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Grey's Anatomy Season 12 Soundtrack

2005-1952 songs-13M views

S12:EP1 Sledgehammer

    Maggie tries to act as mediator between Meredith and Amelia; Arizona asks Jackson if he's excited about April's return.

    The doctors work on the girls that were hit by a train.

    Callie ices Maggie's hand while the doctors talk about Maggie punching out a patient's mother.

    Amelia and Owen's kiss in interrupted by Maggie; Amelia and Meredith work out their problems by knocking down a wall; Meredith starts anatomy lessons with the interns.

    Jess overhears her dad standing up for her; Aliyah's dad assures her that Jess is okay and reads her a note from Jess; Jackson tells April he'll sleep in the on-call room; Ben congratulates Bailey on becoming chief.

S12:EP2 Walking Tall

    Meredith tries to convince Bailey to let her out of teaching residents; Bailey mistakes a surprise party for a meeting and dismisses everyone before they can get a word in.

    The doctors debate how to deal with Jade's brain tumor.

    Richard gives Bailey his old stethoscope as a congratulations present, then ends up advising her on how to be a good Chief of Surgery; while in the middle of surgery, Jackson gets a 911 call from April.

    Amelia and Owen kiss in the elevator; Jade wakes up; Bailey appoints Meredith as Chief of General Surgery; Ben distracts Bailey from her work preparation.

S12:EP3 I Choose You

    Alex kisses Jo and climbs out of bed; Jackson tells April she needs to find somewhere else to live; Meredith picks up Maggie and Amelia on her way to work; Sadie tries to talk Alex into letting her go home.

    Meredith, Maggie, Callie and Amelia talk about Meredith's low salary offer and Maggie's ex.

    Jackson tells April he's having the locks changed; Ben and Bailey discuss Alex having to choose which twin gets the liver transplant; montage of Alex and Arizona working on the twins' case; Ben heads back into work.

    The twins' parents name them before they are taken into surgery; Andrew explains why he has a problem dealing with parents.

    Maggie joins Andrew at Joe's and ends up kissing him; Alex assures Jo he's not going anywhere and that he's ready to have a baby.

    Alex stops surgery on Daniel then craddles the baby until he flatlines.

S12:EP4 Old Time Rock And Roll

    Richard teaches the interns about the human brain; Maggie wakes up and realizes she slept with Andrew; Alex picks up Meredith, Maggie and Amelia.

    Maggie tells Meredith she's sore all over after her night with Andrew.

    April finds Arizona crying in a supply closet over Abe's death; Jo accuses Stephanie of lying to Amelia.

    Amelia apologizes to Stephanie for not believing her; Maggie tells Andrew she's not going to sleep with him again, then they end up kissing; Richard helps one of the interns section a brain.

    Meredith and Amelia set up for their dinner party; Callie arrives with her new girlfriend, Penny.

S12:EP5 Guess Who's Coming To Dinner

    Owen hugs Amelia; the doctors talk about how any one of them could have made Penny's mistake; Alex and Meredith sit in her room and drink.

S12:EP6 The Me Nobody Knows

    Alex joins Meredith in the hospital chapel, where she's waiting for a sign on what to do about Penny.

    Richard tells Meredith he didn't want her at the hospital at first because she reminded him of Ellis; Meredith takes Robert's girlfriend to visit him; Callie apologizes to Penny for not standing up for her at the Thanksgiving dinner.

S12:EP7 Something Against You

    April tells Cross to take care of a confused man; Alex tries to kiss Jo while she complains about what Stephanie said; Meredith is awoken by a call from Jo; Penny falls asleep on Callie, then gets a call from the hospital.

    While they're cuddling in bed, Ben confesses to Bailey that he didn't ask Avery to leave; Avery and April realize they didn't talk during dinner, then she gets called to the hospital; Isaac stumbles across Owen having a flashback to the war.

    Amelia asks Stephanie if she thought she discriminated against her when she believed Jo; Mr. Jaffee's skull and liver surgeries; Owen asks Mitchell why he didn't catch the problem with Gary.

    Stephanie asks Penny is she wants to go for a drink; Richard offers to be Arizona's wingman; Meredith turns down Riggs' request to go for a drink; Avery and April stare at the ceiling after having sex.

S12:EP8 Things We Lost In The Fire

    While they drive to work, Meredith, Alex, Jo and Amelia talk about Owen and Riggs and snow; doctors speculate on why Owen dislikes Riggs.

    Maggie fills in Casey's wife, Ruth, on his condition; Meredith tells Mrs. Hunt that she's worried about Owen; Ruth sits with Casey.

    April yells at Avery to just tell her what he wants to say to her; Maggie confesses to Andrew that she has feelings for him; Alex proposes to Jo; Riggs joins Amelia for a drink at Joe's Bar.

S12:EP9 The Sound Of Silence

S12:EP10 All I Want Is You

    Amelia tells Owen there was a reason his sister loved Riggs and he deserves a second chance; Alex holds Maya's hand as she's wheeled into the OR; Jo watches as Alex reassures Maya.

    Richard realizes that Andrew and Maggie are sleeping together; Callie tells Penny she misses her, then they kiss; Meredith's therapist suggests she doesn't want to be alone anymore; Jo kisses Alex when he arrives for the car pool.

S12:EP11 Unbreak My Heart

    Fast forward montage of April and Jackson's relationship; April signs the divorce papers; Jackson talks with Tatiana before her wedding; Arizona figures out that April's pregnant.

S12:EP12 My Next Life

    Amelia and Owen snuggle in bed; Jo finds an engagement ring while looking for Alex's keys; Meredith calls for attention in her class.

    Meredith recognizes patient Katie Bryce; flashback to Katie having a seizure on Meredith's first day.

    Alex, Jackson, Ben and Owen talk about their relationships while working on a patient; Penny joins Stephanie and Jo in the cafeteria; Callie asks April how she's doing after the divorce; Maggie and Andrew sneak off for a make-out session.

    Amelia takes Katie into surgery; Daphne informs Meredith her son is coming to see her, then she's rushed into surgery.

    Meredith brushes off Katie's question about what happened to Derek; Amelia adds her paperwork to Katie's file; Owen tells Amelia they can start over if she wants; Nathan takes Daphne's son, David, to view her body; Meredith talks to her class about the donated bodies they are working on.

S12:EP13 All Eyez On Me

    The doctors practice a procedure on a cadaver; Owen presents the case of a soldier with massive tumor in his pelvis.

    Stephanie gives up on trying to talk with the cheerleaders; Alex and Maggie work on Maxine's heart as he accuses her of being the 'prom queen' of the hospital.

    Bailey tells Ben he'll have to tell her how he opened a guy's chest with his hand and a clipboard; the doctors return to the hospital; Maggie takes her relationship with Andrew public; Jackson informs Meredith she was just being flirted with, then she runs back and gives Thorpe her number.

S12:EP14 Odd Man Out

    Arizona lays out her plan to prevent Courtney's other three babies from being delivered; Amelia yells at Penny for drilling a burr hole in their patient's skull, then takes over the procedure.

    Courtney's husband shows her their son via streaming video; Bailey compliments Ben on how he handled Courtney, then informs him she hired Courtney to do their taxes.

    Owen takes Amelia to play with the puppies in the pediatric ward; Will asks Meredith on a date; April heads up to Jackson's office and discovers that Arizona already told him about the pregnancy.

S12:EP15 I Am Not Waiting Anymore

    Alex and Maggie try to convince Meredith to take a break before she joins their surgery; Maggie and Alex argue over how to treat Meredith about her date; Amelia catches Meredith shaving her leagues in the hospital bathroom, then offers to lend her an outfit.

    April walks away after Jackson yelled at her in the middle of the hospital; Meredith gets ready for her date, then changes her mind and joins in the surgery; Maggie argues with Meredith over canceling her date with Thorpe; Owen reassures April that everything isn't screwed up.

    Amelia walks away from Owen's trailer in tears; Jackson goes to April's apartment to apologize for how he reacted to her pregnancy, then they end up arguing.

S12:EP16 When It Hurts So Bad

    Will walks Meredith to her front door as he asks her what date they're on, then she calls him back to say goodnight and Will kisses her; Amelia avoids Owen at the hospital; Penny tells Callie she loves her.

    While Meredith vacuums, Maggie complains about the fact that Andrew didn't call her about his canceled surgery, then Amelia suggests he's giving her the brush-off; Arizona confronts Callie about lying to Penny.

    Callie, Sofia and Penny head off to get ice cream; Jackson thanks Catherine for talking with April, then she reveals she has all the information to go after April for fraud; Meredith explains to Will why she freaked out on him and he agrees to back off for awhile; Meredith assures her friends that she's fine, then tells Amelia she can stay another night.

    Song can be heard in the end of the episode

S12:EP17 I Wear The Face

    Meredith, Maggie and Amelia set up for dinner, then Meredith starts complaining about how messy Amelia can be; Penny reads the rules for nominating a resident for the Preminger Research Grant to Jo and Stephanie as they work on their applications.

    Kyle plays the guitars while Amelia finishes working on his brain; Arizona tells April she knew how she felt when she told Jenny's mom she was pregnant; Richard tries to convince Catherine to stop interfering with Jackson and April; Jenny's mom embraces her and offers her support.

    Callie gives Penny a pep talk; Maggie invites some coworkers to dinner, but they all turn her down for other plans.

    Meredith and Amelia agree that Maggie is getting on their nerves; Catherine apologizes to Jackson for overstepping then asks what he plans to do; April tells Arizona she thinks Jackson is going to sue her for custody; at Joe's, Jackson is served with a restraining order; April finds a gift-wrapped crib in her apartment from Jackson.

    Kyle Diaz plays this song in the op.

S12:EP18 There's A Fine, Fine Line

No songs available for this episode.

S12:EP19 It's Alright, Ma (I'm Only Bleeding)

    Amelia, Maggie and Meredith stand around Omar's bed while he crashes, then Meredith heads off to inform Bailey; Ben finds Bailey searching for her car keys as Ben rants about Bailey not waking him up; Callie tells Penny she'll be miserable without her, but can't ask her to give up her opportunity.

    Jackson tells April he wants to deal with her as his best friend, then she lets him feel the baby move; Bailey informs Ben that she wanted to fire him and it will take a long time to forgive him for his mistake; Amelia tells Bailey that Omar is awake; Ben watches as Bailey tells Omar that he wife and baby are dead.

S12:EP20 Trigger Happy

    Maggie and Amelia help Meredith get the kids ready; Ben complains to Jackson about going stir crazy without being able to work.

    The doctors assemble in the ambulance bay to await the arrival of an 8 year old boy with a gunshot wound; Owen, Amelia, Richard and Alex assess Brandon.

    Arizona gets a call from her custody lawyer; Amelia and Alex inform Brandon's parents that he'll likely never walk again; Amelia asks Peter to promise her that he remember it was an accident.

    Maggie tells Meredith she doesn't know how she can live with the worry that something could happen to her kids; Owen tells Amelia he thinks her words saved Peter, then goes on to tell her about telling her sister to get on the helicopter that led to her death; April asks Jackson if he wants to come to her O.B. appointment; Callie apologizes to Arizona for making plans without her, then Arizona hands her the number for her lawyer.

S12:EP21 You're Gonna Need Someone On Your Side

    Maggie helps Meredith take the kids to the car, then they find Owen and Amelia naked on the couch; Meredith and Maggie tease Amelia on their way to work; Bailey tells Ben she's not happy with him working as an anesthesiologist.

    Gossip starts after Arizona freaks out on Penny in the cafeteria; Kyle kisses Stephanie as he is wheeled into surgery; Vincent asks Stephanie who she's waiting for, then offers to get her a cup of tea.

    Richard tells Arizona she's needs to fight for her daughter; Maggie tells Ben that he is arrogant and that Bailey could keep him out of the OR if she wanted to; Riley advises Bailey to not stand in Ben's way; Arizona tells April she'll do the MRI on the baby; Stephanie people watches in the waiting room.

    Ben meets Bailey after work and she tells him he's still sleeping on the couch; Amelia and Owen agree to give their relationship a try.

S12:EP22 Mama Tried

    At Joe's, April and Jackson work out a plan for sharing custody of their baby; Callie says goodnight to Sofia over the phone; Meredith reminisces about Mark while she and Callie drink.

    Tara gets a peak at her granddaughter; when Callie joins her outside the courthouse, Arizona admonishes her for what was said about her in court; the judge makes her ruling; Stephanie sees Kyle's name on the board and rushes to his side; Meredith consoles Callie; Arizona takes Sofia home.

S12:EP23 At Last

    While the snuggle in bed, Amelia and Owen discuss marriage and kids; Jackson offers Ben a place to crash if he has problems with Bailey; Richard asks Bailey how things are going with Ben and when he'll be reinstated.

    Penny suggests to Callie that she delay moving, then Callie responds by saying they should just break up.

    Amelia runs into problems with Kyle's surgery; Amelia sends Jo to get Stephanie out of the gallery; Amelia announces Kyle's time of death.

    Jo tells Alex she won't marry him; Owen shows Amelia his new house, then she proposes to him; Meredith and Riggs end up kissing in the hospital parking lot.

S12:EP24 Family Affair

    Maggie and April listen to Amelia begging her mom to come to her wedding; April comments that rain is supposed to be good luck.

    Bailey gets a call from Ben and rushes off; Richard and Alex ask Owen what he wants to do, then Owen responds by saying he has faith in Amelia; Meredith and Maggie try to assure Amelia that it's possible people get more than one love of their life.

    Jackson and Bailey rush to meet April's ambulance; Ben cradles the baby; Riley helps a drunk Jo back to her place; Jo starts rambling about her abusive husband; Alex walks in just after Andrew trips helping Jo into bed, then Alex punches Andrew.

    Owen and Amelia's wedding; Jackson tells Ben he knows he tried his best, then Bailey informs them that April is stable; Bailey embraces Ben; Jackson and April watch over their new daughter; Arizona tells Callie she wants to start over on their custody deal; Nathan and Meredith exchange glances during the ceremony.



Danny Lux




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