Being Human Soundtrack

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Season 1
Episode 5 • The End Of The World As We Knew It
Ain't Misbehavin'
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Mr. Sarin is instructed on how to feed as a vampire.
And So It Goes
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Aidan confronts Bishop about having Sarin changed.
Broadcast To The Addicted
Drakes Hotel
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Sally reaks havoc on Danny's apartment; Josh & Ray fight as they transform; Aidan stabs the priest.
Let's Get Away
5 Alarm Music
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Bishop & Aidan fight; Bishop tells Aidan to control Josh.
Floating Way Up
T.H. White
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Josh tries to wash the blood out of his clothes.
Dead Letter and The Inifinite Yes
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Aidan tends to a dying patient, Mr. Sarin; Mr. Sarin is blessed by a priest, then he wakes up in the morgue.
Heart to Tell
The Love Language
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End credits.
Hannah Georgas
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Josh walks away from Ray; Bishop comforts the priest about his missing fangs; Danny & Bridget find his apartment destroyed.
C'mon, there's no such thing as a stupid question. Get the ball rolling and be the first.