Pitch Perfect Soundtrack
Pitch Perfect Soundtrack
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Songs Timeline
Songs Timeline
First song of the movie the Treblemakers perform.
The first song the Barden Bellas perform.
Song during opening credits.
Remixed into the previous song as Beca arrives at college.
Jesse pulls up in the car next to Beca and sings this song.
Beca is DJing in her room when her dad comes in.
The Treblemakers sing this song on the open day.
When Beca arrives at the CD library, Luke is listening to this song in the booth.
Beca at the CD store/internship.
Beca is mixing this song.
Beca sings this song in the showers with Chloe.
Beca sings this song at her audition for the Bellas.
First song at the Movie. The music plays on. Drink cups.
Song at the party as they all start singing at the amphitheatre.
The Barden Bella\'s start training.
The Bellas sing this at the frat party but are told to stop.
First song at the movie Barden Bella's perform.
The song at movie The Barden Bella's performance.
Beca mixes with this song for Jesse.
They watch the end of breakfast club together.
The Sockapellas perform this song first.
The Treblemakers perform this song.
The old accapella group is singing this backstage before trying to fight the Treblemakers.
The Bellas sing this on the bus to the regionals.
First acapella group, the footnotes perform their song.
After the Bella\'s lose regionals, spring break starts. Beca has the night shift at the radio.
Jesse is listening to this song on his headphones while Beca tries to get him to open his door.
The Bella\'s practice there mix-up set in the empty pool after they take Beca back.
Introduction to the acapella finals. First group sings this song.
The Treblemakers sing this song in the finals.
Bellas Finals: Price Tag/Don’t You (Forget About Me)/Give Me Everything/Just The Way You Are/Party In The U.S.A./Turn The Beat Around
The Barden Bellas
The Bella's sing this song at the finals.
The acapella group sings this song.
First song during end credits.
Trailer Songs
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