Supernatural Season 5 Soundtrack
Supernatural Season 5 Soundtrack
Featured artists
S5:EP1 Sympathy For The Devil
Season 4 recap at beginning of episode.
S5:EP2 Good God Y'all
Sam and Dean walk the abandoned streets of River Pass, Colorado.
Beginning montage.
S5:EP3 Free To Be You And Me
The hunters leave; Sam talks with the waitress.
Montage of Sam and Dean at the beginning of the episode.
Sam meets a group of hunters at the bar.
S5:EP4 The End
The army shoots up the Croatoans.
S5:EP5 Fallen Idol
Sam takes the keys to drive the car and continues through the "SOON" montage at the end of the episode.
S5:EP6 I Believe The Children Are Our Future
No songs available for this episode.
S5:EP7 The Curious Case Of Dean Winchester
Plays in bar when Dean interrupts the witch, Patrick.
Plays in bar when Dean bribes the bartender.
S5:EP8 Changing Channels
Dean drives "the car" and talks to Sam.
Dr. Sam gets the "you're a great doctor" speech; Dean gets shot; Sam performing surgery.
During Dean's surgery.
Dean and Sam enter the hospital.
Dean watches Dr. Sexy on TV.
CSI portion.
S5:EP9 The Real Ghostbusters
Chuck buys Becky a drink and then talks to Sam and Dean.
Sam and Dean walk into the Supernatural Convention.
The Fake Mrs. Gore's ringtone.
The "real" Sam and Dean buy the "fake" Sam and Dean a drink at the bar.
S5:EP10 Abandon All Hope
Everyone celebrates their last night on Earth.
Crowley listens to this song; also plays briefly when Sam and Dean break in to talk to Crowley.
S5:EP11 Sam, Interrupted
No songs available for this episode.
S5:EP12 Swap Meat
Gary/Sam orders a banana daiquiri at a bar and meets Crystal; repeats as Gary/Sam leaves with Crystal.
Dean & Gary/Sam go order burgers at a bar.
Gary/Sam tells Dean to turn up the radio in the Impala; repeats as Sam tells Dean to turn down the radio.
S5:EP13 The Song Remains The Same
Dean's dream.
Anna jumps back to 1978.
S5:EP14 My Bloody Valentine
No songs available for this episode.
S5:EP15 Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid
Digger tells Dean & Sam about the zombie killing Benny Thompson.
Sam & Dean discuss what to do about Bobby's wife.
S5:EP16 Dark Side Of The Moon
Sam & Dean talk to Ash in the Road House.
Dean wakes up in the Impala after being shot; also plays while Dean and a younger Sam are shooting off fireworks in the field.
S5:EP17 99 Problems
Sam gets a beer and sits down to talk to Dean.
S5:EP18 Point Of No Return
Zachariah is having a drink at the bar.<h3><a type="amzn">When The Saints Go Marching In</a></h3> Zachariah sings this as he leaves the bar after the men have been killed.
S5:EP19 Hammer Of The Gods
Dean & Sam check out the buffet.
Sam & Dean arrive at the Elysian Fields Hotel; repeats as the guys find the Astro Lounge & realize their coming to the hotel was a trap.
S5:EP20 The Devil You Know
No songs available for this episode.
S5:EP21 Two Minutes To Midnight
S5:EP22 Swan Song
Dean drives in to Stull Cemetery.