One Tree Hill Soundtrack
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Season 7
Episode 6 • Deep Ocean Vast Sea
Plans & Reveries
Black Gold
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Millie meets her replacement, Calliope; Brooke tells Millie to only be concerned with being a model.
All Time Low
Stacy Clark
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Mouth finds out about Nate's lost endosement deals; Quinn takes photos at the beach & runs into Clay; Julian reads Alex's new script; Haley suggests to Nate that they pay off Renee.
I Want You So Bad I Can't Breathe
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Nate's commercial shoot is cancelled; Brooke complains about the time Julian is spending with Alex; Quinn meets Clay at the beach.
Love Lost
The Temper Trap
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Millie wakes up at Alex's place; Dan talks to Renee about appearing on his show; Haley confronts Nate over the Renee's number showing up on his phone bill.
The Guggenheim Grotto
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Clay confesses to Quinn that he's not in Tree Hill for a vacation.
Cheek Petit
Clarke and Ware
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Brooke & Chase discuss their relationships.
Worry About It Later
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Julian asks Brooke why she's using Chase as a model.
To Build A Home
The Cinematic Orchestra
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Sara tells Clay to fix Nate's problem; Mouth's broadcast; Millie steals Alex's diet pills; Brooke looks through a photo album; Nate tells Haley that money won't fix things if she's lost faith in him.
Never Go Too Far
Oh Darling
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Alex tells Brooke she has nothing to be concerned with regarding Julian; Julian gets advice from Mia.
Don't Hold Your Breath
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Millie warns Alex against reading too much into her work with Julian; Haley & Renee negotiate a deal.
The Longing
The Eels
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Quinn tells Nate to stop interferring in her relationship with Clay.
First Chance
David Gray
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Rachel tells Dan that the Renee interview was a great idea; Clay runs into a girl from his past; Haley tells Nate about her deal with Renee.
Feather In the Wind
Susie Suh
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Renee tells Rachel she'll do the show; Haley tells Nate she didn't pay off Renee; Millie takes one of the diet pills; Quinn walks into the ocean.
Leaving It
Novi Split
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Nate apologizes to Quinn; Mia surprises Chase with a candlelit dinner; Mouth tells Millie she should continue to model if it makes her feel special.
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