The Vampire Diaries Season 6 Soundtrack
The Vampire Diaries Season 6 Soundtrack
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S6:EP1 I'll Remember
A couple makes out in a tent in the woods, before a noise interrupts them.
Elena talks about her decision to pursue medicine; Elena drops by Alaric's classroom.
Caroline consults Alaric for information on the anti-magic force field, then this discuss Stefan's silence.
Elena uses drugs to chat with Damon; Tyler runs into Alaric at a campus party.
Alaric chats with another chaperon, Jo, then steps away to make a call.
Elena thanks Damon for saving people and his love, then says she needs to let him go.
Caroline leaves Stefan another message as he drinks alone; Elena cradles one of Damon's shirts; Tyler works out; Matt cleans up his & Jeremy's place; Jeremy drinks in the woods; Stefan breaks his phone.
In the afterlife, Damon makes breakfast for Bonnie & himself.
S6:EP2 Yellow Ledbetter
Stefan is surprised to find Ivy making breakfast in his kitchen; Elena packs up the things that remind her of Damon.
Caroline confronts Alaric about Stefan's lack work on finding a way to help Bonnie & Damon.
Enzo seduces a woman for information on the Other Side until they are interrupted by Caroline's arrival.
Stefan has a quick drink as Ivy arrives with Enzo & Caroline.
Caroline asks how Stefan & Ivy met; Enzo comments on Ivy's clavicle.
Jeremy leaves Bonnie a message; Matt & Jeremy argue over her girl staying; Matt fills Tripp in on their house guest; Tripp disposes of a van full of vampires.
Damon puts on another CD and hands Bonnie pancakes and a crossword puzzle.
Bonnie finds Damon dancing in the Salvatore mansion kitchen while drinking and cooking.
Elena tells Alaric that she fell in love with Damon on her birthday when he returned a necklace she has lost.
Two months later, Damon & Bonnie have breakfast again; Bonnie complains about the crossword puzzle; Damon rants about Bonnie's lack of magic ability.
Bonnie & Damon sit down to dinner and discuss the missing crossword answer.
S6:EP3 Welcome to Paradise
Stefan asks his boss for a few days off, then ends up compelling the guy.
Damon & Bonnie shop for groceries while discussing the possibility of someone else being around.
Enzo repeats the rules that Caroline laid out for him to follow.
Elena runs into Jeremy at the lake and confronts him about hanging out with Sarah; Matt runs into Jay who questions the 'dog bite' story.
Caroline compels a girl to go get more ice, then accuses Jeremy of pretending not to care about Bonnie.
Caroline confronts Stefan about his plans to start over, then asks him to stay; Elena comforts a crying Caroline.
Jeremy asks the girl Caroline compelled why she didn't bring back ice.
S6:EP4 Black Hole Sun
Flashback to Stefan joking about squirrel blood as Zach returns with groceries.
Stefan complains about his tiny net paycheck, then asks Elena what she wants to do with the next 30 years.
Stefan & Elena stage a dramatic proposal scene in a diner.
Sarah reveals that she is Gail & Zach's daughter; Alaric gives back Elena's diary and she reads the message she left for herself.
Elena & Stefan say goodbye; Stefan steals a drink from the guy who tried to beat him up days earlier.
Stefan tells Elena about his past professions, then they make a toast to change.
S6:EP5 The World Has Turned and Left Me
The party starts; Liam brings Elena a drink.
Elena tells Liam about Damon as they walk through the corn maze; Jo tells Alaric how the supernatural freaks her out, then suggests they leave the party.
S6:EP6 The More You Ignore Me, The Closer I Get
Tripp turns on his trucks radio as Ivy struggles to break her chains.
Alaric finds Damon waiting for him, then Damon confronts him about the mind block he put on Elena.
Caroline tells Stefan she doesn't want to friends anymore; Elena looks at pictures of her & Damon as he shows up at her dorm.
Stefan tries to explain to Damon how hard his death was on Elena, then he tells Damon to go see her.
Damon doodles on Elena's graduation picture as Jeremy arrives to confront him about Bonnie.
Damon leaves a message on Bonnie's phone, then gets a call from Elena suggesting he drop by her dorm.
S6:EP7 Do You Remember the First Time
Liv teaches Tyler how to properly pour champagne; Jo & Alaric arrive at the Whitmore event just as Damon joins them.
Elena arrives with Liam; Jo lists all of Liam's attributes for Damon; Damon introduces himself to Liam, then sends him away and asks Elena to dance.
Elena & Damon dance while he tries to stir up her memories, then tells her he would never have erased his memories.
Jo & Alaric make a toast 'to being powerless & mundane'; Liv tells her brother to leave her alone.
Elena tells Damon she want to try to get back her memories.
At the bridge, Damon tells Elena about their time together.
Stefan asks Caroline why she had a thing for him; Elena tells Damon of something she remembered.
Damon drinks and remembers what actually happened that night with Elena in the rain.
S6:EP8 Fade Into You
Song as Damon talks about his time with Bonnie with Elena.
Kai cooks Bonnie a Thanksgiving dinner.
Tyler is preparing food as Liv arrives.
Caroline helps Elena with her speech.
Second song during Kai's thanksgiving dinner.
S6:EP9 I Alone
Song in the taxi as Kai drives to Mystic Falls.
Back in 94, Elena and Damon are making pancakes together.
Alaric confronts Damon over compelling him before they get into a fight.
Song during Rick and Jo's date night.
Enzo and Matt discuss Stefan & Sarah as they leave the eatery.
Song at the bar as Kai orders a soda water from Liz.
Song at the bar as it starts to die down.
S6:EP10 Christmas Through Your Eyes
Flashback to Bonnie throwing a snowball at Elena at a tree decorating gathering; Bonnie remembers Christmas with her friends as she drags a tree across a parking lot.
Jo calls Alaric to say she'll be missing dinner.
Damon wakes up to find Elena watching him, then she tells him she hasn't been able to find anything on the Ascendant.
Bonnie decorates her tree; flashback to freshman year of high school; Caroline complains to her mom about her dad's absence; Elena invites Bonnie to spend Christmas with her family.
Enzo wakes up as Matt drives him to Mystic Falls.
Winter Song (Originally Performed by Sara Bareilles & Ingrid Michaelson) [Lullaby Version]
Sara Bareilles & Ingrid Michaelson
Damon informs Elena that Kai took down the magic barrier; Stefan tells Caroline that her mom doesn't have any medical options; Bonnie sets her tree on fire; Stefan surprises Damon with his car being restored.
Bonnie turns on the lights on her tree; flashback to Sheriff Forbes talking at the tree decorating festival; the girls enjoy their time together.
S6:EP11 Woke Up With a Monster
Stefan wakes up to Jeremy making coffee.
Song at the photograph gallery.
Continues at the art exhibit.
Caroline and Stefan watch Colin as he eats.
Caroline thanks Stefan for his support. Continues as Caroline convinces her mother to let her cure her.
S6:EP12 Prayer for the Dying
Elena gathers her things for her shift.
Liv & Luke try to convince their father to let Kai & Jo merge.
Joshua contemplates the celestial alignment, then tells Luke & Liv how proud he is of them.
Liz and Damon kiss when she wakes up.
Caroline eavesdrops as Liz asks Stefan to support Caroline after she's gone; Jo tells Damon that Luke did the merge with Kai and that everything is his fault for letting Kai out.
S6:EP13 The Day I Tried to Live
Final song over the montage.
Bonnie starts to cry as she drinks.
It's Bonnie's birthday and she makes herself breakfast.
S6:EP14 Stay
Elena & Damon talk to Jeremy's principal about his application to art school, then Damon compels him; Matt, Alaric & Jeremy drink as Enzo calls.
Sarah shows Matt the pictures she took of the Grill, then they are interrupted by a call from Enzo.
Stefan helps Caroline clean up the cabin, then offers to unpack the books after Caroline freaks out.
Stefan tells Caroline that the moments that made up her mom's life are more important than how it ends, then informs her that he's not helping her because Liz asked him to; they kiss.
Liz tells Damon how extraordinary she thinks Caroline is, then thanks him for being there for her and asks him to write her eulogy; Caroline arrives at the hospital.
Jeremy gets on a bus to Santa Fe as Alaric looks on; Stefan talks Caroline through going into Liz's memories; flashback to Liz teaching a young Caroline to ride a bike; everyone gathers by Liz's bedside as she dies.
S6:EP15 Let Her Go
Caroline sings this song at her mothers funeral.
Alaric proposes to Jo.
Liz's funeral.
Damon is reunited with Bonnie; Stefan goes to check on Caroline and find Elena with a broken neck; Bonnie shows Damon a video of his mother.
Caroline greets people at her mom's wake; Matt tells Tyler about an officer training program; Caroline tells Elena she wants to be alone.
Stefan tells Damon he does feel something for Caroline; Caroline goes home to an empty house, then Elena arrives to check on her.
S6:EP16 The Downward Spiral
Stephan fills Elena in on what he found out about Liam, then convinces her letting Caroline have her way is not a good idea.
Caroline finds Liam at the rave and asks him about his surgery skills.
Bonnie gets a call from Damon, then asks him how he adjusted when he returned; Damon attempts to ask Bonnie to meet with Kai.
Sarah tries blackmailing Enzo into telling her about himself; continues as Sarah fails to react when Enzo reveals he's a vampire; Caroline invites Enzo to a party.
Caroline convinces a bartender to give her another drink, then flirts with Liam.
Caroline calls Stefan and informs him that Enzo knows about Sarah and warns him that she has plans for Sarah.
Elena & Bonnie arrive at the rave, then split up to look for Caroline.
A guy asks Bonnie to dance, then she burns his hands when he gets too intimate.
Enzo catches Sarah taking his picture, then invites her to join him for a drink.
Elena calls Stefan and discovers he shut off his humanity.
Caroline complains to Stefan about how he & her friends don't think she can keep from killing anyone; Stefan confesses that he likes her.
S6:EP17 A Bird in a Gilded Cage
Caroline cleans up the Scull Bar after as Enzo arrives, then tells him about what she did to Sarah.
Bonnie asks Kai about getting the 1903 ascendant.
Caroline tries out for the school musical 'The Last Five Years'.
A student catches Caroline dragging Stefan out of a building; Stefan impales the student with a stake.
Lily introduces Damon & Elena to the people who were imprisoned with her.
Elena & Damon kiss; Caroline & Stefan talk in bed; Damon & Elena's make-out session is interrupted by Bonnie's arrival.
S6:EP18 I Never Could Love Like That
Sarah asks Enzo who's house he's taken her to.
A bar patron complains about Caroline's karaoke performance; Matt & Tyler arrive as Stefan lets the complaining patron leave.
While driving, Damon asks Lily to text Elena to let her know they're coming.
Enzo awakens to find that Sarah tied him up, then she states that she never should have trusted him.
Enzo tells Sarah her interests were affected by the way she was born.
Flashback to Lily humming to Enzo while wiping his brow.
Elena tells Damon she wants to throw Jo a baby shower, then expresses regret over never being able to have a baby herself.
S6:EP19 Because
Stefan suggests to Caroline that they get something to eat; flashbacks to Stefan, Damon & Elena discussing the plan to get Caroline to turn her humanity back on.
Matt calls Bonnie to tell her that Lily has arrived at the Grill; Matt warns Enzo not to make any trouble.
Matt checks his bandage and changes clothes, then calls Bonnie to warn her that Lily & Enzo left the Grill.
Alaric & Jo try to convince Stefan to check on Caroline; Caroline tells Stefan she can't deal with their relationship right now.
Lily breaks down in Enzo's arms; Damon tells Elena he'll take the vampirism cure with her.
S6:EP20 I'd Leave My Happy Home For You
Elena & Bonnie surprise Jo with a stripper at work.
Alaric questions Damon about his offer to take the vampirism cure; Tyler arrives lat for the bachelor party; Enzo grabs a shot; Stefan leaves Caroline a message.
Jo, Elena & Bonnie chat over milkshakes and fried food; Bonnie interrogates Elena about the vampirism cure.
Stefan confronts Lily about lapse in control.
Tyler offers to drive home a drunk Matt, then Matt responds with criticizing Tyler's work in the deputy training program.
Stefan calls Damon to talk about their mother; Enzo confronts Damon over his plan to take the cure.
Jo asks Elena about Damon's 'proposal', then Bonnie says Elena should take it.
Stefan comments on Lily's grieving.
Jo rushes over to help Bonnie; Damon & Elena discuss their favorite aspects of being a vampire, then he shows her an illusion of her old house; Elena accepts Damon's proposal.
Kai calls the vampires in for dinner.
S6:EP21 I'll Wed You In The Golden Summertime
Bonnie & Elena try to get Jo to relax while they deal with last minute wedding preparations.
Damon asks Stefan where he's taking him.
Stefan shows Damon what his human life would look like is he & Elena break up; Stefan tells Damon that he has to want to be human for himself.
Caroline & Stefan talk about their relationship and giving up control.
Damon informs Elena that he's decided to take the cure and will always love her.
Jo's father walks her down the aisle.
S6:EP22 I'm Thinking of You All the While
Elena finds Damon lying in the middle of a road, then he asks her to dance.
Stefan tells Caroline that he needed Damon more than he needed Elena; Caroline tells Stefan she can't deal with their relationship right now.
Elena asks Bonnie & Caroline to write down everything that happens to them in the future, so she can read about it when she wakes up; Elena requests that Bonnie make the feathers float for her.
Elena makes Damon promise to live his life and not close down.
Damon & Elena dance; Stefan tells Caroline he loves her and will wait until she's ready; Elena & Damon kiss goodbye. And they do a beautiful dance also.