Run Fat Boy Run
Nine Pound Hammer
Heard in the following movies & tv shows
Run, Fatboy, Run
Chicken Box, corn dog, hot grits, pecan logs, watermelon, pigs feet, fried squirrel, head cheese. Pork brains, sweet tea, hamhocks, butter beans, chopped mutton, bugoo, bananner puddin, Yoo-Hoo! RUN FAT BOY, RUN! RUN FAT BOY, RUN! Frog's legs, funnel cake, fatback, Ale-8, spare ribs, bar-b-q, moon pies, Mountain Dew. Cornbread, Texas Pete, Duck-n-Dumplings, jowels with teeth. Buttered biscuits, Little Debbies, Bunny Bread, whistleberries! RUN FAT BOY, RUN! RUN FAT BOY, RUN! Collard greens, gumbo, steak fries, Ho-Ho's, catfish, candied yams, ceviled eggs, country ham. Slawburger, fried pies, sweet potatoes, pork rinds, possum sack, deer meat, neck roast, sugarbeets. Whipped taters, rabbit stew, goat nuts, Goo Goos. Breakfast bar, Meat-n-3, feedin' time, Let's Eat! RUN FAT BOY, RUN! RUN FAT BOY, RUN!
Song Info
Release Year