The Vampire Diaries Soundtrack
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Season 4
Episode 2 • Memorial
Fear and Loathing
Marina and The Diamonds
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Damon feeds Elena his blood to help her. Blood sharing is very intimate and emotional. He asks her not to tell Stefan.
Youth Knows No Pain
Lykke Li
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Jeremy sees tattoos all over the new vampire hunter not visible to anyone else, not even Matt.
Ungodly Hour
The Fray
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The group gather to release lanterns for those they have lost. Each mention those they love. Elena mentions her loses and mourns her own death. Damon refuses to mourn this way. He goes to the cemetery to drink and talk to Alaric...
Kopecky Family Band
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Stefan and Elena celebrate her first successful animal catch and feed. Stefan focuses on life, positivity and the future.
How Can I Keep From Singing
St. Phillips Boy's Choir
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At the memorial service for the decreased town council. A new vampire hunter sets a trap. Elena secretly feeds on Matt her first live human.
Woe Is Me. . . I Am Ruined
The Lonely Forest
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Deborah (GUEST)
5 months ago
I want the song where elena and april were talking
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4 years ago
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