American Wedding Soundtrack
American Wedding Soundtrack
Featured artists
Songs Timeline
Songs Timeline
Opening scene
Right after Jim proposes to Michelle
Played at the beginning of the engagement party scene
Stifler arrives to Jim and Michelle's engagement party.
Michelle looks for the dress for the wedding
The guys drive to the night club in Chicago
Stifler is dancing in the chicago club.
Stifler is dancing in the chicago club.
Stifler is dancing in the chicago club.
Stifler dancing at the gay bar.
The end of the dance challenge in the night club
Start of the bachelor party
Officer Krystal and Bandi strips in the bachelor party.
They pack to the hotel.
Jim uses the electric shaver.
Jim and Michelle walk along the beach.
Stifler driving through the city, after ruining the wedding.
Start the wedding
Jim and Michelle are dancing in the wedding.
Plays during the credits.
Trailer Songs
Trailer Songs
No trailer songs found.

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Top Contributors
How about the music when Stifler teaches Jim how to dance at the gymnasium?
5 years ago
0 replies
Whats the song Michelle walks down the isle to?
5 years ago
0 replies
Song that plays during the actual wedding scene? It starts at about 1hr 32min, when Stiffler hands Jim the ring and plays on through the vows. It's just instrumental guitar and some strings. Any idea what it is?
14 years ago
4 replies
That's what I meant though. Even if it was just part of the score, I still liked it and was wondering if anyone knew the name of that piece of score?
13 years ago
I don't think its an actual song. More like something you would find on a score composed for that scene/movie
13 years ago
Christophe Beck is the composers name. The song is actually titled "You May Kiss the Bride" . You can find it here: http://christophebeck.com/projects/americanwedding/
8 years ago
That page is no longer available, and I can’t find that song anywhere to buy. It is posted on YouTube entitled “the wedding”. Do you know where I can get it now?
2 years ago