#1Pulp Fiction
1994 42 Songs
Jules climbs through the window of a frat house and starts knocking around Will.
Jules hops over the sorority house fence and strips off her vigilante outfit.
Ophelia works on her computer, then welcomes in a coffee-carrying Harris; Evan kisses Ophelia goodbye.
Ophelia is chased by Barton after he spots her smoking a joint, then encounters Jules beating up a guy.
Harris yells at Ophelia for rolling joins in the record store, then Fiona and Gaby arrive to buy pot.
At the Zeta party; Kennedy suggests Jules find someone to sleep with; Jules fakes getting an emergency phone call to get away from Nate and runs into Tyler.
Ophelia enters the sorority house to drop off pot and uses the necklace to uncover the identity of the vigilante.
Ophelia hacks into Jules computer and figures out Carter Fischer is her next target; Jules tells Kennedy she needs to meet with her philosophy teacher; Ophelia tracks Jules' movements via her phone.
Jules sneaks into a garage and attacks Carter.
Jules struggles to take down Carter and has a flashback to being raped.
Ophelia asks Jules if she wants to listen to some music.
Ophelia switches songs, then she and Jules start singing along.
Jules helps Ophelia stumble out of the bar after they realize Tyler is related to Carter, then they discover the car is missing.
Ophelia and Jules drop by the record store to get money; Harris questions why Ophelia is so upset over a towed car.
MacKenzie questions Kennedy about Jules' new companion; Kennedy confronts Jules about staying out all night, then Jules tells her about meeting Tyler.
Ophelia hacks Hailey's school record to find out who raped her.
Harris worries over not being able to come up with a new essay topic; Ophelia sells weed to Miles as Jules arrives.
Ophelia assures Harris he is up to writing a new essay, then asks Jules if she's ready to deal with Carter.
Ophelia decides she needs to 'make it right'; Jules tucks away her vigilante outfit and texts Tyler; Harris works on his paper; Ophelia follows Hailey to a women's bathroom.
Montage of Ophelia showing off her fighting skills to Jules, then they look at a picture of the Kappa Alpha Omega warning board; continues as Jules picks Max Conner as their next target.
Ophelia observes Max as Jules joins her and freaks out about the police looking for Carter.
Fiona questions the case studies that Harris plans to use for his essay.
Darren arrives to meet Becky, carrying a baseball bat and hears Jules and Ophelia's voices; the ladies beat up Darren and give him a warning.
Jules apologizes to Tyler for sending mixed messages, then tells him she needs to take things slow; they kiss.
Ophelia tells Harris she wants to apply for the record store job, which he agrees to with some conditions; Fiona arrives for her date with Harris.
Tyler goes to Carter's apartment to find a pile of mail, everything covered in dust and his snowboard in the closet; Tyler leaves Carter a voicemail pleading with him to call.
Harris complains to Ophelia about the assignments he's being given for the law journal.
Ophelia watches the video from her visit to Kappa house while talking to Jules on the phone; Ophelia's mom drops by to her happiness at Ophelia pledging Kappa.
Nate brings Kennedy a bouquet of flowers, then Jules sits in discomfort as they kiss goodbye.
Harris sits down at Will's table to ask about his break-in, but Will refuses to talk to him.
Kennedy and Jules lead the pledges to get the revenge on the Omega fraternity.
Tyler brings Jules a pink-painted mini George Washington statue, asks how Pledge Week is going, then tells her a story about how he got into art; Tyler expresses concern about Carter's disappearance.
Jules watches Kennedy sleeping, texts Ophelia; Jules joins Ophelia at a pizzeria, admits to her that she's not dealing well with things, then says that Ophelia's green hair is awesome.
'We'll (Bleep) You Up' PSA promo.
Chase buys Rachel a drink at The Colonel as she waits for her blind date to show.
Rachel climbs into the back of Landon's car and is driven to a back alley, where Landon climbs into the back seat with her.
Harris comments on Tyler's painting; Jules thanks Harris for letting her use the store for her pop-up art show; Kennedy arrives as Ophelia tells Jules she needs to leave hack the navigation on Landon's car.
Jules asks Ophelia what happened on the fro-you run; Fiona tries to explain a painting to Harris; Ophelia reluctantly introduces Evan to Harris and Fiona; Fiona tells Harris how Ophelia found Jules' necklace; Tyler gets upset when a student misunderstands his art, then tells Jules he needs to leave.
Ophelia and Jules set up for their attack on Landon; Ophelia pretends to be drunk and catches a ride with Landon, then starts to freak out when he doesn't head towards his usual spot.
Landon finally parks, then Ophelia attacks him and his friend; Jules arrives on her bicycle as Landon drives off.
Jules finds Tyler waiting at her door, where he apologizes for how he handled the pop-up; Tyler surprises Jules with a starlit room, then they kiss.
When Landon an Chase get out of the car, Ophelia and Jules attack them; Ophelia chases after Landon when he runs, stabs him with a knife and gives him a warning, unaware she's being filmed by multiple people.
Ophelia and Harris arrive at the record store to find Jules and Tyler kissing, then Ophelia takes their picture; Ophelia shares her stash of junk food with the group; continues as Jules informs Ophelia that the cops are checking everyone for an arm injury.
Jules gets a call from Kennedy asking about her bluetooth speaker, then Kennedy spots Jules statistics textbook under the bed; Ophelia responds to a knock at the door to find Nate standing there.
Jules finds Nate listening to music and asks why he's at the store.
With the police chasing her, Ophelia busts into Chase's room, tazes him and slashes his arm; the police arrive and arrest him.
Harris gets a call from Barton; Jules breaks up with Tyler; Nate goes to the sorority house to talk with Kennedy.
Jules returns to the sorority house where her sisters abruptly stop whispering when she walks in.
Kennedy collapses to her floor in tears; Barton finds the Kappa Alpha Omega warning board and phones Harris; Jules shows up at Ophelia's door and asks if she can stay with her for awhile.
Tyler receives a call from his mom asking about Carter.
Harris, Ophelia and Jules hang out at a pizza parlor; Ophelia ignores Evan's phone call; Jules defends how much fun she used to be.
Flashback to Jules arriving at the Omega Theta party and telling Nate how upset Kennedy was at not being able to come; beer pong.
Flashback to a very drunk Jules asking Nate to pour her another drink, then they both do shots.
Flashback to Jules stumbling around and asking Nate if she can lie down in his bed; Nate comments on how good Jules looks, then tells his buddy he's going up to join her; Jules struggles as Nate starts taking off her clothes.
Flashback to Jules crying in the aftermath of the rape, then she heads back to the sorority house and eventually decides to head to the health center and request a rape kit.
The group heads back to the Vinylton; Jules comments on the deliciousness of sour worms; Harris publishing his vigilante article; Jules asks Ophelia why she's being so mean to Evan.
Jules asks Harris for a beer, then Ophelia takes her aside and questions why she suddenly wants to drink.
Jules picks out a song to sing along to.
Ophelia expresses disbelief as Jules sings along to the song, then she joins in; montage of the group partying intercut with flashbacks to Jules hiding away in her bedroom.
The trio head to a bar, where Ophelia tries to convince Jules to head home; Jules points out that Evan is with another girl, then tells Ophelia she needs to go talk to him; Evan tells Ophelia to get back to him when she sobers up; Harris tells Ophelia he got kicked off the law journal; Nate and his buddies arrive at the bar.
Jules puts on her vigilante outfit and hides in the bathroom, then Ophelia confronts her over the stupidity of her plan.
Tyler notices that a picture on Carter's Facebook page was photo shopped to create the skiing text message he received; Harris looks through the comments on his vigilante article, then phones Barton; Evan shows up at Ophelia's door and asks if she really meant what she said about her feeling for him; Tyler files a missing person report; Jules returns to her support group.
Barton adds Brady Teller's name to the Kappa Alpha Omega warning board, then Harris questions whether his plan will actually work.
Jules returns to Ophelia's place and finds her in bed with Evan; Jules asks Ophelia how she plans to balance being a girlfriend and a vigilante.
Barton explains to Harris why he chose Brady as the target.
Harris comments on how much time Ophelia is spending with Evan, then Fiona arrives and asks if Ophelia is planning to go to the bacchanal.
Barton warns Brady the vigilante could be targeting him, then offers him a protection detail.
Ophelia asks Owen if he wants to go to the bacchanal, but he says he has plans with turtles.
Barton explains the panic button to Brady; Miles offers Nate help in getting Kennedy back.
Nate tries a romantic gesture with Kennedy with Miles consulting from outside the door.
Miles complains about Kennedy and Nate's lack of appreciation; Nate tells Kennedy he loves her and asks her to the bacchanal.
Jules tells Ophelia her plan for taking down Brady; Evan surprises Ophelia by announcing he changed his schedule so he can attend the bacchanal.
Ophelia, Evan and Jules arrive at the Lamda Tau bacchanal; Ophelia asks Evan to grab some beers, then she and Jules split up to search for Brady.
Jules spots Brady; Tyler sees Jules trying to entice Brady; Ophelia encourages Evan to party without her, but he picks her up and carries her off; Jules sees Nate arrive with Kennedy.
Jules and Ophelia beat up Brady; Barton finds the panic button in Brady's empty room.
Veach updates Tyler on his search for Carter and says there is something fishy about his text messages.
Ophelia greets Evan wearing a 'I'm A Butthole' t-shirt and apologizes for ditching him at the bacchanal; they kiss.
When Kennedy asks Nate to get off of her, he throws something and yells at her, then immediately turns contrite.
Harris confronts Ophelia about the camera she has on the Kappa Alpha Omega warning board; Tyler and Veach head into Carter's garage.
Jules reports her sexual assault; Ophelia tells Evan that she got in a big fight with Harris.
Tyler tells Jules he filed a missing person report on Carter; Jules fakes an emergency and runs off to 'help' Ophelia.
Ophelia smokes a bong as Jules arrives to inform her about the missing person's report on Carter; Ophelia assures Jules she will investigate what the police know.
Nate asks Miles what he told the Title IX board; Nate's Coach assures him he'll take care of everything.
Jules walks in the room as Kennedy and the other girls receive messages disparaging Jules' claims.
Ophelia shows Harris what has been posted by Jules; Harris receives a call for a meeting with Ellen Thurston.
Jules tells Kennedy she can't wait for everything to be over; Kennedy tells off Miles and his friends.
Ophelia leaves Harris a message saying she is going to the DA to turn herself in, then finds Evan at her door; Ophelia sits in the waiting room at the DA.
Harris unlocks the door at Vinylton and receives the message from Ophelia.
Ophelia confesses to Evan that she's a 'dark' person and that she and Jules make a 'twisted dark hole'.
Tyler shows up at Jules' door with a bouquet and an apology for hitting Nate; they kiss.
Kennedy reads through the tweets about Nate's verdict being overturned; the police show up the sorority house and arrest Tyler for Carter's murder.
While in custody, Tyler watches ad about attaining a lawyer.
Jules lays out her plan to Ophelia on how to free Tyler by sending another text from Carter.
Jules tells Ophelia to concentrate on Tyler rather than getting revenge on Nate; Ophelia shows Jules the SweetVicious tweets.
Jules and Ophelia set their IntimiNate plan into notion; Nate gets a warning text.
Ophelia tells Jules about the guy she found to frame for Carter's murder.
Nate's buddies gather, then suddenly start getting messages about problems in their lives.
Tyler expresses disbelief to Jules about why Carter would have been killed, then suggests that it would make more sense if the vigilante had killed Carter; the sorority sisters inform Jules that Nate was kicked out of Omega Theta.
Jules and Ophelia take on Nate and some of his fraternity brothers; Harris sees the ladies knocking out Nate.
Miles smokes pot as Jules and Ophelia arrive to ask for his help finding Nate.
Nate's MVP ceremony video is interrupted by a message from the vigilante; Ophelia sends out a mass text for reporting assaults to SweetVicious.
Jules tells Kennedy that she needs to find a way to get closure over losing Nate; Jules consoles Kennedy.
Ophelia and Harris bicker over whether he's Bosley or Charlie; as they lie in bed, Tyler and Jules exchange 'I love you's.
Tyler packs up stuff at Carter's garage, then gets a call from Jules; Nate finds a surprise guest in his room.
The sorority girls prepare banners for the rally; Kennedy makes a call about an internship; Harris sends Ophelia some files from the DA's office; Ophelia and Jules start receiving multiple messages to their SweetVicious board.
#1Pulp Fiction
1994 42 Songs
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