This is Us Season 1 Soundtrack
This is Us Season 1 Soundtrack
Featured artists
S1:EP1 Pilot
Opening scene; Jack and Rebecca talk, Kate weighs on the scale, Kevin wakes up with a couple prostitutes, and Randall works.
Opening Theme.
Kate reminds Kevin what their father would say to them while they were down, and Jack looks at the babies, the fireman tells him that a baby was left at the station.
S1:EP2 The Big Three
S1:EP3 Kyle
The story of William: how he met Randall's mother, got into drugs, and eventually left Randall on the porch of a fire station.
Kate sings this.
S1:EP4 The Pool
Last song as Kevin sits at the bar talking with the actress.
First song heard at the pool.
Song when Kevin rocks up at Randall's while the family sits by the pool.
S1:EP5 The Game Plan
Becca is singing during the Super Bowl pregame party at Froggys.
S1:EP6 Career Days
Music as Jack informs his family he is thinking of taking piano lessons.
S1:EP7 The Best Washing Machine in the Whole World
Rebecca's audition with the musical group
Song during the football game.
Finally song as we the family throughout the years with the washing machine.
S1:EP8 The Trip
S1:EP9 Pilgrim Rick
When Randall prepares the Thanksgiving food
S1:EP10 Last Christmas
This song plays in the car after Rebecca suggests turning on the radio to hear some christmas music.
Music at the christmas eve party when they arrive at Randall's and Beth's house.
They open presents together at the end of the episode.
S1:EP11 The Right Thing to Do
Jack and Rebecca apartment shop and learn they are having triplets
S1:EP12 The Big Day
S1:EP13 Three Sentences
S1:EP14 I Call Marriage
Jack & Becca get married
S1:EP15 Jack Pearson's Son
Singing in the bar
S1:EP16 Memphis
S1:EP17 What Now?
Very end when Jack is driving drunk to Rebecca's gig.
S1:EP18 Moonshadow
Music from the Season Finale trailer/commercial.
Getting ready for blind date
Jack sees Rebecca singing this song.
Siddhartha Khosla