Class Season 1 Soundtrack
Class Season 1 Soundtrack
Featured artists
S1:EP1 For Tonight We Might Die
Theme song.
Tanya arrives at school; Ram intentionally bumps into Charlie; students mention Kevin having gone missing; April asks Tanya to help decorate for prom.
April tries to recruit volunteers to decorate for prom.
School prom; Miss Quill yells at some students for dancing too closely together; Charlie asks April how she's feeling.
Tanya arrives at the prom and explains to April how she convinced her mom to let her go; Ram and Rachel enter the gym.
April collapses while seeing a vision from the Shadow Kin; Rachel is attacked by the Shadow Kin.
April and the others try to convince the other students to leave.
S1:EP3 Nightvisiting
Montage of Tanya's parents dating, getting married and raising kids; 2 years ago - montage of Tanya dealing with her father's death; [0:58] repeats as Tanya says goodbye to her father and kisses his picture.
S1:EP4 Co-Owner Of A Lonely Heart
No songs available for this episode.
S1:EP5 Brave-ish Heart
No songs available for this episode.
S1:EP6 Detained
Miss Quill informs Charlie that she is no longer his slave.
S1:EP7 The Metaphysical Engine, Or What Quill Did
S1:EP8 The Lost
April performs a song at a bar; montage of the students; Ram skips class; April asks Charlie if he ever feels like 'it's so dark it will never be light again'; Ram's father is stabbed by a Shadowkin sword.
Another song is performed as Ram shows up at the bar and tells April his father is dead; Matteusz drops by Charlie's place and they discuss Miss Quill still being unconscious; [0:48] repeats after Charlie fires the gun.