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The Way It Ends - Landon Pigg

Landon Pigg

The Way It Ends


Run Is this to be our fate Hide Freedom is ours as long as we escape We walk in the shadows We do Find out what we all know Our time is near This is the way it ends Don't tell me it's meaningless There'll be no compromise We fall in we too shall rise You held me and taught me how I think I am ready now If this is the way it ends This is the way it's meant to be We will be spelled in blood And this is the way that they'll remember us Emerge from the shadows We will Emerge from the shadows This is the way it ends Don't tell me it's meaningless There'll be no compromise We fall in we too shall rise You held me and taught me how I think I am ready now If this is the way it ends This is the way it's meant to be Under my skin they fade away Here's to life with no regrets See you again all one day Give me love or give me death Can anyone ever really say This is the way it ends This is my life to give And this the way it ends Nothing is meaningless There'll be no compromise We fall in we too shall rise again This is the way it ends Then this is the way it's meant to be This is the way it's meant to be

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