Sugababes Songs
has 11 songs in the following movies and TV shows.
Round Round

American Wedding2003
The end of the dance challenge in the night club
Overload - Edit

Heartbreak High • s2e3 • The Feelings Pit2022
Quinni realizes Rowan and Malakai are attracted to each other romantically when she sees them walking together.

40 Days and 40 Nights2002
Erica is dancing to this song at the laundromat. Matt brings her fabric softener.
About You Now
Hole In The Head
Too Lost in You

Love Actually2003
Daniel decides to learn a musical instrument to try and get Joanna. Playing at the christmas party. Mia asks Harry for a dance.
Freak Like Me

Clocking Off • s4e1 • Suzie's Story2000
Plays in the nightclub.
Angels With Dirty Faces
Push The Button

About Time2013
Second song at the New Years party.
Get Sexy - A Tribute to Sugababes

StreetDance 3D2010
The girls are doing their warm up as Thomas and the guys watch on from the stage. They decide to go out that night.
Soul Sound