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Sammy Davis Jr.

EEE-O Elevan

Casino - poster





One day I'll have me a chauffeur... and a block long limousine Eee-o-Eleven. Eee-o-Eleven. Someday I'll have me a penthouse. Stacks and stacks of folding green. Eee-o-Eleven. Eee-o-Eleven. It's all a state of mind. Whether or not you'll fine. That place down there or heaven. In the meantime. Eee-o Eee -o Eee - o- Eleven. Eee- o - Eleven. Eee- o -Eleven. Show me a man without a dream. And I'll show you a man that's dead. Real Dead. Once I had me a dream. But that dream got kicked in the head. Dream dead. I nearly had me that chauffeur And that block long limousine. Eee-o-Eleven Eee-o-Eleven I nearly had me that penthouse. All them stacks of folding green. Eee-o-Eleven Eleven. Some Judge is gonna say. I'm putting you away. For four score years add seven. In the meantime. Eee-o-Eleven Eee-o-Eleven

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