Ugly Betty Season 3 Soundtrack
Ugly Betty Season 3 Soundtrack
Featured artists
S3:EP1 The Manhattan Project
Betty's travel montage.
Betty enters Daniel's new office.
Player photo shoot.
Betty meets her new neighbor, Jesse.
Betty dances around her apartment.
S3:EP2 Filing For The Enemy
'America's Hottest Lawyers' photo shoot.
Mode launch party.
Christina leaves Mode & is attacked.
S3:EP3 Crimes Of Fashion
Alexis confesses; end montage.
S3:EP5 Granny Pants
Training Kimmie.
S3:EP6 Ugly Berry
Wilhemina & Daniel arrive at the shoot.
Betty shows Jesse her business card.
Adrianna's photoshoot.
S3:EP7 Crush'd
Amanda moves into Betty's apartment.
Dark Sexual Journey performs at the party.
Wilhemina's day dream.
Getting on 'The List' montage.
Jesse dedicates a song to Betty.
The Mode after party starts.
Wilhemina & Betty share a beer.
Hilda tells Betty to ask out Jesse; Connor confronts Wilhemina & Daniel.
S3:EP8 Tornado Girl
Betty & Amanda walk to work.
Connor cancels dinner with Molly to work with Wilhemina; montage.
S3:EP9 When Betty Met YETI
Connor & Wilhemina talk over dinner.
Marc & his entourage arrive.
Marc & Betty discuss their YETI schedule.
S3:EP10 Bad Amanda
Betty & Amanda are left with the bill.
Art gallery.
Betty gives Amanda a new wallet.
S3:EP11 Dress For Success
Connor & Molly arrive at Wilhemina's party.
Marc give Betty tips on networking.
The Betty-nator.
Molly tells Daniel she broke up with Connnor; Connor & Wilhemina kiss; Betty arrives at the hospital.
Molly interrupts Wilhemina & Connor's conversation at the party.
S3:EP12 Sisters On The Verge Of A Nervous Breakdown
Amanda raids the clothes closet.
Betty tells Amanda she's moving back home.
Betty, Hilda & Justin stand by Ignacio's hospital bed; couples montage; Ignacio returns home.
S3:EP13 Kissed Off
Amanda & Betty interview prospective tennants.
Betty moves back home.
Performed as Betty tracks Jesse down at a cafe.
S3:EP14 The Courtship Of Betty's Father
Molly & Daniel run into Wilhemina & Connor while ice skating.
Betty & Hilda try to talk to Ignacio & Elena about Ignacio's behavior.
Elena prepares pomegrante juice for Ignacio.
Claire & Daniel watch an old home video over dinner; the Suarez family has dinner with Elena.
S3:EP15 There's No Place Like Mode
Molly's makeover.
Suzuki tries to interview Molly.
Heinrich's show starts; Hilda & Elena set some rules.
S3:EP16 Things Fall Apart
Claire consoles Daniel; Wilhemina rocks baby William; Betty accepts Henry's Facebook friend invitation then meets up with Matt.
S3:EP17 Sugar Daddy
Betty tells Daniel to go see Molly; Amanda phones her mom; Matt & Betty kiss; montage.
S3:EP18 A Mother Of A Problem
No songs available for this episode.
S3:EP19 The Sex Issue
Betty's sexification.
Hilda & Archie run into his ex at dinner.
Seductive Betty.
Wilhemina works on seducing James.
S3:EP20 Rabbit Test
Daniel & Wilhemina take public transport as Matt drops Betty off at work in a limo.
The employees return to Mode; Cristina watches Wilhemina with her new nanny.
S3:EP21 The Born Identity
Betty tries to cheer up Christina as they play darts with Stuart.
Christina & Stuart are reunited with their son.
S3:EP22 In The Stars
Claire tells Wilhemina she was named senior VP at Mode.
Daniel & Molly get married.
Performed as Daniel & Molly dance; montage.
Ignacio gives Elena a plane ticket to California.
Betty runs into Matt's mother at the planetarium.
S3:EP23 Curveball
YETI interview montage.
Daniel shows Molly the new wedding issue cover; Betty tells Henry she's moving in with Matt; Matt sees Betty & Henry kiss.
Victoria Hartlely & Wilhemina sing together.
S3:EP24 The Fall Issue
Betty console Daniel; Claire burns an adoption certificate; montage.
Betty & Marc mope over drinks.
The MAMA awards.
Molly surprises Daniel with lunch.