Private Practice Soundtrack
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Season 4
Episode 3 • Playing God
When The Hurricane Blows Through
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Addison asks Sam why he stopped doing heart surgery; flashback of Sam letting the pedophile teacher die in surgery.
Four Dreams
Jesca Hoop
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Addison & Sam jog while talking about Naomi being okay with them being together; Cooper & Charlotte start their day, then he sees a messge on her phone from a realtor; Amelia runs to catch the elevator.
Sea of Love
Cat Power
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Cooper & Charlotte work on making a new memory in the bedroom; Naomi asks Addison to have Sam check on Maya & the baby while she is gone on foundation business, then she reveals that Sam never told her what happened when he quit surgery; flashback to Sam telling Naomi he lost the patient.
C'mon, there's no such thing as a stupid question. Get the ball rolling and be the first.
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