2014 28 Songs
Song played at the White Party.
Ending, Dan and Serena Fire Works
Song played at the White Party when the guests arrive.
Song played at the White Party.
Dan and Serena's bus ride.
Blair walks in on Nate and the Dutchess making out.
Nate is in the Dutchess' car and calls Vanessa.
Gossip Girl's introduction about the end of the summer.
chuck and blair kissing with the lights off, marcus walks in on them.
Queen S is back on top.
Song played during Eleanor Waldorf's runway show.
Gossip Girl's introduction about NYFW.
Song played at the Eleanor Waldorf Show when the guests are arriving.
Nate is at the bar waiting on Chuck.
Song played at the Dean's party.
Blair's fantasy.
Nate and Jenny kiss.
Jenny and Agnes are dancing in their underwear.
Dan asks Vanessa advice about Jenny.
Jenny's fashion show.
Agnes kicks Jenny out and burns her dresses.
Song played at Blair's party.
Serena poses for Aaron.
Aaron surprises Serena in Times Square.
Eleanor and Cyrus’s wedding
The song Rufus plays at the loft.
The Upper West Side wakes up on the day of Bart Bass' funeral.
chuck and blair finally get together!!!!! chuck tells blair he loves her
2022 33 Songs
2021 93 Songs
#3The White Lotus
2021 107 Songs
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