Broad City Season 1 Soundtrack
Broad City Season 1 Soundtrack
Featured artists
S1:EP1 What a Wonderful World
Abbie pretends to teach the spin class, when she is really just cleaning out the bin. The trainer comes and asks her to deal with the clog in the toilet.
Abbie and Ilana go to a house in response to the ad they posted.
Theme music for Broad City, plays at the start of every episode.
S1:EP2 Pussy Weed
Abbi and Illana smoke weed after getting it from a school kid.
Song plays when Abbi is in the dentist waiting room..
S1:EP3 Working Girls
First song plays at the beginning of the episode during the split screen of Abbi and Illana's days.
Abbi is listening to this song on her headphones when Jeremy knocks on her door.
S1:EP4 The Lockout
No songs available for this episode.
S1:EP5 Fattest Asses
Abbi and Ilana go shopping to get new outfits for the party.
Abbi and Ilana walk into the rooftop party.
Abbi comes out of the bathroom after doing cocaine and starts to party.
Second song as the DJ's meet Abbie after she comes out of the bathroom.
Abbi makes out with one of the DJ's in his room. They decide to go to the roof.
Final music plays over the end credits.
S1:EP6 Stolen Phone
First song at the bar as they scope out potential men.
Abbi flirts with a guy at the bar.
Illana tries to flirt with guys at various guys but gets turned down after pulling strange faces. She eventually leaves with Tyler.
Tyler goes down on Illana in bed.
S1:EP7 Hurricane Wanda
S1:EP8 Destination Wedding
The song playing when they get on the bus
S1:EP9 Apartment Hunters
First song, opening music as they have a dream at the bank teller
S1:EP10 The Last Supper
Abbi and Ilana walk back inside the restaurant after smoking weed outside.