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Season 2
Episode 3 • Coronation
Our Summer
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Kenna complains to Bash about their lack of holdings, then they talk of how important it is the Francis is claiming Lola's baby; Mary & Greer interrupt Conde's conversation with a courtesan.
The Fete (version with English & Celtic sections)
Chris Garrick / Cavendish Music
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Lola & Kenna chat with some of the other ladies.
Wraggle Taggle Gypsies
Dominic Ashworth
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Lola questions Francis's dismissal of Caroline; Narcisse gives Francis & Mary another excuse for the lack of grain.
Travelling Man (b)
Jaye, Howard, Taylor & Wilde
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Bash reports his findings to Francis; Schuler approaches Mary about getting some prisoners released in exchange for grain.
Hills to Climb
Tim Myers
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Francis & Mary are crowned King & Queen of France.
Any Door
Oak & Gorski
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Lady Barnard joins Kenna and suggests she should be getting lots of gifts due to Bash's position; as
Trotto (a) OL
Sonoton Music
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Kenna & Bash dance as a woman approaches them and accuses Lord Barnard of killing her husband; Narcisse joins Catherine on the balcony to discuss the grain deal.
C'mon, there's no such thing as a stupid question. Get the ball rolling and be the first.
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