Pretty Little Liars Soundtrack

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Season 2
Episode 3 • My Name Is Trouble
Please Speak Well of Me
The Weepies
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Lucas tells Hanna that Caleb is staying at his house, then he ends up inviting her to the yearbook meeting.
Baby I Got To Move
Bosshouse Music
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Flashback of Allison complaining to Spencer & Emily about her brother's parties.
Jocelyn Alice
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Aria advises Hanna to let her parents work things out for themselves, then Emily shows the girls the counterfeit scout letter she made.
Real Love
Peter Bradley Adams
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Hanna talks up Lucas to Danielle.
How Good We Had It
Hayley Taylor
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Spencer gives Toby the truck he needed for his next job; Hanna returns home to find her parents laughing together, then she deletes a text from Isabel.
C'mon, there's no such thing as a stupid question. Get the ball rolling and be the first.
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