Buffy The Vampire Slayer Season 3 Soundtrack
Buffy The Vampire Slayer Season 3 Soundtrack
Featured artists
S3:EP1 Anne
At the Bronze.
S3:EP2 Dead Man's Party
At Buffy's party.
At Buffy's party.
At Buffy's party.
S3:EP3 Faith, Hope & Trick
Willow waits for the others outside the high school.
At the Bronze.
At the Bronze.
Buffy and Angel dance in Buffy's dream.
S3:EP4 Beauty And The Beasts
Faith listens to the song on her headphones.
S3:EP5 Homecoming
The gang discuss whether or not to get a limo.
Cordy and Buffy campaign for homecoming queen.
As yearbook pictures are being taken.
At the Bronze.
S3:EP6 Band Candy
Snyder says Oz has cool hair.
 The adults party at the Bronze.
Giles and Joyce listen to the song at Giles' house.
A group of adults sing this song at the Bronze.
S3:EP7 Revelations
Xander and Faith play pool and talk about Angel.
At The Bronze at the start of the episode.
The Dingoes leave the stage.
S3:EP8 Lover's Walk
Spike listens to the song.
S3:EP9 The Wish
At the Bronze when Xander and Cordy are trying to show each other they are okay.Â
At the end of the episode as Cordy is saying all the wishes.
S3:EP10 Amends
Willow tries to seduce Oz.
S3:EP11 Gingerbread
No songs available for this episode.
S3:EP12 Helpless
No songs available for this episode.
S3:EP13 The Zeppo
Xander drives Jack O'Toole and the zombies round Sunnydale.
Xander shows Buffy and Willow his new car.
Xander talks to Lysette in The Bronze.Â
S3:EP14 Bad Girls
Buffy and Faith dance at the Bronze.
S3:EP15 Consequences
Willow cries in the bathroom after finding out Xander slept with Faith.
S3:EP16 Doppelgängland
At the Bronze as Vamp Willow enters.
At the Bronze as Anya tries to get a beer.
S3:EP17 Enemies
No songs available for this episode.
S3:EP18 Earshot
No songs available for this episode.
S3:EP19 Choices
No songs available for this episode.
S3:EP20 The Prom
Buffy and Angel dance at the Prom.
Buffy gets to the Prom.
At the Prom.
The song which makes the hellhounds run back toward the Prom.
S3:EP21 Graduation Day (Part 1)
Buffy goes to Faith's apartment.
S3:EP22 Graduation Day (Part 2)
No songs available for this episode.