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Pretty Little Liars Season 3 Soundtrack

2010-937 songs-4.9M views

S3:EP1 It Happened That Night

S3:EP2 Blood Is The New Black

S3:EP3 Kingdom Of The Blind

S3:EP4 Birds Of A Feather

S3:EP5 That Girl Is Poison

    Jenna says goodnight to Laurel, then chats with Nate about his art.

    Jenna's birthday party starts; Paige & Emily watch as Nate arrives.

    Ezra asks Aria why she keeps delaying dinner; Aria offers to get Laurel another memory card from her studio.

    Paige continues drinking; Aria tells Ezra they need to stay at the party longer; Emily tries to intervene when Jenna confronts Paige over her behavior.

    Emily's boss tells her she has to work Jenna's birthday party; Jenna introduces Emily to the photographer, she hired for her party, Laurel.

    Nate tells Emily that Jenna invited him to the party; Paige spikes her drink; Jenna welcomes Aria & Ezra to her party; Laurel informs Aria she's looking for a new assistant.

S3:EP6 The Remains Of The 'A'

S3:EP7 Crazy

S3:EP8 Stolen Kisses

S3:EP9 The Kahn Game

S3:EP10 What Lies Beneath

    Hanna offers to help Emily look through Maya's site, then she tells Wren it's too soon to get involved with someone else.

    Ezra asks Aria about Zack's interest in them, then suggest she go say hello.

    Ella stops by the cafe to ask Zack if he wants to have a drink.

    Nate asks Emily if she wants to go see Maya's favorite band, The Owl Kings, play, then they observe Jenna & Noel together; Nate insists on giving Jenna the birthday gift he bought her.

S3:EP11 Single Fright Female

S3:EP12 The Lady Killer

S3:EP13 This Is A Dark Ride

    Aria chats with Adam Lambert.

    Hanna goes to tell Caleb about the situation & ends up with the wrong Phantom.

    The crowd recovers from Noel's prank; Emily & Paige arrive at the party.

    Performed as the girls explore The Ghost Train; continues as everyone dances; someone dressed as the Phantom of the Opera annoys Hanna.

    Performed as Emily, Hanna & Aria continue dancing in the crowd; continues as Hanna discovers that her Phantom stalker is Caleb.

    Aria & Hanna meet up for The Ghost Train,then run into Noel & Jenna; Toby & Spencer arrive; Aria & Hanna question Spencer about Garrett.

S3:EP14 She's Better Now

S3:EP15 Mona-Mania

S3:EP16 Misery Loves Company

S3:EP17 Out Of The Frying Pan, Into The Inferno

S3:EP18 Dead To Me

S3:EP19 What Becomes Of The Broken-Hearted

    Jason diseapears. Emily says he lost the photo. Spencer apalogies to Emily.

    Wes volunteers to look in the store's basement; CeCe asks Aria how she & Ezra are doing.

    Aria & Hanna talk about helping Spencer & what to do about Caleb's parentage; Maya asks CeCe about Wilden being in Cape Bay.

    Jamie finally shows up at the cafe and asks Caleb if he'll wait and hear him out.

    Hanna & Caleb talk wait for Jamie to arrive.

    Hanna & Caleb talk about their time with Jamie, then their kiss is interrupted by Ashley's arrival.<h3><a type="amzn" asin="B0096Y9DTK">Bones</a> by MS MR</h3> Hanna notices that the a bill Jamie takes from his wallet is identical to one she donated to the church; Aria & Spencer receive a text; Emily talks with Jason in the hospital; Emily fills the girls in on what happened; Jason disappears from the hospital; two A minions play 'spin the bottle'.

S3:EP20 How Water

S3:EP21 Out Of Sight, Out Of Mind

S3:EP22 Will The Circle Be Unbroken?

    Emily has her photo taken with Missy, then express surprise that Shana swims.

    Emily fills the girls in on what happened to Spencer; Hanna gets a text from A showing Ashley with Wilden the night of the accident.

    Emily is introduced to Missy Franklin, then they chat about swimming.

    Hanna & Aria talk about Ashley's possible opportunity to move to New York and Wilden's missing car.

S3:EP23 I'm Your Puppet

S3:EP24 A dAngerous gAme





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