#1La La Land
2016 77 Songs
Cam, Booth & Brennan discuss the missing boy, Logan.
Brennan realizes that Caroline is the lynchpin of the group.
Booth & Brennan discuss the couple's deaths; Hannah invites Brennan to have a girl's night with her.
Brennan & Booth question Frankie about Richie.
Angela & Brennan watch video of Ritchie The V & Li'l Frankie Costello.Â
 The bartender & Peppy argue about the ice; Booth & Brennan question Peppy about Richie.
No songs available for this episode.
A guy goes skateboarding.
Brennan & Booth visit Kalorama Park.
Beverly, Johnny & Derrick talk about Robert's disappearance.
Beverly sings & plays guitar at Kalorama Park.
Booth & Brennan visit the ballet studio were Robert Pearson studied.
Booth & Brennan arrest Russell.
Brennan updates Booth on Hodgins & Daisy's findings.
Booth, Brennan & Sweets wander around the Cougar Cruise party while looking for Hunter Lang.
Sweets talks with Hunter about foster homes, then Booth asks him about Liam Molony.
Angela works on sketches for each set of remains.
No songs available for this episode.
Brennan re-examines the skeleton; Daisy announces she passed her psych evaluation.
A truck bursts into flame with a man inside.
Brennan makes dinner for her friends.
Brennan listens to Lauren's tapes while working on her skeleton.
Booth tells Hannah about Brennan's declaration of her feelings.
Sweets sings along to his mp3 player while on the treadmill.
Brennan & Hannah talk over drinks at the Founding Fathers bar.
No songs available for this episode.
Cam arrives at The Founding Fathers for her date and runs into Brennan & Booth.
Brennan, Booth & Angela go to the bmx park.
Booth deals with Hannah's answer to his proposal.
Brennan tells the biker his leg should be set.
Noel watches the bmx video as Booth & Sweets arrive to talk with him; continues as Booth asks Noel about the missing bike.
Montage of the bmxers performing; Brennan questions one of the riders.
Paul picks Cam up in a limo for their Valentine's Day date; Hodgins surprises Angela with a rose-smelling hybird slime mold; Clark strips for his girlfriend.
Jacob Broadsky starts his day then orders breakfast; Booth & Brennan run together.
Wendell & Hodgins frantically try to attach more potatoes to the phone Angela is working on before the battery dies.
Cam tells Michelle about the acceptance letter to Columbia University.
The gang discuss Coleman's death over drinks at The Founding Fathers; Booth tells Brennan he lied about his Yeti sighting.
Walter & Leo asks around a tattoo parlor about the woman who smashed the ukulele.
Booth & Brennan talk about Walter over drinks at The Founding Fathers.
Walter & Ike track Brittany down at a biker bar.
Walter tries to redeem a pawn ticket for a ukulele.
Booth & Brennan tell Walter about the case.
Brennan & Booth are taken into the Everglades to check out a body.
Montage of Walter working on the case.
No songs available for this episode.
Brennan & Arastoo test the wisdom tooth; Brennan identifies Jane Doe.
The team sings Nigel's favorite song as they load his casket into the hearse.
Montage of the agents & squints as Broadsky sets up his rifle on a crane.
Brennan & Booth go undercover at the bowling alley; Brennan talks with Amber.
Angela gives birth to a boy; Hodgins introduces his song Michael to the team; Brennan visits with Angela; Brennan tells Booth she's pregnant.
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