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Grey's Anatomy Season 8 Soundtrack

2005-1952 songs-13M views

S8:EP1 Free Falling

    Danny & Susannah argue in the morning; Cristina & Meredith are awoken by Zola's crying; Owen helps Derek work on his house; Lexie & Avery talk in bed; Alex gives a patient a warning; Teddy exclaims over Sofia.

    The Chief tells Meredith she's fired; Danny & Susannah continue to argue, then she gets out of the car.

    Janet tells Meredith she discovered that she was fired; Meredith rushes to pick up Zola from the day care; Arizona joins Derek in surgery.

    While in surgery, Derek is informed that Janet from Social Services needs to speak with him; Owen joins Danny to finish Susannah's leg amputation.

S8:EP2 She's Gone

    Janet insists that she needs to talk to Derek; Bailey talks The Chief into doing 'The Gunther'; Teddy asks Cristina why she didn't do a chest tube on her patient; Henry informs Teddy that The Chief called him in.

    Cristina & Alex examine his test results; Avery fills Bailey in on The Chief's medical trial; Nicky's dad sits at his bedside; the doctor comment on the situation with Zola; Owen asks Cristina when her appointment is scheduled.

    The Residents work on Susannah; Arizona tells Mark how 'The Gunther' works, then Bailey joins them in observation.

    Mark, Callie & Arizona visit with Sophia; The Chief phones Adele to tell her he's headed home; Owen stays with Cristina as she has an abortion; Derek & Meredith say goodbye to Zola; Alex consoles Meredith.

S8:EP3 Take The Lead

S8:EP4 What Is It About Men

    Owen takes Sofia as Derek & Mark fight over Avery; Richard returns home to find Adele did not eat her lunch.

    Ben, Avery & Owen work off relieve their stress by helping Derek with his deck.

    Mark orders Alex to examine Sofia.

    Mark asks Avery to sew their patient's ear back on; Owen tells the guy he hit that he feels good about what he did.

    Richard gets his playlist put on while starting a surgery with Alex; Ben tells Derek he doesn't think he's a nice guy; Mark & Derek fight for Avery's attention.

    Alex & Avery discover what the 'Mayfield excuse' really means; Mark's patient is told by his friend that he sold the Tardis for money for his medical bills; Alex tells Avery he needs to start over on his paper.

    Derek & Owen work on the house while talking about work; Mark tells Sofia a surgery story & complains to Arizona & Callie about how often they are checking up on him.

    Derek tells Meredith she can't ask him about his work; Richard leaves a meal & note for Adele; April talks to the guys about laundry; Mark tells Arizona & Callie he'll be fine with Sofia while they're gone; Owen sets up in his new office; Derek works on his house.

S8:EP5 Love, Loss And Legacy

    Owen finds Cristina dancing around the kitchen while cooking breakfast; Lexie tells Meredith she's going to visit her sister, Molly.

    The Residents compete to be on the penis transplant team.

    Bailey tells Ben her break up with Eli had nothing to do with him; April & Avery have drinks with Catherine; the doctors talk at Teddy & Henry's dinner party; Catherine questions Avery about Lexie; Cristina let's Meredith & Derek talk to Zola over the phone.

    Meredith folds up clothes that Zola has outgrown & reassures Derek that Zola is coming back to them.

    Avery & Mark finish working on the dorsal vein; Alex informs Derek & Meredith that Zola will be fine, then Cristina states that she'll stay the night with Zola; Bailey tells Teddy she needs to break up with Eli; Meredith & Derek run into Janet at the hospital.

S8:EP6 Poker Face

    The Residents hang out at Joe's and April gives them their assignments; Owen tells Cristina they can't keep having sex at the hospital; Callie tells Mark he has to leave so she can have sex with Arizona.

    The Residents hang out in April's office; Lexie tells Meredith that Derek wants to operate on Mary's tumor.

    Callie tells Cristina not to let 'fifth year' get to her; Meredith waits with Mary's husband & Emma; Derek & Lexie continue surgery on Mary's tumor.

    Meredith halps a woman deliver her son; Arizona & Mark bring Callie breakfast in bed; Bailey tells Richard she changed the locks on his mouse lab.

    Derek informs Mary's husband that they got removed the whole tumor; Alex discovers that Chuck convinced Teddy to do the TAVI without him; Tyler tells his parents to get a divorce.

S8:EP7 Put Me In, Coach

    Cristina & Meredith lay on the grass and cloud watch during the hospital baseball game.

    Meredith tells Bailey that her mom's hypothesis was wrong; Derek tells Charissa's mom that he removed all the tumor; Callie informs Carl she didn't need to remove any of his fingers; Alex asks Judge Bretner about Zola.

    The staff sit on the bleachers after the game; Avery asks Lexi why she threw a ball at Mark's girlfriend; Bailey tells Meredith to meet her in the lab next morning; everyone heads home; Derek gets a message from Janet about a court date for Zola.

S8:EP8 Heart-Shaped Box

S8:EP9 Dark Was The Night

    Cristina unknowningly calls time of death on Henry; Owen informs Cristina that her patient was Henry.

    While having drinks at Joe's, Meredith & Cristina tease Alex about being turned down by a girl.

    Owen & Richard argue over whether to tell Teddy about Henry's death; Teddy chatters away to Owen as he delays giving her the news; Alex & Meredith recover from the ambulance being hit;

S8:EP10 Suddenly

    Owen stops in the gallery as Teddy starts yelling 'whoo' in an attempt to make Cristina more alert.

    Ben tells Ben she wouldn't mind a little less space between them; Lily is reunited with her remaining family; Zola is returned to Derek & Meredith.

    Derek, Julia & Mark perform an eye surgery.

    Teddy cries over Henry's body; Lily's father is taken off his ventilator; Callie tells Avery she's responsible for his actions in her ER.

    Meredith works to revive Lily's father; Julia finishes the eye surgery then confesses to Lexie she was really nervous working with Derek; Lily tells Meredith that she wants her father taken off his ventilator.

S8:EP11 This Magic Moment

    Meredith takes Zola into the viewing room for the twins' surgery; the Residents complain about things while eating lunch.

    Richard apologizes to Alex for stealing his place in the surgery; Callie demonstrates to Arizona how annoying she was in the OR; Richard tells Alex what lesson he taught him; Lexie has an awkward encounter with Mark; Brandi & Andi are reunited with their parents as the staff look on; Meredith & Derek try to get Zola to fall asleep, then Zola starts walking.

    Bailey tells Ben & Meredith why she wants to keep her work & private life separate; Alex suggests they do a kidney transplant to save Brandi; the twins' parents check on Andi.

S8:EP12 Hope For The Hopeless

    Cristina & Teddy plot to steal a patient; Karen & her sister argue about the liver donation.

    The residents talk during lunch; Arizona & Callie tease Mark about Julia until Teddy interrupts.

    Derek tells Lexie to flip a coin to help him decide if he's doing a surgery; Avery comments on Meredith's cake icing skills as the residents have breakfast; Julia finishes Arizona's haircut; Arizona & Callie comment on Mark's lack of reply to Julia's 'I love you'.

    Zola's party; Richard fills Meredith in on how Adele is doing; April tells Alex she needs his portion of the security deposit for their new place; Meredith presents a cake to Richard to celebrate his 10 000th surgery; Mark tells Callie & Arizona he doesn't want to rush his relationship with Julia; Owen sees Cristina talking to baby Zola.

    Owen tells Cristina he's taking her off Teddy's service; Meredith confesses to Richard that she doesn't want to declare General as her specialty because she doesn't want to be like her mother; Bailey asks Richard about his first surgery as Cristina & Owen continue to argue.

S8:EP13 If/Then

    Meredith & Alex discuss Ellis warming up to him; Addison & Callie talk about Owen dealing with his PTSD & Addison's pregnancy.

    Meredith tells her mom she'll go to work with her father, Richard; the doctors meet for a staff meeting led by Ellis.

    Arizona invites Callie out for a drink; Richard consoles Meredith, then Ellis tells her never let anyone show her up; Ellis tells Richard to fire Bailey.

    Cristina interrupts Meredith telling April about Alex's proposal; as Chief Resident, Alex checks in with his colleagues.

    Derek tells Addison he wants their baby, then she reveals it's not his baby; Meredith steps into assist Cristina with trying to revive Lexie; Alex tells Bailey he screwed up

    The Residents watch Cristina practicing sutures on her banana, then joke about Burke & Izzie; Meredith asks Callie if she can do the aortic aneurys.

    Cristina & Meredith do tequila shots; Meredith tells Derek the residents call him McDreary.

S8:EP14 All You Need Is Love

    Ben surprises Bailey with a catered dinner at the hospital; Lexie arrives at Mark's place with Zola to find Avery cooking dinner; Cristina joins Owen on the vent.

    Callie surprises Arizona with a romantic night at Derek's trailer; Meredith shows Derek the tumor she found on her patient's ovary.

    Alex promises Nico the he'll stay with Clem until she wakes up; Teddy tells Cristina that she can't be friends with Owen ever again; Meredith & Bailey get confirmation on their tumor theory; Alex gives Clem Nico's message; Lexie finds a marriage proposal in her patient's locket.

    Meredith tells Derek she can't have sex where there's baby stuff, then their make out session is interrupted by Lexie & Zola; Callie & Arizona discuss their Valentine's Day plans; Cristina lies in bed alone.

S8:EP15 Have You Seen Me Lately?

    Amelia berates Derek for not taking long enough for to look at Erica's flims; The Residents compare they methods for studying for the oral boards;

    Alex rushes off after being informed that Morgan had her baby; Avery tells Bailey she needs to leave the OR because she is distracting him;

    Arizona tells Alex that he remids her of herself when she was a resident; Mark tells Bailey that the more experience doctors get the more risk-adverse they become; Alex tells Morgan that her son is stable; Callie & Meredith attach the toe; Amelia, Derek & Lexie get a successful result.

    Callie comments on Meredith's queasiness during the surgery; Amelia & the Residents chat while watching the Callie's surgery; Lexie makes a suggestion for Erica's surgery; Mark has people move so Bailey can see Carrie's surgery.

S8:EP16 If Only You Were Lonely

    Chris tells Alec he has to return to his job; Bailey stops Derek from accusing a nurse of being prejudiced.

    Meredith brags to Cristina on how well her studying is going with Callie.

    The Residents have lunch; Callie complains to Alec about Chris & Morgan's choice regarding their baby; Cristina asks Alec about the woman she was talkig to Owen.

    Bailey shows Derek how to do Zola's hair; Alec & Morgan sit with the baby; Cristina searches for proof that Owen is having an affair, then pretends to be asleep when he arrives home.

S8:EP17 One Step Too Far

    Alex & Mara bond over stories of his mother; Meredith tells Lexie what went wrong with (Laura??)'s surgery; Callie warns Alex that Morgan is imprinting on him; Bailey tells Richard it's okay to flirt for fun.

    Mara kisses Avery; Alex watches over Morgan's son; Lexie contemplates what happened to Lori; Meredith tells Derek what happened to Lori is why she can't come back to Neuro; Cristina confronts Owen about how he's never home & he confesses he cheated on her.

    Montage of Cristina's nights with & without Owen; Cristina finds Owen sleeping in the on-call room; Derek tries to talk Meredith to come back on Neuro with him.

    Lunch; Meredith complains about Derek's reaction to removing the tumor; Cristina complains about having to spend time with Emily; Cristina accuses Alex of sleeping with Morgan; Avery confonts April about keeping his mom up to date on his life; Mara finally tracks down Avery.

    Emily tells Cristina she's not sleeping with Owen; Meredith looks in on Derek yelling at Lexie; Mara tells Catherine she's spending the evening with Avery; Callie takes Morgan & Alex's photo; Richard meets up with Catherine.

S8:EP18 The Lion Sleeps Tonight

    Avery & Alex check on Cristina's heart project; Alex complains about Morgan's obessession with him; Lexie creates a story about Naomi, then Cristina throws them all out of the lab.

    Meredith tells Derek she wants a 'big reveal' when their house is finished, then they see a lion while driving to work; Cristina avoids talking to Owen; Teddy starts laughing while in a grief group.

    Morgan asks Alex to tell her what decision to make regarding Tommy; Teddy finds Mrs. Carroll unconscious in the waiting room.

    Derek takes over the surgery from Lexie, then advises Lexie to let Mark know if she really wants to be with him; Teddy & Alex discuss Morgan while operating on Mr. Carroll; Meredith tells Owen that Cristina didn't tell her about his affair; Cristina takes a moment before continuing work in the lab.

    Teddy breaks down the bathroom; Lexie runs into Mark in the elevator, but doesn't same anything to him; Richard shows Avery his collection of things removed from patients; Callie seduces Arizona; Meredith warns Derek against ever cheating on her; Cristina throws her dinner in Owen's face.

S8:EP19 Support System

    Owen tells Cristina how he met the woman he had an affair with.

    Neil's family visits with him; Meredith offers the other residents her help with studying; Cristina joins the study group.

    Meredith tells April they can't keep using Lexie to memorize charts; Owen says goodbye to Cristina as he moves out.

    Flashbacks of Cristina & Owen arguing about having a baby; Owen kisses the woman from the bar; Cristina breaks down & Owen tries to comfort her.

S8:EP20 The Girl With No Name

    The Residents watch Holly attempt to get lunch; Mark confronts Avery about bailing on his interview; Holly joins the Residents for lunch.

    Adele begs Richard to help her find Allan; Meredith updates Holly's parents on her condition.

    Meredith runs into Cristina in the airport & they discuss how their interview went, then they meet up with Derek & Zola; Adele tells Richard she's in love with another resident at her nursing home.

    Holly leaves the hospital with her parents; Teddy tells Owen he has to make Cristina stay at their hospital; Richard tells Adele he'll always love her, then Allan & Adele are reunited; The Residents meet at the airport before leaving for more interviews.

S8:EP21 Moment Of Truth

    Richard & Catherine have sex.

    Arizona tells Alex they can't do anything for Morgan's son; Avery tells April she has to concentrate on herself; the guy who accused April of stealing his job confronts her & April ends up punching him.

    Cristina says she's probably going to a different hospital; Morgan's son dies.

    The residents get ready to leave for their boards; April freaks out on Owen about not passing her exams; the doctors give the residents last minute tips.

    Meredith & Cristina talk through their hotel room door; April kisses Avery, then drags him into her room; Richard & Catherine discuss Avery passing his boards & Adele's new found happiness.

    Lexie tells Derek she's still in love with Mark; Teddy informs Owen that Cristina texted saying she's about to go into her exam; April tells Avery Jesus hates her because she's no longer a virgin; Avery's lucky pencil is broken; Cristina & Meredith head into their exams.

    April accidentally informs a guy he didn't get the job he wanted; the residents wait to register for their boards; Meredith tells Cristina she thinks she has Zola's stomach flu.

S8:EP22 Let The Bad Times Roll

S8:EP23 Migration

    Owen tells April he can't keep her on for the next year; Meredith suggests to Cristina that she & Owen shouldn't be together; Callie promises Arizona she won't ever leave her; Cristina kisses Owen.

    The Residents celebrate finishing the boards.

    Alex tries to get Owen to offer him more money; the Residents talk about their offers while eating lunch.

    Cristina tells Owen she's leaving; Arizona confronts Alex about accepting John Hopkins' offer; Meredith & Cristina tell each other they're leaving; April tells Avery she doesn't want his pity; the team heads for Boise; Owen erases the Residents' names on the white board.

S8:EP24 Flight

    Teddy tells Owen to fight for Cristina; Bailey tells Ben he can't make decisions on his own anymore; Owen listens to his messages; Callie prepares for Arizona's return; Richard has dinner with the residents.



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