I Have But One Heart - Al Martino

I Have But One Heart

Al Martino

2 credits

Heard in the following movies & tv shows


I have but one heart, this heart I bring you, I have but one heart to share with you, I have but one dream that I can cling to, You are the one dream I pray comes true. My darling, until I saw you, I never felt this way, And nobody else before you, ever has heard me say, You are my one love, my life I live for you, I have but one heart to give to you. Dicimo o mari, facimu l'amore, A curi a curi che ci passa, Ca u mare parla e na' carezza, Ma a tia la brezza, fina murir. You are my one love, my love I live for you, I have but one heart to give to you. Let us tell the sea that we are making love, Heart to heart till the end of time, Because the sea whispers and caresses us, So does the breeze till the time we die.

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