I Will Take Care Of You - William Bell

I Will Take Care Of You

William Bell

1 credits

Heard in the following movies & tv shows


When all the years Have come and gone And laid you low You should know When you think you're left Out on your own I will be there I never gave You fancy clothes No diamond rings Or the finer things But when you feel All alone Don't you despair I will take care of you Oh yes I will I will take care of you When the doors are closed And your dreams have flown When you're the last one left And all of your friends are gone I will help you carry on Don't you despair At the end of the day In the darkest night Just keep the faith Don't lose the light I'll be there to make things right I will be there I will take care of you Oh yes I will I will take care of you When all of your friends are gone I will take care of you I will take care of you

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