Alta Falls
The Barr Brothers
Heard in the following movies & tv shows
1) On The Second Day of june. BeNeath, an 'aLmost cresceNt moon - 'We played /eChoes\ . with thE fireflies'. You were aLmost, Seventeen. On, the bright-side of a 'dReam - BLowing kisses .to the paper'boy. ANd the ribbons, tHat we drew . -On Magnolia 'Avenue . was September 'Before they all washed away. We weRe dabbLing iN the daRk . - Gettting lOst in /echoe\ park . 'Heard The 'elujahs ... on the radio. At the tolliNg of a' bell - \Rays'/ of sUnlight 'moRning fell. CLouds cast' a shadow . -On the fields below. *\/* ** all my words come tumbLing down- Like Violets' in your pearls or, maybe- it's just this kind'of -wrEcK. 'ThAt gOes diviNg foR the pearls /tell all my' -sheeples'- and /chains'\ Come-on that i'm a- weLded to tHe worLd... Was there soul, {salt?} long a-go. ** 2) with my nickels in the sand, holding water in my hand. It's apparent beneath the .(++++"+++). sweet. You were running with balloons'. And' .some were yellow and' some were -blue. Tapping +//////+ and you let' them go. But \eye/ wanted- to 'convey- That it was, . more thAn i' cAn -say. Was how' BeautifuL, that i' thought' that it was. 'You were aLmost seventeen, on tHe bright side of a 'DReam. Blowing Kisses -to the paperboy. ** aLL my words come tumbLing down-Like Violets in your pearls ** Oh, maYbe its just this kind'of man- That goes diving for the pearL' . TeLL aLL my \shacKles'and'chains/ -'come-off' Im 'a' dEviL .to the world ALL my Leaves come apart- and break down and it' -Happens for the birds- Maybe- its just this kind 'of -man that Goes diving -FOr the' pearl. Tell all my 'wheels and 'peeps. /come'off\ . That im Rebel. to the world. '* was there soul .long a-go.*' *Was there . .soul -long ago.*
More songs from The Barr Brothers
Come in the Water
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It Came to Me
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You Would Have to Lose Your Mind
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Give The Devil Back His Heart
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Beggar in the Morning
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Saint Cecilia
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Ooh, Belle
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How the Heroine Dies
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Even the Darkness Has Arms
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Cloud (For Lhasa)
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Love Ain't Enough
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Old Mythologies
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Half Crazy
2 credits
Song Info
Release Year