Pretty Little Liars Season 2 Soundtrack
Pretty Little Liars Season 2 Soundtrack
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S2:EP1 It's Alive
Hanna returns home to find Caleb waiting for her.
The girls react to the news that they can't see each other for a while.
Toby starts to cut out the section of Emily's wall with the growth chart, until Spencer texts to say she can't come; Ezra tells Aria that he's there for her.
Caleb thanks Lucas for driving him back, then Lucas warns him not to hurt Hanna.
Spencer gets a text about Toby as she gets dressed to leave.
S2:EP2 The Goodbye Look
Emily swims; Samara congratulates Emily on her performance, then they make plans to see a movie.
Emily talks with the scout from Danby University.
Toby drop by to see Spencer; Aria continues to wait for Ezra to get home; Hanna ignores Mona phone call.
Spencer drops by to see Toby at work only to see him 'let go' from his job.
Ezra thanks his class for their gift and says goodbye to them; Aria runs after Ezra and they kiss in the school parking lot.
Aria continues waiting, then writes a note for Ezra and leaves.
S2:EP3 My Name Is Trouble
Flashback of Allison complaining to Spencer & Emily about her brother's parties.
Aria advises Hanna to let her parents work things out for themselves, then Emily shows the girls the counterfeit scout letter she made.
Hanna talks up Lucas to Danielle.
Lucas tells Hanna that Caleb is staying at his house, then he ends up inviting her to the yearbook meeting.
Spencer gives Toby the truck he needed for his next job; Hanna returns home to find her parents laughing together, then she deletes a text from Isabel.
S2:EP4 Blind Dates
Lucas thanks Hanna for helping him with Danielle; Aria's dad offers her a ride to school.
Lucas tells Hanna that he hasn't been able to eat since she set him up with Danielle, then convinces her to do a double date with Caleb.
Hanna & Caleb keep Lucas & Danielle company on their date.
S2:EP5 The Devil You Know
Emily compares Ian's note to a text from A; Spencer looks on-line for a replacement for Melissa's ring.
Ezra tells Ella that Aria convinced him to come to Ian's funeral; Emily tells Garrett that Ian didn't hire Logan; Ian's funeral.
Caleb brings Hanna ice and thanks her for intervening with Janet, then they kiss.
S2:EP6 Never Letting Go
The girls panic as Alison's tribute changes.
Hanna's dad catches her dances around the kitchen.
Pam talks to Ella & Ashley about visiting her husband and leaving Emily by herself; Spencer sees her dad arguing with Allison's mom.
Ashley & Tom talk about Hanna, then he comments on how good she looks; Hanna sees her parents dancing together.
The girls walk down the catwalk.
Hanna asks Emily if she needs help with her dress.
Mona informs Spencer that she has taken over as chair of the events committee; Samara helps Emily get ready for the fashion show.
The fashion show rehearsal; Hanna tells the girls about her dad wanting to come to the show; Spencer complains to Toby about Mona.
The girls stand on the catwalk as the tribute to Alison plays.
S2:EP7 Surface Tension
Aria gets her mom's opinion on an outfit; Ella & Byron discuss inviting Ezra to their dinner party.
Someone watches Hanna & Caleb waking into school together.
Someone injects a substance into a bottle.
Emily makes breakfast for Hanna & her mom as a thank you for letting her stay with them.
Emily leaves for the library as Caleb arrives to see Hanna.
Mike listens to music as his dad reminds him about the dinner party.
Emily & Hanna talk about Caleb then hear Ashley & Tom sneak into the house giggling.
S2:EP8 Save The Date
Ashley tells Tom he should go back home.
Ezra stops by the ceramic studio to visit Aria.
Hanna tells Caleb about the guy that has been following him.
Hanna picks up Caleb and speeds off; Aria meets Spencer at the hospital; Mike listens to music as his mom comes to talk with him.
Aria tells Ezra she'll see him tomorrow; the guy following Caleb tells someone that Caleb doesn't want to see them; Caleb & Hanna watch a family laughing together; Spencer & Emily discover there is a page missing from Alison's autopsy.
S2:EP9 Picture This
Aria's second dream.
Aria goes to Ezra's office for some alone time with him.
Emily phones Aria for advice about A's threat.
Emily, Samara and friends play cards.
Aria's dream.
Emily throws out all the lotions in the room she shares with Hanna; Hanna's mom tells her phone her dad back.
S2:EP10 Touched By An 'A'-ngel
Aria looks through the stuff in Alison's box; Ella tells Aria that she made an therapist appointment for Mike.
Ezra tries to talk to Aria at the college fair.
Jason & Aria talk about Alison's photos.
Spencer & Toby pack up Ian's stuff and look through his high school year book.
S2:EP11 I Must Confess
Emily gets a call from Dr. Sullivan; the girls arrive at Dr. Sullivan's office then get a text from A.
Emily & Maya catch up.
Kate manipulates a drunk Hanna into ruining the wedding dress.
Emily meets with Maya; Spencer & Toby make out in his truck.
Aria tells Mike he needs to let someone in, then Ella takes away his laptop.
Toby sees Jenna & Garrett at Jason's house.
Toby & Spencer discuss Jenna & Garrett.
S2:EP12 Over My Dead Body
Caleb drops by to see Hanna and she ends up telling him all the problems she's being having; they kiss.
Emily asks Hanna what she's going to do about A's demand; Hanna asks her dad if he's sure about marrying Isabel.
Maya tells Emily & Hanna about True North.
S2:EP13 The First Secret
Noel his friends pull up next to the girls and invites them to his Halloween party.
Performed at Noel's party as the girls arrive.
Performed as the girls return to the party; Alison chats with Ian; Noel tells Alison that he wasn't the one that attacked her.
Performed as Aria & Hanna go into the woods looking for a drink; Alison comments on Emily watching Jenna dance.
Alison shops for a Halloween costume & gets startled by Noel, then runs into Jenna.
Alison discovers that Jenna also dressed as Laday Gaga, then invites her to be part of her group; Mona introduces herself to Jenna; Alison gives Spencer some voting cards.
S2:EP14 Through Many Dangers, Toils, And Snares
Aria tells Hanna about running into Ezra.
S2:EP15 A Hot Piece Of 'A'
Mona & Noel get Hanna to invite them to Caleb's party.
Ezra tells Aria she can't phone his office anymore; Toby watches as Jenna leaves for Boston.
Hanna studies with Lucas, then starts making plans for Lucas' birthday.
Mona complains about the pizza Hanna ordered as Spencer tries to tell her about A's photo matching the cabin wallpaper; Emily asks Lucas not do something he's going to regret, then she & Spencer rush off to find Hanna.
S2:EP16 Let The Water Hold Me Down
Aria is informed that Ezra left 10 minutes into the show; Ashley asks Hanna if she's okay; Hanna leaves Caleb a message asking him to let her know he's okay.the show
While waiting in line, Maya admits to Emily she hooked up with someone while they were apart.
Emily tells Hanna that the Sherriff plans to drag the lake for Lucas' body.
Holden asks Aria if she wants to get a coffee then comments on her having a relationship with Ezra.
S2:EP17 The Blond Leading The Blind
Toby watches Wren; Ezra arrives and kisses Aria in the rain.
Hanna asks her mom if she ever kept secrets from her dad.
Ellie asks Aria how Spencer's doing after Toby's accident and where she's going on her date with Holden.
Aria waits in Rittenhouse Square for Ezra; Emily lets Spencer know she did what she asked; Ezra listens to Aria's message.
S2:EP18 A Kiss Before Lying
Aria & Holden both admit their plans were canceled.
Maya gets some advice from Noel about her phone as Emily and her mom arrive to meet her for dinner.
Emily complains to Maya about how she's been acting all dinner
Pam, Emily & Maya have an awkward conversation over dinner.
Aria & Holden play air hockey.
Emily & Maya joke around, then talk about Emily's mom's upcoming visit.
Aria tells Holden her dad will be picking them up soon, then she comments on his bruises.
Aria tells Ezra that she hates lying to her friends.
Aria & Holden work out the details of their date cover story as her dad runs an errand.
S2:EP19 The Naked Truth
Aria tells Holden she can't keep covering for him; Toby & Hanna kiss on the roof.
Spencer warns the girls that they have to turn off their phones or they'll be confiscated; Aria asks Holden if he has a drug addiction.
The Truth Up Day participants go to sleep; Spencer stares out the window.
Emily finds Maya smoking a joint; Caleb tells asks Hanna for her help;
'Vivian's friend', Jonah, meets with Aria.
Hanna meets Caleb outside the police station, then they kiss; Jason arrives to talk with Spencer.
Hanna asks her mom if they can help Caleb just as the police call; Maya asks Emily if they can talk.
Emily & her teammates look at the video of the swim meet; Emily asks Maya if she's okay.
Emily confronts Maya about her drug use, then Maya tells her she plans to go to San Francisco.
During the team party, Hanna tells the girls why she was called to the police station; Spencer heads home to get the money to pay Jonah.
S2:EP21 Breaking The Code
Spencer steals a shot from the bar, then Wren joins her & they watch as Melissa gets in a car with Garrett.
Spencer & Wren hang out at his place, then end up kissing.
Mona tries to get advice from Hanna on an outfit, then tells her about the text messages she's been getting.
Wren turns down Spencer's advances due to her drunken state; Emily mistakes another girl for Maya, then she runs into Paige, who tries to kiss her.
Ezra tells Aria they're deluding themselves thinking their relationship will work; Ella finds Aria crying in her bedroom.
S2:EP22 Father Knows Best
Hanna arrives at the dance and tells the girls about her mom's questions about A.
Emily tells her father about Maya's phone call, then he informs her he's been called back to duty; Byron & Aria reminisce while dancing.
Spencer & her father have their picture taken, then she admits he searched his desk; Aria tells her father she's not his little girl anymore.
Ella listens from the hallway as Aria & Byron discuss the Father-Daughter dance; Emily misses a phone call from Maya.
Emily asks her father why he didn't tell her sooner he was leaving; Hanna watches Emily & her father dance.
S2:EP23 Eye Of The Beholder
The girls discuss the guy, Duncan, that thought Aria was Vivienne.
Spencer's mom is filled in on what happened with Jenna; Emily tells Maya's mom that she heard from Maya; Toby informs the girls that Jenna wants to speak with them.
Ezra leaves Aria a message; Emily receivess an email from Maya; Spencer gathers up Alison's things to return to Jason.
Mona gives Hanna her old phone; Aria tells the girls she's meeting Duncan in the school courtyard.
S2:EP24 If These Dolls Could Talk
Aria brings Ezra coffee & they discuss his turning down the job offer.
Mona tells Hanna that A is demanding she break up her & Caleb; Caleb arrives and asks Hanna if their plans are still on.
Aria & Ezra discuss what he'll do without his position at the college, then they have sex.
S2:EP25 unmAsked
Hanna searches for the black swan costume.
Hanna, Aria & Emily watch as Jenna & Lucas head off with someone in a black swan costume.
Paige tells Emily she wishes she'd fought harder for her & that she'll be there for her.
Ezra & Aria dance & kiss; Paige meets up with Emily.
Emily's mother tells the girls that a body was found that they think might be Maya.
The girls hang out in Ezra's apartment
The girls try to contact Spencer.
Ezra & Aria reunite at the ball; Hanna & Caleb dance.
Jenna advises someone that the girls will be at the masquerade ball; the girls arrive at the ball; Caleb surprises Hanna by showing up at the ball; Hanna promises Mona 'no more secrets'; Spencer tells Mona she's a great friend to Hanna; Mona tells Spencer abnout seeing Alison spying on someone in Brookhaven.