betty, Archie and Chuck a tongue twister vocal warm-up while hanging out together in a dressing room.
Alice performs a solo, as a gruesome sight is revealed behind her.
Ep 219 'Chapter Thirty-Two: Prisoners' promo.
S2:EP19 Chapter Thirty-Two: Prisoners
Cheryl sings at Midge's funeral; (contines) Cheryl finishes her threnody for Midge.
At Pop's, the group discuss theories on who might have killed Midge and if Svenson was really the Black Hood.
Veronica meets Nick at Pop's for their exchange.
Betty's phones begins to ring with the Black Hood's ringtone; (repeats) [00:39] The Black Hood call's Betty again.
S2:EP20 Chapter Thirty-Three: Shadow of a Doubt
At Pop's, Veronica meets with various guys who's families want to make a partnership with her family.
At Pop's, Veronica suggests to Elio that their families form a partnership to open a Sweetwater Casino.
At Pop's, FP and Jughead discuss the footage from the musical implicating Fangs in Midge's death.
As she put on nail polish, Cheryl receives a call from Betty.
Veronica tells Fred she's supporting his run for mayor; Veronica and Archie kiss.
Jughead and the Serpets leave the police station with Fangs, they encounter a crowd of protestors; Archie arrives at the police station when he sees Reggie head for Fangs and tackles him causing his gun to go off shooting Fangs; the crowd ensues in a riot.
S2:EP21 Chapter Thirty-Four: Judgment Night
The Ghoulies appears outside out Pop's as Archie calls Jughead to asks where the Serpents are.
Penny calls Jughead as asks to meet with him or she'll harm Toni.
Hermoine and Veronica tells Hiram thiers another body for her to clean up; Hal is arrested; Betty tells Archie her father was the Blackhood not the man to attacked him an hour before; Jughead calls to tell Betty he loves her and goodbye.
F.P. comes out of the woods hold Jughead's body as Betty and Archie arrive.
S2:EP22 Chapter Thirty-Five: Brave New World
Archie asks Sierra's opinion on the chance that Fred will win the mayor's race; Archie is called to Sheriff Minetta's office.
The Serpents hide from police as they make their way to a safe haven on the North Side.
Archie tells Principal Weatherby to expel him if he's planning to discriminate against the Serpents.
Veronica informs her father that she already bought The Whyte Wyrm, but is willing to trade it for Pop's.
Veronica tells her friends that the basement of Pop's used to be a speakeasy and she wants to re-open it.
Josie sings the national anthem at the class assembly, as Sheriff Minetta arrives to arrest Archie.
Archie is led off in cuffs, as Hiram watches from the shadows.
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