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Season 7
Episode 16 • My Attendance Is Bad But My Intentions Are Good
Wakey! Wakey!
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Where You Are
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Miranda tells Haley she needs her help to convince Grubbs to record; Nate & Jamie visit the movie set; Millie & Alex talk; Brooke & Alexander talk about the clothing line.
Samantha Stollenwerck
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Taylor informs Quinn that David left her, then the Scott family joins them for breakfast; Victoria is suspicious of Millie's enthusiasm at work; Nate & Jamie go to Clay's for breakfast.
Lost And Found
Kim Taylor
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Julian's dad congratulates him on his directing of Alex; Brooke & Grubbs talk about relationships; Millie skips out on her NA meeting; Mrs. James & Clay discuss lost loved ones.
Brooklyn Blurs
The Paper Raincoat
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Julian & Brooke discuss a movie scene; Taylor & Mrs. James arrive at the Scott residence.
Ross Copperman
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Quinn & her mom tak on the beach; Grubbs asks Miranda if she's scared to be his girlfriend.
All The Beautiful Things
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Haley & her mom catch up; Miranda pesters Grubbs about recording an album; Nate & Jamie talk about missing loved ones; Mrs. James & her daughters reminisce.
On Her Way
Shelly Fraley
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Jamie films the movie set; Millie is recognized at the shop; Alex thanks Julian for everything he's done, then asks how much money he has put into the movie.
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Mrs. James assure Haley & Quinn that everything will be okay; Millie goes to an NA meeting.
Far End Of The Black
J.R. Richards
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Mrs. James tells her daughters that she has cancer; Brooke reassures Alex about her performance; Julian & Jamie look at the video of Brooke; Quinn tells Clay about her mom; Mrs. James tells Haley she need her to be strong.
Hold Onto Hope, Love
Amy Stroup
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Alex & Alexander hook up; Haley breaks down in Nate's arms; Brooke & Julian talk; Nate tucks Jamie into bed; Haley & Quinn sit with their mom.
2 months ago
Glass is by Thompson Square
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