Black Mirror Season 4 Soundtrack
Black Mirror Season 4 Soundtrack
Featured artists
S4:EP1 USS Callister
The crew sings in appreciation of Captain Daly's heroic decision making; [0:35] repeats as Nanette rejects the Captain's advances.
Nanette receives the help message as she arrives at work.
Robert after his rogue programming is deleted.
S4:EP2 Arkangel
Sara's mom turns on music and starts dancing around the kitchen.
Sara gets ready for her night out.
Sara hangs out with her friends at the Lake Dalston; Trick offers Sara a joint.
End credits.
S4:EP3 Crocodile
Rob and Mia makes out at a rave; continues as they drive down a mountain road while smoking joints and end up hitting a cyclist.
Mia says goodbye to her husband and son, then head to work.
Mia watches a pizza truck hit a guy in the street, then frantically closes all the blinds in her hotel room; [0:25] repeats as the musician relives his memory of the accident for the insurance agent; [0:29] Shazia interviews a female witness; [0:37] Shazia drives out to Mia's house; [0:42] Shazia interviews Mia; [0:47] Mia questions Shazia.
Mia's husband sings while reminding her about her son's school musical; [0:55] repeats as the kids sing at the school musical.
S4:EP4 Hang the DJ
Amy and Frank explore the house they were driven to and ask the dating app what their next step is.
Amy and Frank look at each from across the room; end credits.
S4:EP5 Metalhead
Bella lures The Dog to the car with a song playing on the stereo.
Montage of Dogs around the area and a reveal of what was in the warehouse box.
S4:EP6 Black Museum
Flashback to Carrie and Jack meeting and making out at a party.
Jack plays Carrie a recording of their son singing.
Nish sings along with the car radio as she pulls into an abandoned gas station; [1:06] repeats as Nish drives away from the museum.