Ugly Betty Season 2 Soundtrack
Ugly Betty Season 2 Soundtrack
Featured artists
S2:EP1 How Betty Got Her Grieve Back
Betty comforts Hilda; Henry arrives back in New York.
Preparation for the disaster photo shoot.
Betty buries Henry's mementos.
S2:EP2 Family / Affair
Justin hums while walking to the store.
S2:EP3 Betty's Wait Problem
Betty & Gio drive to New Jersey.
S2:EP4 Grin And Bear It
Flashback as Wilhelmina tells Amanda about her father based on something seen at Studio 54.
Henry tells Betty that the baby is his.
Daniel's thumbs-up-and-smile pose.
S2:EP5 A League Of Their Own
Betty's internet date leaves her at the bowling alley.
Betty & Henry kiss.
The bowling alley.
Photo shoot.
S2:EP6 Something Wicked This Way Comes
No songs available for this episode.
S2:EP7 A Nice Day For A Posh Wedding
Amanda & Marc discuss Cliff's debut.
Daniel tries to resuscitate his father.
Amanda sings to distract the wedding audience.
Wilhelmina walks down the aisle.
Cliff arrives at the reception.
S2:EP8 I See Me, I.C.U.
L'Amanda listens to music.
Betty tries to call L'Amanda for help.
News coverage on Claire Meade's arrest; end montage.
S2:EP9 Giving Up The Ghost
Montage of magazine work.
S2:EP10 Bananas For Betty
Wilhelmina comforts the sick.
Henry sings to Betty while bringing in the ice cream.
Henry dancing in slow motion.
Betty & Henry make plans; Hilda tells Gio he's with the wrong Suarez sister.
S2:EP11 Zero Worship
Bow Wow sings to Betty while they are stuck in the elevator.
Betty thanks Daniel.
Mode's alternative fashion show.
S2:EP12 Odor In The Court
Hyper-Betty gets ready for work.
S2:EP13 A Thousand Words By Friday
Amanda performs with IRS.
Marc reassures Amanda.
Betty tallies the phones numbers Henry & Gio obtained.
Betty & Henry sing with IRS.
IRS performs as Daniel agrees to let Betty write for the magazine.
Gio & Betty see Henry 'nova' a blonde.
IRS performs as Daniel arrives at The Beer Hole.
Henry vs Gio collecting women's phone numbers.
S2:EP14 Twenty-Four Candles
Betty & Gio watch the fireworks.
Henry wishes Betty 'Happy Birthday'.
S2:EP15 Burning Questions
Christian Siriano arrives at Mode.
Hilda discovers Gina has been lying.
Hilda gives Gina a manicure.
Betty & Henry kiss as Daniel looks on.
S2:EP16 Betty's Baby Bump
The Suarez family watches Henry & Charlie with their son.
Charlie interrupts Henry & Betty's date.
S2:EP17 The Kids Are Alright
Amanda shows Mark the theme for her & her dad's reality show.
Gio tells Betty that he wants to be 'her guy'.
Betty asks Gio for help.
Betty & Gio dance.
Betty & Justin arrive at the school dance.
Betty emerges from two weeks of moping.
Gio tells Betty to stop worrying about how she's supposed to be and 'just be'.
Hilda phones Justin again; Justin asks Coach Diaz if he likes Hilda.
S2:EP18 Jump
Naomi Campbell up at bat.
The baseball game starts.
Hilda & Coach Diaz have lunch.
Batting practice; Gio asks Betty to accompany him to Rome.