#1The Electric State
2025 10 Songs
Betty dreams of having her braces removed.
Walking through metal detectors.
Betty arrives at Meade.
Betty leaves work & says goodnight to Daniel.
The 'new' Betty.
Betty is snubbed by Matt & Mark; Justin is lauged at by his school mates.
Betty hands out muffins at the office.
Betty rushes to the photo shoot.
Montage of Betty on the phone trying to direct the photo shoot meeting while keeping Daniel company.
Betty sees Matt having her bean bag replaced with a chair in the conference room.
Betty shows Marc the by-line on the worst jobs article.
Applicants for Daniel's assistant; Betty tells Daniel about her preferred choice of assistant.
Betty meets Daniel new assistant, Lexy.
Montage of Betty getting assignments.
Justin helps Ignacio with his email; Betty's family suggest she ask for help with her work.
Worst jobs montage.
Archie shows Hilda the broadcast of the comment he made to the press.
Matt watches Betty dance.
Betty shows Natalie how to be Daniel's assistant.
Dancing; Matt compliments Betty on her dress.
Hilda & Betty run into Bobby Talercio.
Betty fantasizes about asking Bobby on a date.
Bobby tells Betty not to let other people 'put her in a box'; Betty gets 'brain freeze'.
Betty shows Hilda & Ignacio her (temporary) tattoo.
Booby teaches Betty to drive stick shift.
Betty drives up the Suarez house.
Justin & Marc demonstrate the cheerleader routine for Hilda & Ignacio.
No songs available for this episode.
The first photoshoot.
Couples & beds montage.
Betty talks about Miss Kellerman & the swimsuit.
Photoshoot with Shakira.
Wilhemina reunites with Connor.
Marc asks Daniel how it went with Susannah; Amanda & Daniel talk.
Betty keeps an eye on the models; Matt & Betty kiss.
Claire chats with Tyler.
Bobby drops by with a new baby Jesus.
Wilhemina sees Connor for a conjugal visit.
Betty & Hilda complain about the smell of Ignacio's cooking.
Tyler finds the money & envelope that Claire left behind.
Betty thanks Matt for what he said about a baby.
Dinner at the Suarez house.
Claire says goodbye to Tyler.
Claire goes to South Dakota to find her son.
Betty & Matt montage.
The gallery owner talks to Matt & Betty about the paintings.
Matt surprises Betty by showing up at the photo shoot.
Photoshoot for Betty's blog.
Betty tells Hilda about Matt's plans while trying out the new hair product Wilhemina gave her.
Bobby arrives at Hilda's salon to take her out for the day.
Betty runs into Daniel while trying out the stilletos.
Wilhemina tucks away Connor's letter; Connor talks with the prison guard; Hilda tells Bobby she knows he'll be there for her; Betty & Matt say goodbye.
Betty does karaoke.
Betty runs back and forth between Mark & her party.
Mark & Betty sit down to watch tv.
Wilhemina runs into Marc & Claire at the Wilhel Diva Hater show.
Wilhemina ends the show with another song.
Montage of Betty & Amanda getting ready for work.
Daniel tells Claire he won't be modeling.
Daniel practices his runway walk.
Montage of Marisa's fashion show.
Betty, Hilda & Justin attend a fashion show.
Claire spots Tyler at the fashion show; Bobby comments on the fire to Hilda; Ignacio surveys the damage; Justin throws out his cigarettes; Marisa thanks Betty for getting her in the show.
Helen tells Marc, Amanda & Betty that she's getting married; Betty suggests Amanda be a stylist; Marc apologizes to Betty.
Wilhemina reveals her true self to Donald.
Hilda asks Bobby if he had her house burned down.
Betty & Jimmy dine with Wilhemina & Donald.
Tyler walks past Daniel & Amanda at Mode.
Bobby proposes to Hilda; Hilda tells her family the news.
Betty accidentally plays a video of Justin dancing while doing a presentation at Mode.
Zac & Betty in the elevator.
Betty daydreams about Zac giving her a shoulder massage.
Betty phones Zachary's orthodontist for an appointment.
Justin & Austin kiss.
Betty interviews Zachary Boule.
New photo day montage.
Allison & Betty wander through the Guggenheim on their way to see Eve.
Dr. Frankel keeps chatting while Betty waits for her braces to be removed.
Betty goes to the Guggenheim and tries to convince Eve to give them time for their photo shoot.
'Pretty Teeth Betty' enters Mode and runs into Claire.
Million Dollar Bra photo shoot; Daniel asks Betty how it feels without her braces.
Betty wakes up on the day she plans to get her braces removed.
Betty's family surprises her with a feast of braces-unfriendly food; Austin show up at the Suarez house to talk with Justin.
Montage of Cristina, Hilda & Amanda touring London, while Betty attends fashion shows.
Ignacio & Hilda set up for a surprise coming out party for Justin.
Henry brings his son, Nate, to lunch with Betty.
Hilda teases Justin about Austin; Betty & Daniel continue dancing.
Hilda & Bobby get married.
Claire confronts Wilhemina at her fashion shoot.
Mark stops Ignacio from welcoming Austin to the family; Mark encourages Justin to come out when he's ready; Amanda introduces Mark to Spencer.
Hilda & Bobby dance; Betty & Justin talk about the future & taking a chance; Daniel asks Betty to dance; Justin & Austin dance together.
Betty, Marc & Amanda dance together; Daniel tells Claire her needs to let Betty go.
Spencer confirms that he's Amanda's father; Betty & Marc dance.
Betty says goodbye to her family.
News of Betty's London job spreads.
Justin encourages Marc to dance with Troy.
Betty in London montage.
Daniel asks Betty to dinner.
#1The Electric State
2025 10 Songs
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