The Twilight Saga: Eclipse Soundtrack

List of Songs
Chop and Change
The Black Keys
Plays briefly in the fim\'s opening.
Riley is walking in the rain when he gets attacked. He tries to escape but is bitten
Compromise/Bella's Theme
Howard Shore & Ray Chen
Bella and Edward are sitting in the glade, she's reading a poem. Then she refuses to marry Edward
Let\'s Get Lost
Beck and Bat for Lashes
Charlie ungrounds Bella on the condition she visits. Jacob and Edward show up in the truck when she tries to leave.
How Can You Swallow So Much Sleep
Bombay Bicycle Club
Plays during lunch at the school cafeteria.
Alexandre Desplat
The Cullens chase Victoria in the night forest
A Million Miles an Hour
Eastern Conference Champions
Jacob confronts Edward at school about the vampires entering the wolves territory.
Jonathan Low
Vampire Weekend
Bella gets on the back of Jacobs motorbike and they drive off as Edward watches.
Howard Shore & Ray Chen
Jacob tells Bella about imprinting
The Cullens Plan
Howard Shore & Ray Chen
Edward feels someone's been in Bella's room. The Cullens decide how to act further
Bella and Edward are driving up to the treaty line to meet Jacob
The Line
Edward drives away after dropping Bella off with Jacob.
Life on Earth
Band of Horses
Bella and Edward are lying in bed together talking about what to tell people if Bella chooses to be a vampire. They kiss.
First Kiss
Howard Shore & Ray Chen
Jacob declares his love for Bella and kisses her. She punches him but brakes her hand
Howard Shore & Ray Chen
Rosalie tells Bella her unhappy story
Decisions, Decisions
Howard Shore & Ray Chen
Riley warns the newborns about controlling themselves. The Volturi watch them
The Bravery
First song playing at the party.
Neutron Star Collision (Love is Forever)
Second song playing at the party. Bella sees Jacob and he apologizes for kissing her.
They're Coming Here
Howard Shore & Ray Chen
Alice sees the newborns passing around Bella's red blouse and understands that they're about to come to Forks. The Cullens and werewolves decide to fight and train together despite Bella's protests
With You in My Head
UNKLE ft. The Black Angels
The vampires and werewolfs are training to fight the newborns.
Howard Shore & Ray Chen
1h 1m
Jasper reminisces about meeting Maria and further training newborns on her command
Wolf Scent
Howard Shore & Ray Chen
1h 7m
An experiment about suppressing Bella's scent with Jacob's by him carrying her
My Love
1h 12m
Bella and Edward kiss on the bed but Edward denies her sex. Continues after Bella says yes to his marriage proposal.
Rolling In on a Burning Tire
The Dead Weather
1h 17m
Victoria and Riley talk about ending the Cullen clan and kiss.
Mountain Peak
Howard Shore & Ray Chen
1h 23m
Jacob carries Bella to the camping place. The newborns set off for Forks
The Kiss
Howard Shore & Ray Chen
1h 32m
Jacob learns Bella\'s marrying Edward. She tries to persuade Jake to stay and begs him to kiss her
The Battle / Victoria vs. Edward
Howard Shore & Ray Chen
1h 35m
The Cullens and the pack fight the newborns while Edward and Seth deal with Victoria and Riley
1h 43m
Alice foresees the Volturi coming. Jacob gets hurt by the newborn. The Volturi appear at the battlefield
As Easy As Breathing
Howard Shore & Ray Chen
1h 48m
Bella visits Jacob on his sickbed
Wedding Plans
Howard Shore & Ray Chen
1h 49m
The final scene. Bella clarifies herself about her feelings and her desire to join Edward's world
Eclipse (All Yours)
1h 50m
First song end credits song.
Heavy in Your Arms
Florence + the Machine
1h 53m
Second end credits song.
What Part of Forever
Cee Lo Green
1h 56m
Third end credits song.
Bella's Truck / Florida
Howard Shore & Ray Chen
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Edward tells Bella they've been tracking the situation in Seattle. 2nd scene: Renee gives Bella a blanket as a present
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