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Izzy's Irish Rose - Black 47

Black 47

Izzy's Irish Rose


Izzy was a tailor down the lower east side The very man to top you off with dignity and pride His mother wanted him to marry a Katz from Houston Street A great big strapping lump of a girl with two big awkward feet But Izzy was a cantor in the Synagogue He kept the laws of Israel with the greatest of resolve He didn't fancy Esther Katz, her pastrami left him cold He wanted a taste of Irish love before he grew too old He was looking for Rosemary, Eileen, Statia, Ann McKnowles Ever after to be known as Izzy's Irish Rose Forever and ever and ever young Rosie Ann McKnowles Will be the queen of Orchard Street, Izzy's Irish rose So, he went to Rabbi Hershowitz and he said "oh me oh my I want a wife back home in bed who'll keep me satisfied" The Rabbi nodded wisely, "I understand my son I have an auld one home in the bed She's a menace to God and man For she never shuts up talking, morning noon til night I have to go to the Irish pub to get some peace and quiet So they sped off to the shebeen down Delancy Street The Lord works in mysterious ways but he's usually discreet For there they met Rosemary, Eileen, Statia, Ann McKnowles Ever after to be known as Izzy's Irish Rose Forever and ever and ever young Rosie Ann McKnowles Will be the queen of Orchard street, Izzy's Irish rose Now Rosie was the finest girl out of Sligo town She had a head of red hair that stretched all of the way down Past her lovely derriere to her gorgeous thighs But her crownin' jewels were her smoldering opalescent eyes Which she cast up at our hero sippin' his watery wine Sent the power of Abraham coursin' down his spine The Rabbi nodded, "Oh I understand my son The Lord provideth many paths and yours has just begun" So he ordered up two pints of Ireland's finest beer With a couple of shots to wash 'em down and he said "I do declare I hear the bells of heaven aringin' in me head That goy would be a joy in any son of Israel's bed" Izzy's sacred mother was beside herself with grief 'Til the Rabbi took her to the pub down on Delancey Street Her eyes lit up when she heard the till go clangalang "Oy veh, that Irish shiksa could use an honest man" So if you're down on Orchard Street And see some red haired men They're all the seed of Izzy Sons of Israel to the end But each and everyone of them'll drink you Out of house and home for they're sprung From the womb of Rosie, Eileen, Statia, Ann McKnowles Oh, you're lookin' at Rosemary, Eileen, Statia, Ann McKnowles Ever after to be known as Izzy's Irish Rose Forever and ever and ever young Rosie Ann McKnowles Will be the queen of Orchard street, Izzy's Irish rose

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