Continuum Soundtrack

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Season 1
Episode 2 • Fast Times
Sadder Days
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Kiera asks Alec for help while Carlos interrogates her.
These Lines Are Drawn In Black
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Kiera & Alec chat while she's in an elevator.
Ground Shake
Dirty Radio
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Alec talks Kiera through driving a car.
Where the River Bends
Matthew Barber
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Carlos takes Kiera back to the station, where she's booked; Alec works on creating a cover for Kiera as Betty tries to track his location; Kiera watches as Dr. Fraser is reunited with his wife; flashback of Kiera arguing with her husband after tucking her son into bed; Betty shows Dillon the information she found on Kiera.
Anthony (GUEST)
10 months ago
Incomplete list is the same as a FAIL !!! That's only the music from, approximately, the first half, to 2/3 rd's, of the episode !!! So where's the music from the remainder ??? I just watched the episode and listened to a mixed-genre, [Drum circle, morphing into Industrial/Metal piece]; in around the the last third of the episode in the collider lab/warehouse gun battle scenes!! And then following just after it, there is a slow sad ballad type piece for the final re-arrest of Kiera scene !?!?!?!????
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